
Describe the interpersonal communication process and barriers to effective communication. Explain how emotional hijacking can hinder effective interpersonal communication. Explain how self-awareness impacts the communication process.

Interactive discussion


Week 2: Interactive activity

2.1 Learning Outcomes:

Define the foundational elements of government and public administration.

Construct a working definition of public administration and discuss key elements that are essential to the field.

 2.2 Action Required:

Watch the video at the following link

 2.3 Test your Knowledge (Question):

What is public administration?

What are the main elements of public administration?


Learning Outcomes:

  • Describe and compare three major theories of planned change. (MLO 2.1)
  • Explain how planned change can be adopted to fit different contexts. (MLO 2.3)
  • Critique the practice of planned change. (MLO 2.4)
  • Discuss the roles and characteristics of OD practitioners. (MLO 3.1)
  • Describe the competencies required of effective OD practitioners. (MLO 3.2)

2.2 Action Required:

Required Readings:

  • Chapter 2: The Nature of Planned Change
  • Chapter 3: The Organization Development Practitioner

TEXTBOOK: Cummings, T., & Worley, C. (2015). Organization development and change. (10th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning. ISBN#: 13 9781133190455 (print), ISBN#: 13 9781285800967 (e-text).

Recommended Readings:

Pregmark, J. E. (2022, February 21). Renewing models for change. The Learning Organization, 29(3), 255–274.

2.3 Test your Knowledge (Question):

Discuss the importance of planned change and its impact on the organization.


MGT 421

2.1 Learning Outcomes:

  • Describe the interpersonal communication process and barriers to effective communication.
  • Explain how emotional hijacking can hinder effective interpersonal communication.
  • Explain how self-awareness impacts the communication process.
  • Describe how self-management impacts the communication process.
  • Explain and evaluate the process of active listening.
  • Describe and demonstrate effective questions for enhancing listening and learning.
  • Explain strategies to sight-read the nonverbal communication of others.
  • Identify common communication preferences based on motivational values.
  • Explain how extroversion-introversion impacts interpersonal communication.
  • Explain the role of civility in effective interpersonal communication and the common types of incivility in the workplace

2.2 Action Required:

Chapter 2 in BUSINESS COMMUNICATION: Developing Leaders for a Networked World, Peter Cardon, 4th Edition  McGraw-Hill Education

Watch the short video at the following link

Incivility – Disrespect at work place. – YouTube


2.3 Test your Knowledge (Question):

In chapter 2, you learn about Emotional intelligence and its four domains. Reflect on a recent time your lack of (self-awareness or self-management) led you to make a poor decision. Describe what happened.

After watching the video, summarize some forms of workplace incivility



2.1 Learning Outcomes:

  • Find some structured ways of dealing with complex managerial decision problems.
  • Explain simple decision models and management science ideas that provide powerful and (often surprising) qualitative insight about large spectrum of managerial problems.
  • Demonstrate the tools for deciding when and which decision models to use for specific problems.
  • Build an understanding of the kind of problems that is tackled using spreadsheet modeling and decision analysis.


 2.2 Action Required:

Watch the short video in the following link:

 2.3 Test your Knowledge (Question):

  •  What is Modeling? Write the different types of models.
  • List the five Benefits of Business Models.

Discuss two psychotherapeutic approaches that could be used to treat the client in the scenario provided. Describe therapeutic techniques used with each approach. Support ideas with at least one scholarly resource and include in-text citations (2-3 slides).


Types of Trauma
Trauma related to COVID-19 Trauma associated with being first responder or involved in combat.
Trauma related to a natural or manmade disaster Trauma associated with being a refugee.
Trauma associated with sexual assault. Trauma associated with being a victim of racism or discrimination.
Trauma associated with being a victim of a violent crime. Trauma associated with witnessing a terrorist attack.
Trauma associated with spiritual or religious abuse. Trauma associated with a serious medical event.

