
Does financial accounting serve an important role in society by providing information that is useful to readers?

Does financial accounting serve an important role in society by providing information that is useful to readers?

Identify and explore the effectiveness of Public art in propaganda in the period of World wars in Britain.

Identify and explore the effectiveness of Public art in propaganda in the period of World wars in Britain.

Why did that quotation stand out to you? What did that quotation tell you about reflective practice?

Watch the video “Teacher Reflective Practice” (3:53 min. via YouTube). Video link:

What does the speaker (Dylan Wiliam, Formative Assessment Expert) mean by “teachers fail every day”? How can failing be beneficial?

At the end of the video, several quotations are shared (watch this part more than once).

Write down 1 quotation that resonated with you:

Why did that quotation stand out to you?

What did that quotation tell you about reflective practice?

Consider your own personal and professional experiences. On what types of events, activities, choices, etc. do you typically reflect? And, when reflecting, what method(s) of reflection do you use?

List the seven elements of communication process and explain the process of interpersonal communication.

List the seven elements of communication process and explain the process of interpersonal communication.

What are the levels of personal dispositions, and how are they different from one another?

Gordon All-port conducted immense research in the field of personality in an attempt to define the term and how it is comprised.

He believed that personality is a product and a process, and it plays a large role in motivation. In his proposed structure of personality, personal dispositions are dynamic and help guide other dispositions. Consider the following:

What are the levels of personal dispositions, and how are they different from one another? Provide an example of each level.

What is the relationship between personal dispositions and motivation?

What role does opprobrium have in the structure of personality?

What were the challenges faced by the ‘new men’ in the Roman senate and how did they meet these challenges?

What were the challenges faced by the ‘new men’ in the Roman senate and how did they meet these challenges?

Discuss and explain how to preparing an investigate report exploring good practice for employee engagement.

Discuss and explain how to preparing an investigate report exploring good practice for employee engagement.

Discuss the key of fundamental concepts of finance and how it relates to our daily life and spending.

Discuss the key of fundamental concepts of finance and how it relates to our daily life and spending.

How does Nagel respond to the claim that our lives are absurd because nothing we do now will matter in a million years? Do you find this convincing? Why or why not?


How does Nagel respond to the claim that our lives are absurd because nothing we do now will matter in a million years? Do you find this convincing? Why or why not?