
Should limits, restrictions, and safeguards be placed on police powers? Why/why not and if so, to what extent?

Should limits, restrictions, and safeguards be placed on police powers? Why/why not and if so, to what extent? Apply at least one example and one academic source to address the question.

Identify your orientation to learning theory and what you understand that orientation to mean.

For your assignment, write at least one well-developed paragraph for each of the categories of learning activities presented in the Connecting Traditional Learning Theories to Practice module, identifying and explaining your choices and the representative learning tasks you imagined. Identify your orientation to learning theory and what you understand that orientation to mean.

Identify the role of the forensic anthropologists involved. Was the forensic anthropologist used in recovery and analysis?

Anthropology final case study

Forensic anthropologists work on current criminal investigations and historical questions. For this assignment, the student will choose one modern forensic case and the forensic anthropologist who is/was associated with the case. The student will systematically identify the role of the forensic anthropologists in the recovery efforts, describe the laboratory techniques and analysis methods that the forensic anthropologist used to identify the victim(s) and the circumstances of their death. Students will conclude their assignment by discussing how and if this particular case made an impact on our understanding of forensic anthropology or forensic science. Students have complete creativity in this assignment and may choose any number of modern cases that interest them.

The important consideration is that the case be modern (for example: Casey Anthony murder trial, Amanda Knox murder trial, O.J. Simpson murder trial) or be an old case revisited by a modern forensic anthropologist (examining the remains of Francisco Pizzaro, or Czar Nicholas II).

Write a 6-8 page narrative that includes the following:1. Case background

a. Identify the specific case your final project will focus on.

b. Summarize the event. When and where did it occur? Who was the victim?

2. The role of the forensic anthropologist

a. Identify the forensic anthropologist involved in the case.

· There may be more than one, particularly if this is related to a criminal investigation

b. Identify the role of the forensic anthropologists involved. Was the forensic anthropologist used in recovery and analysis? Discuss their role in the case.

c. Discuss the forensic anthropologist’s findings

Recovery of remains: describe the findings (if applicable).

Individual identification: what material did they have? What were some of the methods that they used?

Antemortem analysis: what information was determined about the antemortem health or condition of the victim(s)? How did the forensic anthropologist determine this?

what information was determined about the time of death and cause of death? How did the forensic anthropologist determine this?

Novel methods or analysis: what novel methods or analyses did the forensic anthropologist use in this case (if applicable)?

3. Significance and ethics

a. What was the overarching significance of this case?

b. Did this case lead to new discoveries or technologies in forensic anthropology?

c. Was the forensic anthropologist’s report called into question? Was their testimony and/or report a more neutral piece of evidence in the case?

 Identify some of the specific websites that you used for your research for the assessments that you uploaded in question 4 and evaluate the relevance and reliability of each of these.

Plans have been compiled here for the completion of your assessments. You show how you will manage your time but you need to outline the key points that you will cover in the assessment. You also need to show the structure that your assessments will follow and include a word count allocation.

The plans could also have been developed to show detail of the key concepts that you would be including and possible sources of reference. Add more detail and resubmit the two sets of plans.

Identify some of the specific websites that you used for your research for the assessments that you uploaded in question 4 and evaluate the relevance and reliability of each of these.

Relying on others who had already done this question to help you answer this question is not an example of a reliable source.

Explain the role of internal controls in business and also explain how not having internal controls in place may impact the accurate analysis of any wrongdoing.

Based on what you have learned about internal controls, provide recommendations on what controls the business owner should put in place to prevent loss of inventory and ensure that any losses are reported immediately. Also, specify which parts of the financial statements are affected by
these losses.

Role of Internal Controls
Explain the role of internal controls in business and also explain how not having internal controls in place may impact the accurate analysis of any wrongdoing.

Recommend at least two internal controls that should be put in place to prevent inventory from going “missing,” nothing any assumptions
you are making about the root cause of the missing products and how your recommendation will help address them.

Recommend at least one control that should be put in place to alert the owner if something is actually missing.
Financial Statements

If you found that two $400 HD televisions were missing, explain which financial statements you would correct and how. Be specific as to
accounts and amounts

Compare/Contrast the Hallmark film version and a stage version of the play.

The notes about The Piano Lesson in the Blackboard lesson folder are meant to instigate critical thinking about the play. After you look at the topic choices below, review those notes and questions about the text. Hopefully the questions and prompts below will give you some ideas of what to write about. You do not need to answer all the questions in the prompts below. They are only there to get you thinking about the topic choices.

1. Review the literary elements associated with drama. Analyze how one or a few of these elements contribute to an understanding of the play. Your thesis should make an assertion about what considering that element helps you understand.

2. Compare/Contrast the Hallmark film version and a stage version of the play.

Describe how to generate questions for students while addressing a variety of levels and capabilities of mathematical thinking in an inclusion setting. Explain your choices.


Topic 2 DQ 1 SPD–570
Through your field experiences in this program, what strategies have you observed that have hindered or helped students to generate meaningful questions that develop their mathematical thinking? How will these observations affect your future practice?

Topic 2 DQ 2 SPD -570
Describe how to generate questions for students while addressing a variety of levels and capabilities of mathematical thinking in an inclusion setting. Explain your choices.

Explain using relevant economics concepts, why you agree or disagree with the view that laws that prohibit different firms from working together to be important to the economic health of the country.

Firms that operate in an oligopolistic market structure must consider how other firms in the industry will react to any decision yet it is illegal for firms to collude (work together) in most cases.

Explain using relevant economics concepts, why you agree or disagree with the view that laws that prohibit different firms from working together to be important to the economic health of the country.

Incorporate relevant and appropriate ethical and Biblical principles into your response.


What is HIPAA and what are some of the challenges related to implementation?

Now, respond to the following questions:

According to the Health Sector Framework Implementation Guide, what are the key elements of a cybersecurity program? Discuss some of the key steps to implementation. (Refer to Appendix G on p. 93 of Healthcare sector cybersecurity framework implementation guide, 2016 if necessary.)

Review the documents on HIPAA and the appendix of the Health Sector Guide. What is HIPAA and what are some of the challenges related to implementation?

What are the main legal issues and ethical considerations for Lael as she faces this dilemma?

Ethics Case Study

write a 750+ word essay to answer the following questions:

Provide a brief summary of the case. Be sure to answer all of the following questions.

What are the main legal issues and ethical considerations for Lael as she faces this dilemma?

Identify the key stakeholders and their involvement in this situation.

What alternatives would you suggest be taken?

Which candidate should Label choose to promote? Be sure to provide support for your choice.