
Why are clients with co-occurring disorders such a huge strain on American society from a human services perspective?

Co-Occurring Disorders and Counseling and Human Services – Why are clients with co-occurring disorders such a huge strain on American society from a human services perspective?

In what way do counseling and human service professionals attempt to help clients? Do you think that the field of human services should focus on other methods to improve the lives of these individuals?

Identify the physical changes that occur in men and women and the social,psychological, and medical impact of those changes.


Identify the physical changes that occur in men and women and the social,psychological, and medical impact of those changes.

Identify the challenges of individuals in the sandwich generation.

Write a 3-5 page paper describing the physical, social, and cognitive changes that are typically found in middle adulthood for both men and women. Describe how these changes impact the psychosocial stage of generativity versus stagnation. Identify the challenges of individuals in the sandwich generation. What 3-4 recommendations do you have to help someone currently experiencing the sandwich generation? What are examples of historical changes over the past 40 years that have increased the strain on men and women in their middle adult years?

To complete this assignment address each of the following in your paper:

Describe the physical, social, and cognitive changes that occur in middle adulthood for men.

Describe the physical, social, and cognitive changes that occur in middle adulthood for women.

Describe the psychosocial stage: generativity versus stagnation.

Describe how physical, social, and cognitive changes can impact this psychosocial stage.

Identify the challenges of the sandwich generation.

Describe historical changes from the past 40 years that have increased the strain on men and women in their middle adult years.

How has Covid-19 impacted early childhood experiences and the social safety nets that are essential to our overall health and well-being?

Covid-19 & Mental Health in Ontario, Canada

Consider how Covid-19 and the pandemic has changed your life with respect to the social determinants of health. Choose at least TWO of the following (a-e) to discuss in your post:

a. Consider how changes to education, income, and job security resulting from the pandemic has impacted our mental health.

b. How do these changes impact poverty, housing, and food insecurity?

c. Consider how access to health services has changed and how that might have an impact on our mental health.

d. How has Covid-19 impacted early childhood experiences and the social safety nets that are essential to our overall health and well-being?

e. If we look at the impact of social exclusion on mental health and well-being, how has the pandemic furthered the marginalization of people based on race, immigration status, gender, sexuality, socio-economic status, ability, age and other social identity characteristics?

Finally, have any of the changes you’ve experienced resulting from the pandemic had a positive impact on your mental health and well-being?


Describe any barriers to care and how these may be overcome.

Discuss the issues facing a disadvantaged group in the UK. Outline the impact these issues have on health and well being. Describe any barriers to care and how these may be overcome. As well as Define the role of the third sector in the UK in relation to health and well being. Using examples evaluate the role of the third sector in the UK in relation to the group identified .

What limitations to your physical and mental health would affect the health care decisions you would make?

End of Life Discussion

What will be important to you when you are dying (e.g., physical comfort, no pain, family members
present, etc.)?

How do you feel about the use of life-sustaining measures in the face of terminal illness? Permanent
coma? Irreversible chronic illness, such as Alzheimer’s disease?

Do you have strong feelings about particular medical procedures? Some procedures to think about
include mechanical breathing (respirator), cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), artificial nutrition and
hydration, hospital intensive care, pain relief medication, chemo or radiation therapy, and surgery.

What limitations to your physical and mental health would affect the health care decisions you would make?

Would you want to have financial matters taken into account when treatment decisions are made?

Would you want to be placed in a nursing home if your condition warranted?

Would you prefer Hospice care, with the goal of keeping you comfortable in your home during the final period of your life, as an alternative to hospitalization?

In general, do you wish to participate or share in making decisions about your health care and treatment?

Would you always want to know the truth about your condition, treatment options, and the chance of success of treatments?

Why does a full understanding of our world require the humanities in addition to the sciences?

Write a five to six-page essay on the following topic: Why does a full understanding of our world require the humanities in addition to the sciences?

Illustrate your discussion with reference to two specific primary texts assigned in this class, and explain what we can learn from those texts that goes beyond science.

Choose two complementary texts that can be read as part of a conversation

You should refer to at least two secondary sources, but note that this is not a research paper. You should be able to complete the paper drawing only from the Required and Recommended Resources included in this course.

How might an ongoing data analytics function (not a one-time thing) provide some of these things that are missing but are important to your client?

The Essay (about 2 pages in APA style)

What is the name of the business that hired you as the consultant? You can select a real business or you can make one up. Assume they do not have a data analytics function. Who is your customer (the person that hired you)? Is it the CEO? The CIO? Someone else?

What things are important to this business? For instance, if you are writing about a company that makes paper products, then for instance the availability of wood or recycled paper is likely to be important to them. Many more things are probably important to them too, such as sales, costs, inventory, competitors, supplies, etc. Tell the customer which thing or which things they can expect to get from this new data analytics function.

