
Examine and analyze Woodrow Wilson’s ideas about foreign policy. To what extent did Wilson put into practice his stated ideas?

The Questions are;
1.  Henry Demarest Lloyd wrote in Wealth against Commonwealth (1864), “Liberty and monopoly cannot live together.” Based on your knowledge of the Gilded Age and the industrial revolution, assess the validity of this statement.

2.Examine and analyze Woodrow Wilson’s ideas about foreign policy. To what extent did Wilson put into practice his stated ideas?

3. Describe how the Cold War was fought by each superpower. Be sure to discuss how both the United States and the Soviet Union believed that their social system was firmly based on principles of freedom and social justice.

4. The Nixon-Khrushchev debates held in the setting of a suburban kitchen illustrated how freedom in America had come to mean economic abundance and consumer choices during the 1950s. How is this new conception of freedom a departure from Roosevelt’s “Four Freedoms”?

5. What did “freedom” mean for Americans in the early twenty-first century? Was America an “exceptional” nation? How so? Describe the range of freedoms people experienced, or perhaps did not experience. How would Americans describe their status at home and in the world by the end of the Obama presidency? Explain.

What impact will adding this service have on the restaurant customer experience?

Operations Management (MBA)

Worker Utilization

Restaurant Customer Queue Length when Carryout Orders are Being Processed
Use 81 as the value of (service rate) and recalculate worker utilization
Use this new value of to recalculate the number of customers waiting in the queue
This will give you a good insight into the impact that accepting more carryout orders would have on queues at the restaurant.

Read the two articles referenced below which describe how customers in service industries introduce variability.

Use the knowledge acquired to discuss how customers introduce variability for the Paramount

Discuss whether the Paramount accommodates or reduces this type of variability.

Using the information from the case study and knowledge acquired from the calculations performed in part 1), students should consider the issue of carryout orders.
Your answer should consider the following issues:

Where has the idea for carryout orders come from?

What are the business motivations for adding this type of service?

What impact will adding this service have on the restaurant customer experience?

How does a Lutheran perspective shape the reading of this text? How is the text all about Jesus? How doe the text “translate” the reader?

Reflect upon the approaches to the Bible of Christian theologians from around the world.

In your paper, you will interact with two theologians and how they approach the Bible.

For one of the theologians, you may pick any one of the Christians that you read in the Global Perspectives part of the course.

Riley graduated from CSP and has gone on to be a Lutheran pastor. You can also get the article from his blog here.

Discussion of the text itself showing your ability to state its historical/cultural and literary contexts. You will answer the question: what did this text say to its first hearers?

Discussion of your chosen Christian perspective. You will answer the question: how would your writer interpret/read this text in his/her context?

Discussion of the Lutheran perspective. You will answer the question: How does a Lutheran perspective shape the reading of this text? How is the text all about Jesus? How doe the text “translate” the reader?



Describe a time when a client was rude or verbally abusive to you. How did you react?

Intervene in the most appropriate manner.
After watching a segment regarding a violent client at Bellevue Hospital, answer the questions below.
Violent Client at Bellevue Hosptial Video

• Describe a time when a client was rude or verbally abusive to you. How did you react?

• What skills were necessary to maintain a professional, caring, therapeutic relationship?

• How did you best communicate with this client?

• What did you learn from this experience?

What do we know about the editing process that led this passage to be included in the book in which it is found, in the place where it is found?

Origins: As far as we know, who was the author of this text? When was it written? For what purpose was it written, and what do we know about the social situation the author was writing in?
Sources: As far as we know, did this passage originate from sources older than the present book in which it is found? What do we know about the editing process that led this passage to be included in the book in which it is found, in the place where it is found?
Insights: Based on your research, what are some insights that biblical criticism provides into the meaning or significance of this passage? These insights can be gained from the close study of the words of the passage, a study of its form or genre, research into the social and historical context of the passage, etc. (This section should take up the majority of the paper)

How do outer membrane proteins contribute to Zn acquisition in pathogenic Neisseria species?

“How do outer membrane proteins contribute to Zn acquisition in pathogenic Neisseria species?”

Write a 500-word summary and generate a graphical abstract to answer the question below. You should include relevant experimental evidence drawn from the three articles and synthesis them with knowledge from lecture materials.


Explain the Impact & Implications of AR & VR in Digital Marketing for Online Retail Industry

Explain the Impact & Implications of AR & VR in Digital Marketing for Online Retail Industry

What are the financial, external, and internal performance measures currently used by the organization?

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that describes the five elements of a business process in terms of inputs, outputs, and resources employed by the business, and address the following questions:

What metrics does the organization use to monitor and manage process performance for inputs and outputs?

What are the financial, external, and internal performance measures currently used by the organization?

What product attributes are considered important to the organization’s success?


Why has democracy been difficult to implement and consolidate in most Latin American countries?

Why has democracy been difficult to implement and consolidate in most Latin American countries?

Mention at least three factors that render democracy difficult to thrive in the region. Present one case of a consolidated democracy in Latin America (give one example like Chile) and one of a democratic breakdown.

These analysis questions are away for students to think critically but also engage with one another.


Demonstrate the Comparison between A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare and Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut

Demonstrate the Comparison between A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare and Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut.