
Does legal positivism (LP) potentially justify any type of law or regime? Does it lead to relativism a best and tyranny at worst?

Does legal positivism (LP) potentially justify any type of law or regime? Does it lead to relativism a best and tyranny at worst?

How many people could read in the past? How can we know?

Questions for discussion
How many people could read in the past? How can we know?

What sources or approaches can we use?

Is reading essential? Has it been needed in every society?

What is the relationship between reading and writing?

Explain and critically assess Durkheim’s account of ‘social facts’, using his study of Suicide to illustrate your answer

Multicultural, anti-racist education is essential for an equal society.

Choose ONE of the questions from the list below. Ensure that you consult the assignment tips and guidance page posted on canvas and engage with the essay writing lecture (week 11).
Explain and critically assess the main features of Marx’s historical materialism

Critically assess Marx’s account of the alienating effects of capitalism and how it would be overcome under communism

Explain and critically assess Durkheim’s account of ‘social facts’, using his study of Suicide to illustrate your answer

Explain and critically assess Durkheim’s account of the transition from ‘mechanical’ to ‘organic’ solidarity

Explain and critically assess the merits of Weber’s contributions to sociological methodologies

Explain and critically assess the sociological significance of Weber’s concept of the ‘ideal-type’

What is the ‘iron cage’ of bureaucracy identified by Weber? How might it be resisted?

Outline the main contributions to sociology made by W. E. B. Du Bois and critically assess his frequent absence from the sociological canon

Critically assess the contemporary relevance of ONE or TWO of the theorists studied during the module. To what extent can their works be used to understand contemporary societies?

Why has the concept of a ‘sociological canon’ been criticised by feminist, critical race AND/OR postcolonial theorists? To what extent are these criticisms justified?

How and why has the concept of ‘the social’ presented by the ‘founding fathers’ of Sociology (Marx, Weber, Durkheim) been criticised by feminist scholars?

To what extent – if any – does symbolic interaction-ism explain how individuals might change shared norms?

Explain and critically assess Goffman’s arguments about power and agency being a skilled performance

What, according to Adorno, is the impact of the culture industry on the political life of late-capitalist society?

Compare and contrast the evaluations of popular culture made by the Frankfurt School and the Birmingham Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies

Explain whether you believe that the UK government interventions does or did not effectively address the fair provision of merit goods.

Private vs. private goods in the UK and social welfare

Task 2: 45/100 marks (900+ words)
1. Using economics theories from Krugman & Wells textbook (2020, 5th
edition), and current UK examples from the past three years (2018-2021),
discuss merit and demerit goods in the UK market.

Analyze real-life examples of merit and their positive impacts on society, and contrast this with analysis of demerit goods in the UK and their negative impact on

2. Analyze how the UK government used policies and funding to improve
access to merit goods, and how it discourages and reduces access to
demerit goods, providing real examples of UK government interventions
and strategies.

3. Explain whether you believe that the UK government interventions does or
did not effectively address the fair provision of merit goods. Include relevant
examples and references from the UK from the past three years (2018-2021),
UK news, and UK government publications to support your explanations.

Discuss a research paper on Saudi Arabia Vision 2030 and National Transformation Program 2020 in the Market Opportunities

Discuss a research paper on Saudi Arabia Vision 2030 and National Transformation Program 2020 in the Market Opportunities

Describe how opening up to trade specifically affects a domestic monopoly.

International trade can have big effects on domestic markets. For both an import good and an export good (in other words, address each bulleted item below twice—once for import and once for export), describe how opening up to international trade affects the following:
supply or demand for the particular good,
the competitiveness of that good’s market, and
how the change in competitiveness affects equilibrium price and quantity.

Describe how opening up to trade specifically affects a domestic monopoly. Include an explanation, using game theory, of how even a single additional competitor can lead to a market outcome similar to perfect competition.

Your essay must be at least three pages in length (not counting the title and references pages) and include at least three peer-reviewed resources. Adhere to APA Style when writing your essay, including citations and references for sources used. Be sure to include an introduction.

Evaluate the two matrices using current actions by each country to see which matrix is most likely correct.

Incorporate the concepts of game theory with international trade and tariffs. Set up two payoff matrices.

Set up the first payoff matrix such that the outcome will be harmful to both countries.

Set up the second payoff matrix such that the outcome will be beneficial to the United States.

Evaluate the two matrices using current actions by each country to see which matrix is most likely correct.

Discuss with your classmates whether or not the ensuing trade war will produce successful outcomes.

Identify a suitable part of the project that could be procured rather than be availed of internally.

Project Change Requests, Sellers

Critically contemplate on the scope of your term project to understand the requirements that may be flexible, as well as those that could be procured. Having considered these characteristics from the viewpoint of a project manager:

Introduce your term project to refresh the memory of the readers of this post.

Speculate on any changes that may be requested during the course of the project execution.

Describe potential change requests that can be anticipated. Ensure that these change requests are specific to your project and not generic. You may search for online resources for potential change requests to projects like yours

Explain the evolving situations and the reasons that brought about these change requests.

Explore the impact of each change request.

Identify a suitable part of the project that could be procured rather than be availed of internally.

Briefly specify the work that can be procured and the reasons for selecting this work.

Identify the desired characteristics of potential vendors. Justify the choice of these characteristics.

Research to find qualified sellers for procurement of this piece of your project and describe their characteristics. Search for information about your MBTI profile and provide a summary description of your personality.

A step in the project on boarding process for team members requires the project manager to review their Myers-Briggs Type is Executive (ESTJ-A).

Based on your own experience, enlighten this class on how you, as the project manager, will interact with and manage this team member who shares your MBTI profile.

Finally, in a reflection of at least 30 words, describe the most interesting and challenging parts of preparing for this discussion post, as well as any recommendations to your classmates for reducing the probability of requests for changes and for improving the success of procurement. Please see the attachments I have included.

Identify the important elements of an Argumentative Essay and an Argumentative Research Essay

Argumentative Research Essay

This module will introduce you to the Argumentative Essay and the Argumentative Research Essay. You will read and analyze Argumentative essays from different authors and will follow a recommended process to write your own Argumentative Research Essay.

Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

Identify the important elements of an Argumentative Essay and an Argumentative Research Essay

Write an Argumentative Essay with a specific audience in mind Perform research and incorporate outside sources into your writing to create an Argumentative Research Essay with a specific audience in mind.