
Describe the state of the U.S. Economy for the years between 2012 and now in terms of macroeconomic measures discussed in the course (GDP, unemployment, and inflation rates).

Part I: Description of the State of the U.S. Economy
1. Describe the state of the U.S. Economy for the years between 2012 and now in terms of macroeconomic measures discussed in the course (GDP, unemployment, and inflation rates).

Select ONE of these macroeconomic measures to write about. Use data from the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER),, and other government agencies and departments, such as Department of Labor (Bureau of Labor Statistics), Department of Commerce (Bureau of Economic Analysis), etc.

2. As you will notice from your data analysis, the economy passes through different phases and turns.

Discuss the implications of a given state (for example, recession) in terms households, businesses, and the entire society. Share your thoughts as to why it is important for you to understand the different states through which the economy passes.

Share personal examples and experiences. While Covid-19 has been a major disrupt-or of the economy, it should not form the major basis for your paper, so many other things have taken place since 2012.

Part II: Analysis of Economic Policies
1. In your analysis of the macroeconomic data, you will notice that the U.S. economy passed through a major recession. Based on research, discuss the underlying causes of the recession.

Identify monetary and fiscal policies implemented by the Federal Reserve and the government to deal with the recession.

2. Evaluate the expected and actual effects of each policy. Your response needs to include the name of the policy, description of the policy, the year it is implemented, and discussion of expected and actual outcomes in terms of the GDP, unemployment, and inflation rates.

3. After close observation of the different perspectives discussed in the course, share your position on the effectiveness of fiscal and monetary policies to deal with recession or inflation.

4. As part of the economy, each of us will be affected by the state of the economy and the actions policy makers take to stabilize or advance it. Conclude by sharing why understanding these actions and outcomes matter to you as an individual who is part of the economic system.

How do they affect the society/economy? What could be done differently? Share personal examples and experiences

Evaluate the two matrices using current actions by each country to see which matrix is most likely correct.

Incorporate the concepts of game theory with international trade and tariffs. Set up two payoff matrices.

Set up the first payoff matrix such that the outcome will be harmful to both countries.

Set up the second payoff matrix such that the outcome will be beneficial to the United States.

Evaluate the two matrices using current actions by each country to see which matrix is most likely correct.

What roles do educational leaders’ social location (race, class, gender, and sexual orientation, etc.) shape their mind about leadership, teaching and learning the students/families/communities they serve on a daily basis.

-Issues of oppression that work to undermine the academic performance of African American students in elementary education.(ideological, institutional, interpersonal, internalized )

-How educational leaders are complicit in upholding inequities.

– What roles do educational leaders’ social location (race, class, gender, and sexual orientation, etc.) shape their mind about leadership, teaching and learning the students/families/communities they serve on a daily basis.

What implications do you foresee for your area and field of practice or for the population?

Population Selection

Assignment Instructions
Choose a cultural group of which you are not a part and that you currently or will likely interact with in your social work practice.
Complete the following:

Identify your population, addressing at least the following:

Describe briefly the group you have chosen.

Identify your current interaction with that group.

Identify your current level of knowledge about the group.

Explain and describe how your interest in this group emerges from your current work.

Analyze differentiation in diversity for the selected population.

Justify your choice of population:

Why did you choose this population?

What implications do you foresee for your area and field of practice or for the population?

What are there benefit to the use of tablets (such as iPads) in class room contexts? If so what are they?

What are there benefit to the use of tablets (such as iPads) in class room contexts? If so what are they? Are there any detriment to the increased used of this technology in schools?

Describe tactics that advanced practice nurses could implement to improve political engagement of their coworkers.

Advanced Practice Nurse Initiative

The Future of Nursing 2020-2030 Report created by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine produced a consensus report via an ad hoc committee that maps a path for the nursing profession to help our nation create a culture of health, reduce health disparities and improve the health and well being of the U.S. population.

Review the link:

and choose a chapter that is relevant to your nursing career. ( An example it that nurse educators might select number 7). In relation to health policy development, identify an advanced practice nurse initiative, policy, law, regulation that is being promoted by a state or federal nursing organization. Research the area of concern and discuss two of the following.

The goals of the goals of the recommended action.

Target possible stakeholders who would benefit from the recommendations and those organizations which may become allies.

Describe tactics that advanced practice nurses could implement to improve political engagement of their coworkers.

Why does this seem like an important scene to you? What called your attention to this particular scene?

at least two (2) themes, questions, or key scenes relating to Woolf’s novel in the space provided below. These can be preliminary ideas–i.e., you don’t need to have an answer to your question or to be able to fully explain your chosen theme–but they should be explained in clear and concise language. You should, however, strive to identify themes that are complex, nuanced, and open-ended.

Identify specific scenes for discussion, try to say a bit about what makes them interesting and what you would like to analyze in them. Why does this seem like an important scene to you? What called your attention to this particular scene?

Why is it good business to behave socially responsible and what do you think companies can do to incorporate the current pandemic into their social responsibility statement?

Description answer each question with a 1 paragraph response.

1- Define Corporate Social Responsibility.

2- Discuss the Economic, Stakeholder, and Integrative models of Corporate Social Responsibility ( CSR).

3- Discuss Kenneth Dayton’s quote in slide 18.

4-Why is it good business to behave socially responsible and what do you think companies can do to incorporate the current pandemic into their social responsibility statement?

What information did you find that the video left out? How did the video enhance your understanding of those aspects?

Watch the entire video on Benito Mussolini (noted in the Required Resources). Identify and describe 3 aspects of the video you found most interesting that align with each of the following:

Foreign policy.

Violent and/or non-violent movements for social, economic, and political change

Governmental authority/loss of personal liberties

Conduct additional research to provide an analysis of those 3 aspects. What information did you find that the video left out? How did the video enhance your understanding of those aspects?

Stevenson, M. (Director), & Cameron, P. (Producer). (2018). Benito Mussolini [Video]. Public Broadcasting Service. Academic Video Online.

Describe, explain, and predict the cause and effect relationships of the situations/ideas you include.

For a health care organization of your choice (real or hypothetical), describe the type of organization, and determine the payer mix of patients served (percentage of Medicare, Medicaid, private insurance, managed care, and private pay).
Take into consideration that reimbursement can be affected by the claims process, out-of-network payments, denials, audits, and legislation.
Assess the differences in health care budgeting as a result of these potential changes in the payer mix and payment methodologies as an outcome of the Affordable Care Act.
Take into consideration that while more patients may have insurance coverage, the out-of-pocket expenses will continue to create a potential uncollectable liability.
Evaluate how you would strategize to keep a balanced budget for all 12 months in a year using a flexible budget rather than a static budget, and provide rationale and justification.
The body of the resultant paper should be 5–7 pages and include at least 5 relevant academic or professional references published in the past 5 years.