
Identify client strengths, and explain how you would utilize strengths throughout treatment.

Use a differential diagnosis process and analysis of the Mental Status Exam in the case provided by your instructor to determine if the case meets the criteria for a clinical diagnosis.

Assignment: Submit a 4- to 5-page paper in which you:

Provide the full DSM-5 diagnosis. Remember, a full diagnosis should include the name of the disorder, ICD-10-CM code, specifiers, severity, and the Z codes (other conditions that may need clinical attention).

Explain the full diagnosis, matching the symptoms of the case to the criteria for any diagnoses used.

Identify 2–3 of the close differentials that you considered for the case and have ruled out. Concisely explain why these conditions were considered but eliminated.

Identify the assessments you recommend to validate treatment.

Explain the rationale behind choosing the assessment instruments to support, clarify, or track treatment progress for the diagnosis.

Explain your recommendations for initial resources and treatment.

Use scholarly resources to support your evidence-based treatment recommendations.

Explain how you took cultural factors and diversity into account when making the assessment and recommending interventions.

Identify client strengths, and explain how you would utilize strengths throughout treatment.

Identify specific knowledge or skills you would need to obtain to effectively treat this client, and provide a plan on how you will do so.

Explain any cultural considerations that you need to take into account when working with this population or the particular presenting problem.

Choose a presenting problem (depression, family conflict, homelessness, etc.) related to the population of interest.

Conduct a literature review focused on the presenting problem within the population of interest.

Submit an 8- to 10-page scholarly paper supported with a minimum of six peer-reviewed articles as references. In the paper, you should:

Briefly describe the population and presenting problem you are focusing on for this assignment.

Provide a review of the articles you reviewed from this project and explain what you learned from conducting this research.

Briefly describe at least 2 evidence-based interventions currently used for your chosen population when addressing this particular problem.

Provide supporting references when explaining the evidence behind the interventions.

Explain which of these interventions you might choose to use and why.

Consider client values and your clinical expertise and how those might affect your decision of which intervention to use.

Describe how you might apply the specific skills and techniques of the chosen intervention.

Briefly explain how you could measure the outcomes of this intervention.

Explain any cultural considerations that you need to take into account when working with this population or the particular presenting problem.

Discuss how the Code of Ethics applies when working with this particular presenting problem and population.

Explain how you would apply a trauma-informed lens when working with this population.

Explain how information technology (IT) contributes to high performance teams and learning organizations.

Organizational Structure

Using the criminal justice organization you work for, or one with which you are familiar.

Identify the organizational design and competencies of the organization.

How behavior is affected by various organization design structures.

Explain how information technology (IT) contributes to high performance teams and learning organizations.

Describe how you might leverage the strategic capability of IT and the organizational structure to create and maintain high performance teams and a learning organization.

Describe the interventions discussed in the articles and explain how they addressed the psychosocial issues and needs of the individuals affected by the trauma.

Evidence-Based Interventions Used in Trauma

To prepare: Read the DSM-5 section on trauma and stressor-related disorders and review the Learning Resources on PTSD, disaster response, and trauma.

Then search the literature for studies related to an evidence-based intervention used to treat those suffering from trauma and stressor-related issues. Specifically, locate the following:

One study on treating symptoms resulting from a national traumatic event (e.g., natural disaster, mass shooting)

One study on treating symptoms resulting from an interpersonal trauma (e.g., rape, childhood sexual molestation, domestic violence)

Assignment: Post the APA references for the two studies you located.

Provide a brief description of the traumatic events, including a summary of how they affected the individuals involved.

Describe the interventions discussed in the articles and explain how they addressed the psychosocial issues and needs of the individuals affected by the trauma.

Explain the effectiveness of the interventions, as stated in the articles.

Analyze and discuss the similarities and differences in the individuals’ needs depending on whether the issues occurred due to a national traumatic event or an interpersonal trauma.

Examine relationship between neoliberalism and the politics of cultural diversity in the US


Diversity, Multiculturalism and the Contemporary World Lecture Objectives

Define/introduce key concepts:multiculturalism globalization, neoliberalism,
diaspora ….
Critically examine patterns in identity politics over time

Explain how the contemporary (neo)liberal policies affect diverse segments of the US society
Examine relationship between neoliberalism and the politics of cultural diversity in the US

Explain what is prompting this project and the need for action. Summarize why this is considered a project and not a task.

In Unit I, you learned about the relationship between project management and accomplishing organizational strategic objectives. One way for the company to showcase this relationship is by creating a strategy map.

