
Evaluate a significant experience, achievement, risk you have taken, or ethical dilemma you have faced and its impact on you.

Suggested Essay Topic Options:

• Evaluate a significant experience, achievement, risk you have taken, or ethical dilemma you have faced and its impact on you.

• Discuss some issue of personal, local, national, or international concern and its importance to you.

• Indicate a person who has had a significant influence on you, and describe that influence.

Describe a character in fiction, a historical figure, or a creative work (as in art, music, science, etc.) that has had an influence on you, and explain that influence.

• A range of academic interests, personal perspectives, and life experiences adds much to the educational mix. Given your personal. background, describe an experience that illustrates what you would bring to the diversity in a college community or an encounter that demonstrated the importance of diversity to you.

Discuss any challenges the student may face or errors that may be made during these activities.

Select any two multiple intelligence. For each intelligence selected:

Describe the intelligence and propose an activity that would allow students with strengths in this area to show they have achieved this second-grade standard.

Reflect on how two different activities might allow students to use their strengths to master the same standard. (At least one of these strategies should support or expand learner expression in speaking, writing, or other media.)

Discuss any challenges the student may face or errors that may be made during these activities. How will you use students’ errors as an opportunity for learning?

Discuss the technology tools (if any) that would support this activity.
Support your analysis with information from the resources.

How well is this discussed and is it clear what the population is.  Was the sample size justified?  Is it clear the sample is a random sample?

Critical Review of Published Article for Statistics

1 Scope of the study – Is it a case study or an inferential study linking sample results to the population?

2 Sample   — How well is this discussed and is it clear what the population is.  Was the sample size justified?  Is it clear the sample is a random sample?

3 Questionnaire/Survey — Should be discussed so that one can determine sufficiency, possible sources of error, steps taken to avoid errors, and pre-testing.  Is it clear what critical variables are collected from the instrument?

4 Data – If data are used other than survey data, is the discussion adequate to understand possible limitations of the data.  Are sources identified?

5 Statistical Tests – If specific tests are mentioned, are they discussed sufficiently and are they appropriate?  Is sufficient background included (p values, type I errors, t- statistics, regression statistics, results, tables, etc.)

6 Results — Are the results logical and follow from the descriptive or analytical statistical methods utilized.  Or, are they based on intuition and assumptions and not on quantitative results?   Is there an attempt to rationalize the results, helping to explain why the quantitative results yield what they did?

7 Limitations – No study is ever perfect and often problems should be noted.  Are these discussed and suggestions made to improve next time?

How much protection will the exclusion clause give to Max, Roger, and Jenny in their capacity as Trustees?

Equity and trusts

The areas on which your training principal has asked for particular advice are as follows:

1. Joyce is unsure of how long the trust can actually last and when it will end. What does she need to know?

2. As matters stand, can Joyce make the land sale mentioned above? Give reasons for your answer, referring to both the Trustee Act 1925 and the Law of Property Act 1925 to support your arguments. If your view is No, explain what steps could be taken in order to enable the transaction to complete.

3. Given that the Vesting Date passed a couple of years ago:

(a) Can the Trustees actually make the £250,000 distribution in the manner she is proposing?

(b) If your answer to (a) is No, what (if anything) would have to happen instead, and how much would each beneficiary receive?

(c) What are the implications of the income distributions that the Trustees have made since the Vesting Date; and

(d) Depending on your answer to (c) above, what options do the beneficiaries have now?

4. In view of the query at 3(c) above, and given the £500,000 hole in the trust finances:

(a) How much protection will the exclusion clause give to Max, Roger, and Jenny in their capacity as Trustees?

(b) What are the beneficiaries’ available remedies as regards the missing £500,000 and which ones are likely to offer the best outcome?

(c) Does Joyce need to be worried on her own behalf?

Explain how the organization can develop these strategies and the risk, and how the organization can earn about-average returns using each strategy.