In a PowerPoint slide presentation, address the following:

  1. Title Slide
  2. Introduce content (1 slide): Slide should identify concepts to be addressed and sections of the presentation. Include speaker’s notes that explain, in more detail, what will be covered.
  3. Describe the nature and prevalence of the selected trauma. Support ideas with at least one scholarly resource and include in-text citations (1-2 slides).
  4. Discuss trauma symptoms commonly experienced by survivors of the selected trauma. Support ideas with at least one scholarly resource and include in-text citations (1-2 slides).
  5. Create a client scenario based on the selected trauma. Provide demographic information about the client, a description of the trauma experienced, and the symptoms the client is experiencing as a result of the trauma (2-4 slides)
  6. Discuss two psychotherapeutic approaches that could be used to treat the client in the scenario provided. Describe therapeutic techniques used with each approach. Support ideas with at least one scholarly resource and include in-text citations (2-3 slides).
  7. Discuss whether or not the PMHNP would recommend psychopharmacologic intervention for the client. If medication is recommended, describe the medication and appropriate follow-up. Support rationale with at least one scholarly resource and include in-text citations (1-3 slides).
  8. Discuss whether or not the PMHNP would collaborate with any other disciplines or professionals in the treatment of the client. If collaboration is recommended or legally/ethically required, describe the other types of providers who may be involved. Support rationale with at least one scholarly resource and include in-text citations. If collaboration is legally required, may use state scope of practice guidelines to support ideas (1-2 slides).
  9. Conclusion (1 slide): Summarize content of presentation. Speaker’s notes provide final comments on the topic.
  10. References (1+ slides): provide references in APA format, may use bullets. Hanging indents not required.

What was the hash value of the image file you imaged? What type of value does the number string represent? What is the source of this value? (What item) What tool or tools did you use to determine the source of this value?

ECA137 – Computer Crime & Investigation

Instructor: Alan Bringardner

Imaging & Searching Lab



Objective: The student is supplied with a device image, and they will need to image the image file, validate the image, mount the image file, and examine the image to determine its  contents. The student should identify the file that corresponds with the supplied file  hash and examine the file to determine its contents.

Skills Involved:  Effective Communication (written)

Quantitative Literacy (analysis)

Information Literacy Skills (investigation)

Critical Thinking (decision making)


Specific Tasks:   Write Protection


Image validation

Malware scanning

File Hashing





Submission: The student should submit a report describing their forensics process and include any necessary screen shots or report to support this and to answer questions related to the scenario.


Scenario:  You are employed as a computer forensics specialist with a local police agency. As part  of an investigation into a possible extortion case handled by another investigator, you are given information concerning a suspicious document found that contained the listed text string.  The other investigator believed it was some type of code related to his investigation.  She supplied you with an image of a flash drive recovered in the investigation from the suspect’s businesses computer.

  •  What do you believe this number to be?
  • What evidence if any did you find on the flash drive?



  1. What was the hash value of the image file you imaged?
  2. What type of value does the number string represent?
  3. What is the source of this value? (What item)
  4. What tool or tools did you use to determine the source of this value? You should use more than one tool to verify your opinion
  5.  What other files did you find on the device?
  6.  Was there anything else of importance on the drive?
  7.  Was there any overall “theme” to this scenario?

What are the intentions behind its operation? Who benefits? What are the strategies and activities it performs? Identify its short-, intermediate-, and long-term goals. Explain how current strategies are or are not supporting these goals. What evidence of applied theory do you see?

AJS/594 Define Program


  1. You have identified a program that you believe requires evaluation. You have had also identified stakeholders as well as potential problems and evidence of the calibrators at play. After consulting with your supervisor and peers, you decide to present your evaluation plan to members of a task force comprised of your stakeholders.You choose to introduce the evaluation design for the program that you selected imat a meeting of the stakeholders.

    THE PROGRAM IS : Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)

    a 15- to 20-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation (with comprehensive speaker notes) in which you include the following:

    • As an executive summary for your evaluation plan, use one slide to introduce the program. Provide a statement of purpose and include its vision, mission, and goals. Present the stakeholders.
    • Define its operations. Describe its strategies and activities.

    Answer the following:

    • What are the intentions behind its operation? Who benefits?
    • What are the strategies and activities it performs?
    • Identify its short-, intermediate-, and long-term goals.
    • Explain how current strategies are or are not supporting these goals.
    • What evidence of applied theory do you see?
    • What theory or theories would you apply to strengthen the program? How?

    Include descriptions of the calipers shaping your ideology and the theory or theories that will influence your evaluation strategies. Format your PowerPoint® presentation to ensure the slides only contain essential information and as little text as possible. Do not design a slide made up of long bullet points. Your speaker notes convey the details you would give if you were presenting. For help, consult the guide on how to create speaker notes from Microsoft®. Include comprehensive speaker notes. Cite at least 2 peer-reviewed or similar references to support your assignment. Include a slide with APA-formatted references.

Choose a Fortune 500 company and write a brief history of the organization. Then, elaborate on what type of human relationship structure the organization promotes. What type of customer does the organizational structure target from products or services?