How might an ongoing data analytics function (not a one-time thing) provide some of these things that are missing but are important to your client? What is a reasonable time to set up such a data analytics function?

What are estimated costs? What is your estimate of the duration of this project? (You can revise these later – for now just estimate)

Use APA-style to write this essay. Do not repeat the numbered instructions in this essay. Do not simply “Educate the reader” with definitions.

Describe how family systems theory can be applied to solicit changes in family members that, in turn, initiate positive changes to the overall family functions over time.

Family Health Assessment

Understanding family structure and style is essential to patient and family care. Conducting a family interview and needs assessment gathers information to identify strengths, as well as potential barriers to health. This information ultimately helps develop family-centered strategies for support and guidance.

This family health assessment is a two-part.

Develop an interview questionnaire to be used in a family-focused functional assessment. The questionnaire must include three open-ended, family-focused questions to assess functional health patterns for each of the following:

Values/Health Perception








Role Relationship



Select a family, other than your own, and seek permission from the family to conduct an interview. Utilize the interview questions complied in your interview questionnaire to conduct a family-focused functional assessment. Document the responses as you conduct the interview.

Upon completion of the interview, write a 750-1,000-word paper. Analyze your assessment findings. Submit your questionnaire as an appendix with your assignment. Include the following in your paper:

Describe the family structure. Include individuals and any relevant attributes defining the family composition, race/ethnicity, social class, spirituality, and environment.

Summarize the overall health behaviors of the family. Describe the current health of the family.

Based on your findings, describe at least two of the functional health pattern strengths noted in the findings. Discuss three areas in which health problems or barriers to health were identified.

Describe how family systems theory can be applied to solicit changes in family members that, in turn, initiate positive changes to the overall family functions over time.

Cite at least three peer-reviewed or scholarly sources to complete this assignment. Sources should be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria.

APA Style

-The interview questionnaire presented and demonstrates strong insight into family-focused assessment strategies. All functional heath patterns include three highly relevant open-ended questions.

-The family structure is clearly described. All individuals and relevant attributes are discussed in detail. The discussion demonstrates an in-depth perspective into family structure.

-Health behaviors are identified and presented in detail. The current health of the family is described. A clear understanding of family health and health behavior is demonstrated.

-Two functional health pattern strengths, three health problems, and barriers to health are discussed. Discussion identifies and assesses key aspects from findings. Discussion demonstrates insight into assessment of findings to identify functional health pattern strengths and health problems or barriers.

-Application of family systems theory to initiate positive changes in family functions over time is thoroughly discussed. The manner in which the theory is applied is highly relevant and strongly supports steps to achieving the desired outcomes.


What is the role of education and self-management practices in reducing A1C levels?

Data Sources
Primary Data Collection
Questionnaire with interview
For All Participants

Are you aware of the four main sources (mastery and vicarious experiences, social persuasion, and emotional states) of self-efficacy influence?

Is there a relationship between diabetes knowledge and diabetes self-management?

Do you believe that self-efficacy facilitates the relationship between diabetes knowledge and diabetes self-management?

What is the role of education and self-management practices in reducing A1C levels?

When were you diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes? If yes, did you know self-management practices like nutrition and exercise for diabetes?

Identify one primary question and one secondary question regarding the problem of interest.

Literature Review in Action

In this assignment, you will create a presentation that reflects on your proposed problem of interest and explains the purpose of a literature review as it relates to this problem.

Step 1: Reflect on your proposed problem of interest.

Critically think about your research question or problem of interest.

Step 2: Consider the following questions:

What is the purpose of conducting a literature review?

What are the steps a nurse researcher would take to conduct a literature review?

What would be the primary and secondary questions regarding the research question or problem of interest?

Consider the importance of including sources with a variety of results when

identifying sources pertaining to your proposed problem of interest.

Step 3: Consider who your audience might be if you were to deliver your presentation in person.

What would you want them to know about this topic?

What would you expect them to already know?
Step 4: Create a seven- to ten-slide presentation that summarizes the purpose of a literature review.

Explain the steps in conducting a literature review. In your presentation, describe how you would approach conducting a literature review pertaining to your problem of interest. Identify one primary question and one secondary question regarding the problem of interest.

Step 5: Review your presentation.

Ensure that you are using best practices for formatting slides.

Include a title screen and summary screen.

Avoid making slides too text heavy or dense with text. As a guideline, limit text on each slide to five bullet points of six words each.

If using graphics, be sure that they are professional, reinforce your points, and are not used merely for decoration.

Be sure to add what you would say if delivering the presentation to a live audience in the notes section of each slide.