Zoom Corporation

Define a target market the organization should focus on

Present the needs of those target customers that the organization can satisfy.

From the five types of business-level strategies, select two strategies that could address those needs in a different way and how the organization will satisfy those needs with each strategy.

Explain how the organization can develop these strategies and the risk, and how the organization can earn about-average returns using each strategy

What stands in the way of more, and more effective cross-border expansion then is a more integrative approach of tapping into and leveraging diversity by sharing, building on and diffusing local best practices at a global scale.

Strategy Development in Cross Border and Global Organizations

Despite perceived increases in cross-border activities, the actual level of globalization remains limited and much of its potential untapped. This is partly due to the persistent ethnocentric nature of how multinationals are managed and how, by extension, they go about leading cross-border activities.

What stands in the way of more, and more effective cross-border expansion then is a more integrative approach of tapping into and leveraging diversity by sharing, building on and diffusing local best practices at a global scale.

Identify and review, from a critical perspective, the use and application of resources and capabilities as contributory aspects of strategic implementation of WWN.

What strategic vision, mission, statements and objectives support the transformation of Water Water Nowhere to Water Water Everywhere, with sufficient clean to drink and use in commercial entities? You have a green field to write these aspects of the strategy and this should be undertaken as a group of senior managers.

Produce a contextual brief from which Water Water Nowhere would need to draw upon in order to implement the proposed strategy in part one.

Identify and review, from a critical perspective, the use and application of resources and capabilities as contributory aspects of strategic implementation of WWN.

Propose and recommend at strategy which WWN should adopt in order to address issues identified in the contextual analysis .

Discuss the process adopted by the organization to accomplish the change and analyze the role of leader during that event.

Personal Leadership Development as a Strategic Manager

This task requires discussing the practical application of the concepts learned in the module. It will assess the concept clarity about the concepts.
In 1981, British Airways appointed a new chairperson, John King. Early on, it was noticed that the company was extremely inefficient and a lot of valuable resources were being wasted.

To help the organization become more profitable and productive, the chairperson decided to restructure the existing structure of business, decided the most efficient way to follow a change management plan. The organization soon began to cut down its workforce.

However, before this was completed, the chairman – through his change management leadership – provided the business with reasons for restructuring British Airways to help prepare them for the upcoming change.

His plan saw him axe 22,000 jobs – including half of the board – replace older planes with modern jets and eliminated unprofitable routes. One of his successors, Martin Broughton, paid tribute to King for the role he played in the transformation. He said: “Lord King transformed the airline from a position of state-owned weakness to one of financial strength and global renown as a pioneer privatized carrier.”

So, through leadership and communication, he managed to direct the business through an incredibly difficult time and turned British Airways into a profitable business. Leaders take into account all the aspects of the organization-culture, processes, management & the employees.

A good change leader must be able to identify the need of change and be willing to align the actions of organizations during the change event.

Select a change event from any organization of your choice. Discuss the process adopted by the organization to accomplish the change and analyze the role of leader during that event.

Identify appropriate techniques and resources to build cross functional relationships and critically evaluate communications role in delivering value to a range of stakeholders.

Strategic Communication

Prepare an individual report based on the organization of your choice, which focuses on the practical application of communication tools and, develop a relevant marketing communications plan. 2500 words

• Undertake a review of your chosen organizations current approach to integrated communications received by a range of stakeholders.

• Design and evaluate an integrated marketing communications mix relevant to the scenario for integrated communications assignment.

• Identify appropriate techniques and resources to build cross functional relationships and critically evaluate communications role in delivering value to a range of stakeholders.

How is the latter similar or different from the UCC provision?

Respond to the following items:

Compare the UCC version of the holder in due course doctrine with the holder in due course provision in Massachusetts.

How is the latter similar or different from the UCC provision?

Compare Illinois version to that of the UCC.

How is Illinois’ doctrine similar or different from the UCC provision?

Sources must be cited in APA format and the assignment should not exceed one page in length using 12 point font and one inch margins.