A strategy map is a visual representation that showcases the company’s strategy on a single page. It is also used to communicate how the project aligns to the big-picture strategic objectives of the company.

Throughout this course, you will be basing your assignments on a hypothetical project for a local nonprofit animal rescue, Lucky Me Animal Rescue. The animal rescue organization has asked you to be the project manager for their annual outdoor adoption event.

In this assignment, you must begin by establishing a strategy map for the project. The strategy map must include the elements listed below.

Business need: Explain what is prompting this project and the need for action. Summarize why this is considered a project and not a task.

Analysis of the situation: Identify the organization’s strategies, goals, and objectives.

Recommendations: Explain why the project should be undertaken and how it will meet organizational goals.

Evaluation: Describe the plan for measuring the benefits the project will deliver.

Discuss the five phases of project management.

Explain what tasks or processes would be completed in each phase. Include identification of those responsible for task or process completion.


What is the author’s purpose for writing the essay? Who is the author’s target audience?

Analysis Essay Assignment

Source: One essay from the list above. No other sources may be used – this is a limited analysis. Papers that use other sources will receive a zero. Both in-text citations and a works cited page will be needed.

The works cited page will only list the literary work that you analyzed in your essay.  use the current 8th edition MLA format when documenting your source.

For this essay, you will analyze the author’s use of rhetoric (rhetorical elements) What is the author’s purpose for writing the essay? Who is the author’s target audience?

Does the author effectively reach that audience? What tone does the author use and is it effective? What appeals – logical, ethical, emotional – does the author use? In your analysis, you will need to examine how the author achieves his purpose with the target audience.


Critically analyze the digital footprint of an FTSE 100 organization of your choice.

Digital footprint analysis of an organization

In this assignment, you are expected to produce 2000 words report where you will explore the concept of digital footprint, analyze what a bad digital footprint looks like

Assess why digital footprints can be dangerous for individuals or an organization, what could be done to build a good digital footprint or erase a bad one?  Critically analyze the digital footprint of an FTSE 100 organization of your choice.



Describe the type of activity will you use with your audience to exhibit active listening?

4.2 Communicate therapeutically with patients.

How will you begin your presentation and capture the interest of your audience?

Describe the type of activity will you use with your audience to exhibit active listening?

Describe how you applied active listening in tailoring your presentation to your audience?

How will you conclude your presentation? What nonverbal communication techniques will you employ?

Explain the relationship between project planning and the controlling of budgets and time schedules in project management.

Discuss the different knowledge and skills required to manage projects, using appropriate reference to support your discussion. Consider the various skills discussed in the first 2 weeks of the module to develop a table of required knowledge and skills.

[NB] The reading list has several additional sources of information that you can incorporate into your knowledge and skills discussion.

Reflection of your knowledge, skills and competencies at the beginning of the module (complete within the first 3 weeks of the module) and at the end of the module

At the beginning: Critically analyze your current abilities (at the beginning of the module) , in relation to the knowledge and skills identified in the part 1a. Underpin the analysis with reflection(s) on previous project experience.

At the end of the module: Conclude this part reflecting on what you have learnt in terms of knowledge and skills.

[Optional] You may consider providing a visual representation of your analysis. For example, by providing a scorecard/bar chart outlining your evaluation of your ability at the beginning and end of the module.

New Project Management Processes at Neo Hano

In the role of Senior Project Lead, you are required to develop a report (including academic references), structured along the following lines:

Critically evaluate how a new project planning approach can lead to improved project management processes for Neo Hano (including academic references). For NeoHano , the stated objectives of your report are to suggest specific project planning techniques for improved project performance in terms of ;

Explain the need for stakeholder management with references).

Examine the significance of risk management for projects of this kind (with references). Develop a risk management approach.

Explain how the different approaches to costing can benefit cost planning in a project;

Explain the relationship between project planning and the controlling of budgets and time schedules in project management.

Project Planning Gantt Chart Report: New Project Management Process (10%)

200 words of added explanation [LO1; LO3]

Given the importance of your report, develop a one-page project plan in Gantt chart format. The chart should clearly indicate the start date, the critical tasks, milestones and the planned end date. Include the Gantt chart in the content of your report. (see “The implementation of the New Project Planning Approach – Timescale and Activities and Staffing” in the NeoHano case study for task information, resources and timings).

Assuming that the project will run perfectly to the schedule outlined by you in Part 2b with all contract personnel working as defined on the tasks indicated, generate an overall budget planning for your report, (see “The implementation of the New Project Planning Approach – Costings” in the NeoHano case study). Show all calculations and totals via suitable report formats.