
Should transgender athletes who used to be male compete in women’s sports?

Should transgender athletes who used to be male compete in women’s sports?

Attention Catcher: The goal is of the attention catcher is to get your audience’s attention. What are ways you can start a speech with an online class?

Why is it important to understand categorical logic?

Why is it important to understand categorical logic?
Provide some examples of how you could apply these concepts to your personal and professional life.

What does Durkheim hope to demonstrate through his study? Why does he choose to study Aboriginal culture?

Your essay should be three full pages written as a critical reaction to the text in MLA format.

Write an essay that examines the purpose behind Emile Durkheim’s study of Aboriginal religious culture, but you need to only focus on one of the following questions for your essay:

What does Durkheim hope to demonstrate through his study?

Why does he choose to study Aboriginal culture?

How convincing is his argument?

Explain what this concept means and how a Jewish understanding of election differs from a traditional Christian understanding of election.

Explain what this concept means and how a Jewish understanding of election differs from a traditional Christian understanding of election.

In this week’s reading, Michael Wyschogrod explains the Jewish concept of “carnal election.”

In your post this week, explain what this concept means and how a Jewish understanding of election differs from a traditional Christian understanding of election. Finally, how does this discussion relate to a theology of the body?

Describe at least two points of constructive criticism for the professor/lecture.

 Intro to Psychology Lecture by Professor Paul Bloom of Yale

For the Lecture: Critique Assignment, you will be watching a YouTube video of an undergraduate psychology lecture. The video is roughly 29 to 35 minutes long and your video must be watched in its entirety.

After viewing the lecture, you will write a 2–3 page paper about the lecture. Your paper should include two main sections: a descriptive summary and a critique. The required details in these sections are outlined below. Your paper should be organized as follows:

1. Summary – Your summary must include the following details in clearly identified sections (using current APA-style headings):  Professor’s appearance – Comment on the appropriateness of the professor’s look, dress, grooming level, etc.

Oral communication – Include a description of how well you believe the professor communicated information orally. Details may include things like tone of voice, use of inflections, speech volume and speed, etc.

 Physical presence – Comment on how the professor commanded the room. Details may include things like movement (i.e., did he move around or stay stationary), positioning (i.e., did he stand behind a podium or table, was he centered in the class or off to the side), use of gestures, eye contact, etc.

 Lecture organization/Technology use – Was the lecture well-organized and easy to follow? Did the professor use any technology (e.g., lecture slides) to help guide the information?

 Confidence and knowledge – Did the professor seem comfortable or nervous? Did the professor seem to have mastery of the content he was teaching? Did he come off as an authority on the subject?

Student interactions – Did the professor elicit any sort of

Activities/demonstrations – What techniques, if any, did the professor use to maintain student interest and make learning more active? Details may include things like the use of examples, demonstrations, active learning exercises, humor, multimedia, etc.

Critique – Your critique must include the following details:

Strengths – Describe at least two strengths of the professor/lecture. What did he do well?  Weaknesses – Describe at least two points of constructive criticism for the professor/lecture. In what areas could he have improved? What might you have done differently?

Research integration – Support your discussion of strengths/criticisms with research. You must use and cite: The attached lesson article AND an outside scholarly source (academic books and peer-reviewed articles only)

Discuss the kinds of things did you need to go back and use from ISM3314 for example if you did resource leveling you not only leveled a resource but you also needed to inform that resource of the change.

Refer to the simulation guide provided in lesson 4 as a refresher. Submit a one page debrief on your simulation run results. Include a screen capture of your run performance results. Answer the following three questions.

In your third use of the simulation have you developed a pattern of examine the reports, calendar, risk, and racial information.

What’s were some of the decisions (if any) did you made that impacted motivation? Discuss the kinds of things did you need to go back and use from ISM3314 for example if you did resource leveling you not only leveled a resource but you also needed to inform that resource of the change. If you learned about RACI charts in in ISM3314 you now need to think about how and who you communicate with in ISM3318. How well did you do on budget? Why?

What is/are the similarity/ between the object in front of you and cultures?

You have 6 pictures in the file and each picture can be used as an analogy to understand culture. Discuss the following questions:

What is/are the similarity/ between the object in front of you and cultures?

What insight does this give about how to work effectively across cultures?

Identify and describe at least three ways that analysts can improve task or interface design to help, respectively, a person who is visually impaired, hearing impaired, or mobility impaired.

Identify and describe at least three ways that analysts can improve task or interface design to help, respectively, a person who is visually impaired, hearing impaired, or mobility impaired. Insure to provide pros and cons for each.

Define the term bottleneck as it applies to data entry and identify and discuss at least two ways to insure there is sufficient capacity to handle data being captured.

Define the term bottleneck as it applies to data entry and identify and discuss at least two ways to insure there is sufficient capacity to handle data being captured.


Describe what RFID is as well as Identify at least two examples of the use of RFID tags in process or inventory management, in retail or health care environments.

Describe what RFID is as well as Identify at least two examples of the use of RFID tags in process or inventory management, in retail or health care environments. In addition, describe security implications, such as security RFID may have on society.