
What were the economic impacts after the Asian Financial Crisis in South Korea, Thailand, and Indonesia?

What were the economic impacts after the Asian Financial Crisis in South Korea, Thailand, and Indonesia?

What options and procedure would you consider acceptable for collection of bad debt?

Time Value of Money

Economic uncertainty and financial instability affect the ability of patients to pay debt arising from medical bills not covered by insurance, leading to questions of medical account resolution.

Health care providers are on the opposite side of this equation because patient payments affect the revenue cycle, which can vary in length depending on the size and type of organization.

In reality, some patients are unable to pay the portion of their medical bills not covered by insurance, adversely affecting the organization’s bottom line. Discuss the following in regard to this:

What options and procedure would you consider acceptable for collection of bad debt?

Critically appraise the occlusal schemes for successful complete dentures.


This is a United Kingdom dentistry assignment. so, it is mandatory that you assign to a competent Dentist/Doctor.

Assignment Question: Critically appraise the occlusal schemes for successful complete dentures.

Note: You must include diagrams, tables and legends and figures to support your points.

Discuss Extra-coronal precision attachments for aesthetics and function in RPD design.


This is a United Kingdom dentistry assignment. so, it is mandatory that you assign to a competent Dentist/Doctor.

Assignment Questions:

Discuss Extra-coronal precision attachments for aesthetics and function in RPD design.

Note: You must include diagrams, tables and legends and figures to support your points.

What does our funding need to look like in order to achieve our organizational goals?

Federation of Black Canadian Analysis and Proposed Strategy

Board SWOT Review + Outcomes

Strength: Receiving a lot of public support/donations with the momentum of BLM, have strong grant writing capacity

Concern: Without a clear funding/revenue model, long-term staffing and resource distribution are precarious.

Action: Board/Financial Lead to develop a create/give direction on a revenue plan for the organization. (Board)

Prompt Question: What does our funding need to look like in order to achieve our organizational goals?

Strength: Leaders in their communities, lots of reach and diverse skills

Concern: Lack of engagement & declining numbers

Action: Seek new board members (board outreach or call to membership) or reconsider interim Board responsibilities. (Board)

Prompt Question: What needs to be done to improve attendance/commitments/engagements?

What different methods are available for treating dentine sensitivity? What is their efficacy? Describe their scientific basis with reference to published work.


This is a United Kingdom dentistry assignment. so, it is mandatory that you assign to a competent Dentist/Doctor.

Assignment Questions:

(a) Write an account of the different jaw reflexes and quote the findings of published research. What are the functions of the different jaw reflexes and what is their clinical significance?

(b) What different methods are available for treating dentine sensitivity? What is their efficacy? Describe their scientific basis with reference to published work. Discuss the different theories of pain perception in pulp and dentine.

Note: You must include diagrams, tables and legends and figures to support your points. And references must be recent for example some 2015,2016,2020,2021 not more than 8 years.

Describe the current state of the value stream and highlight any performance deficiencies and challenges, such as delays, excessive WIP, bottlenecks, capacity and workload imbalances, rework, poor quality yields, long lead times, and other operational issues.

Operations Management Project Part A: Value Stream Mapping and Analysis

A core tool in Operational Excellence is Value Stream Mapping. This tool helps stakeholders visualize complex work systems (including material and information flows) and address disconnects, redundancies, and gaps in how work gets done between the beginning and end of a value stream or end-to-end process.

• The primary type of value stream is one in which a product or service is requested by, and delivered to, an external customer. Examples include request to receipt, order to delivery, and quote to cash.

• Other value streams which support the delivery of value are called value-enabling or support value streams. Examples include recruiting, on boarding, IT support, and annual budgeting.

Since it is nearly always a mistake to initiate changes without have a clear picture of how the system is currently functioning, we are beginning our Course Project with the creation and analysis of a Value Stream Map.


For this assignment, select a value stream in your organization that can benefit from analysis and improvement. As noted previously, the value stream (or end-to-end process) selected does not need to be overly large or complex. Select something which has the potential for meaningful improvement, but which is manageable within the scope of this assignment.

1) Develop a current state Value Stream Map of your selected value stream. Show the customer demand rate (or Takt), information flow, work flow, and summary timeline on the map.

2) Document key metrics for each process block:

• Process Time (PT)

• Lead Time (LT)

• Percent Complete and Accurate (%C&A)

4) Describe the current state of the value stream and highlight any performance deficiencies and challenges, such as delays, excessive WIP, bottlenecks, capacity and workload imbalances, rework, poor quality yields, long lead times, and other operational issues.

Submission Requirements

Your work may be submitted in either Word or PowerPoint.

• Since you will need to include a diagram to map the value stream for #1, you should select whatever software you are most comfortable working with. The Value Stream Map can easily be created in PowerPoint (see the symbols and template provided by the instructor), or neatly drawn by hand. You may also use software such as Visio. In all cases, please scan or convert your map to a PDF or JPG, and paste it into Word or PPT before submitting.

• For the information for each process block should be on the value stream map. For  it can be on the map or in tabular form. Show how the summary metrics are calculated. Keep your written answers brief and to the point. Accuracy is what matters. This should take no more than one page. There are no additional points for overly elaborate responses.

• For a thorough response with specifics should take no more than one page. As you discuss improvement opportunities, mention and make specific reference to the Value Stream Map, including names of process blocks and performance metrics.

Discuss the effects of nurses attitude towards the homeless perception of their healthcare

Discuss the effects of nurses attitude towards the homeless perception of their healthcare