
Discuss the feasibility of meeting the reduction/generation in usage outlined in part.

Technology Management
(10 pts. total) A 6-story (10 feet per story) rectangular commercial building with a footprint of 6000 ft2 is being built by a developer on a previously developed 0.8 acre site on Long Island. The project is slated to cost $15 million. 1) Answer the following about the building with regard to LEED scoring in the Energy and Atmosphere category (base the energy usage on the included CBECS data below):

a. Estimate the following values: (2 pts.)
• Total baseline energy usage
• Reduction/generation in usage to earn 4 points:
o under EA Credit: Optimize Energy Performance, Option 1
o using on-site renewable energy generation
o using captured bio-methane from a nearby landfill

b. Based on at least three references (one for each bullet), discuss the feasibility of
meeting the reduction/generation in usage outlined in part.

(a). (2 pts.) c. Determine if a 40-ton HVAC system can earn points under Option 2 of EA Credit:
Enhanced Refrigerant Management if the system uses HFC-410a as a refrigerant.
(Assume 10 years of life, 150 total lb of refrigerant used, and default values for all others.) If not, propose two ways to allow the HVAC system meet the requirement
(may state this last part; no calculations are necessary).

2) Address the ability of the project to earn 3 points under Option 2 of MR Credit: Building Life
Cycle Impact Reduction. Use one reference to address how it can be done for each of the 3 impact areas you select, and what the benefits in terms of the 3 E’s are.

How do you calculate the level of net working capital (NWC)? What is the value of NWC at the end of Year 0, 1, and 6?

Canyon Buff’s

In this case study: (go into debt details with each question)

When calculating incremental unlevered net income, should we include all the expenses mentioned in the case? If not, what expenses should we exclude and why.

Is there a big jump of unlevered net income from Year 5 to Year 6? Why?

How do you calculate the level of net working capital (NWC)? What is the value of NWC at the end of Year 0, 1, and 6?

What does it mean to you? What kinds of issues to protest artists address?

Read the document and answer the questions:

1. What is the author’s main argument in this essay? What/who is she criticizing?

2. What is the “single-axis framework” the author is referring to?

3. What is the author’s call to action? What is she suggesting should happen?

Activist art is a term used to describe art that is grounded in the act of ‘doing’ and addresses political or social issues.

The aim of activist artists is to create art that is a form of political or social currency, actively addressing cultural power structures rather than representing them or simply describing them.

Activist art is about empowering individuals and communities and is generally situated in the public arena with artists working closely with a community to generate the art.
Before you do the reading, think about the description of activist art above and then think back over the class and the artists, movements, and periods that we have discussed. Can you think of an artist that you have learned about in this class that fits into the above definition of activist art?

1. Define protest art. What does it mean to you? What kinds of issues to protest artists address?

2. We have come across Dada before when you had to watch the video of the sound poem performance by Hugo Ball (who wore the lobster claw suit). How does Dada fit into the above description of activist art? How is that performance an example of activist art?

3. What does the graffiti artist Banksy address in his work? Look up an example of his work and explain what is being protested.

4. Compare Banksy’s work to the Arab Spring movement. What is similar about them?

5. As you discovered in the reading, a lot of activist artists utilize graffiti in their practice. Why do you think these two things, graffiti, and activist art, go so well together? What about graffiti lends itself well to protest artists?

6. Which artist/artist group did you read about that you found the most intriguing? Why?

Explain how the media and public opinion influenced the situation and what lessons a business practitioner can learn from Apple’s experience with how the media and the public can impact business.

Global Supply Chain Case Study

Key Points: Briefly summarize key points that the case raises, such as who was involved; key problems and concerns identified; and questions about corporate social responsibility, public opinion, and/or international business.

Corporate Social Responsibility: Explain how corporate social responsibility, specifically related to employee treatment, is important to a business.

Public Opinion: Explain how the media and public opinion influenced the situation and what lessons a business practitioner can learn from Apple’s experience with how the media and the public can impact business.

International Business: The case states that although the concerns regarding poor employee treatment were related to events at manufacturing facilities such as Foxconn and Pegatron, the concerns regarding corporate social responsibility fell to Apple. Explain what this can teach business professionals about international business and supply chain management.

Labor Practices: Compare the advantages and disadvantages of commonly used labor practices in international business.

Explain how the article relates to at least one of the learning objectives and explain why the information in the article matters in the context of business decision making.

Managerial Economics

Economics can be a bit dry unless you can see how what you are learning applies in the real world. By finding a current event that relates to a learning objective from each week, you can see how what you’re learning applies to real world companies and situations.


For your initial post, identify and summarize a current event article that is relevant to the weekly learning objectives and assigned readings .

Be sure to use reputable scholarly or journalistic sources such as The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, The Economist, , etc.

Explain how the article relates to at least one of the learning objectives and explain why the information in the article matters in the context of business decision making.

Your response should be insightful, thoughtful, and analytical. Your response must have a clear, well formulated thesis, development using textual quotes and references; sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, and spelling count.

Why do you think the American government interned a majority of Japanese-Americans and very few German Americans during World War II?

Why do you think the American government interned a majority of Japanese-Americans and very few German Americans during World War II?

As you think about this question reflect on how the following might have made it easier to target the Japanese American population:

How do the radiogenic ages of the samples brought back by Apollo 11 and 12 compare to the “typical” ages of rocks from the Earth?

How do the radiogenic ages of the samples brought back by Apollo 11 and 12 compare to the “typical” ages of rocks from the Earth?

Briefly discuss two industries where AI has had a significant positive impact and two industries where AI has had a significant negative impact and two industries where AI has had very little impact.

Structure of the paper
Briefly discuss two industries where AI has had a significant positive impact and two industries where AI has had a significant negative impact and two industries where AI has had very little impact.

Briefly discuss two business functions (ex: marketing, sales, etc) where AI has had a significant positive impact and two business functions where AI has had a significant negative impact and two business functions where AI has had very little impact.

• Final recommendations and conclusion – Your opinion about the future of AI in Business

• Points expected – How many points do you expect for this assignment and why?

Discuss some of the factors that have motivated artists to use their own bodies in works of art.

Body Gender Identity in art part 1

In this module there is a power-point discussion which covers the topic of the body and gender. Read through the power-point and answer the three questions on the second slide titled “Learning Objectives.” Make sure for each answer you are referencing examples from the power-point.

Explain why “beautiful” is an ambiguous word in reference to the body.

Discuss some of the factors that have motivated artists to use their own bodies in works of art.

Differentiate between biological sex and gender and discuss some of the ways in which identity is constructed


How can your role as an HR manager within an organization have an ethical impact?

Discuss the importance of ethics in business. How can your role as an HR manager within an organization have an ethical impact? Use case studies to illustrate your argument.