Research Paper Essay

Choose a Fortune 500 company and write a brief history of the organization. Then, elaborate on what type of human relationship structure the organization promotes. What type of customer does the organizational structure target from products or services? What communication strategies are being used? Are they effective? Explain what can be done for improvements in their strategies. Then, explain how they select their teams in order to be successful. What are their methods to develop managerial decisions? Where does the organization rate within the current industry? Summarize your views on organizational performance based on human capital. Explain your recommendations for improvements of the organization’s practices. Is the organization operating in an ethical manner?

If you could talk to yourself as a child, what would you say?

Writing paper

If you could talk to yourself as a child, what would you say?

Demonstrate understanding and competence in making decisions in nursing which will promote client-centered care, taking into consideration ethical, clinical, cultural, spiritual, and political implications.

Hallmark Assignment

Part B: Presentation

Develop a 15-20 slide PowerPoint not including the title and reference slides. Be sure to place citations as needed on each slide following APA guidelines. Please provide recorded audio for each slide that is clean and free of any background noise. Additionally the PowerPoint slides should be professional in appearance and include graphics, music, photos, embedded video etc. as appropriate. Be as creative as you desire, but remember to remain professional.

Part A: Final Paper

This semester we have reviewed a various Issues and Trends in Contemporary Nursing Practice. Many objectives have been addressed and met. Please take a moment to reflect on the objectives of the course and develop an 8-10-page scholarly paper stating how you have met the outcomes of this course.

Course Outcomes
Demonstrate understanding and competence in making decisions in nursing which will promote client-centered care, taking into consideration ethical, clinical, cultural, spiritual, and political implications.
Demonstrate intentional learning with reflection as it relates to decision-making in nursing.
Understand processes of making decisions in nursing, and apply evidence in supporting concepts and processes which relate to practice.
Demonstrate knowledge of how decision-making in nursing practice relates to clinical reasoning and critical thinking, taking into consideration the many facets of decision-making in nursing.
Demonstrate leadership in organizational, local, and global environments as it relates to decision-making in nursing.
Communicate effectively and therapeutically, with and without the use of technology, while making decisions in nursing practice.
Propose evidence-based, culturally-competent nursing care which promotes standard safe practices along with error and hazard prevention and quality improvement practices.
Participate as a collaborative team member in understanding and implementing client care, and in promoting the health of clients while making decisions as nurses in practice.

Discuss your findings and relate the results to the patients that you care for. How can you use these findings to make data-driven decisions to improve surveillance, and decrease the incidence of post-vaccination anaphylaxis/adverse reactions in your clinic?

Week 11 Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) Discussion


NUR 808 Rubric for Evaluating Discussion Board PostsDownload NUR 808 Rubric for Evaluating Discussion Board Posts

Your substantive entry is due by Wednesday and reply to two of your peers by Sunday.

1. Read the Rubric attached below, articles Anaphylaxis after vaccination reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, 1990-2016 Download Anaphylaxis after vaccination reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System that is attached below, 1990-2016 and the VAERS Table of_Reportable Events Following Vaccination.Download the VAERS Table of_Reportable Events Following Vaccination. chapters 5 in the pictures below.

2. Compare the 2019 VAERS data set to the 1990-2016 data set. How did the 1990-2016 data differ from the 2019 data? How were they similar (population data)?

3. Perform a chart review at your clinic to determine how many patients had a reaction to a vaccine and were reported to VAERS in 2019 .

4. Discuss your findings and relate the results to the patients that you care for. How can you use these findings to make data-driven decisions to improve surveillance, and decrease the incidence of post-vaccination anaphylaxis/adverse reactions in your clinic?

5. Discuss how you could use the various nursing statistic sampling types when recruiting a sample from a population. What type of sampling technique did you use when performing the clinic chart review?

6.. Add a question to the bottom of your post to stimulate further discussion amongst your peers.

Are computers making our ability to remember better or worse?


Are computers making our ability to remember better or worse? Give some examples.

Use relevant resources and references to address the public health issue related to your intervention and target population.

Policy Brief


Briefing papers provide key decision-makers with information about pertinent issues. A briefing paper (also known as a “Policy Brief” or “Issue Brief”) is a summary of facts and often recommends a course of action. The intent is to inform and highlight one particular topic, such as an area of health disparity, or other issue pertaining to public health. This type of professional writing usually concludes with proposed recommendations. In large organizations, leaders and key decision-makers must constantly learn and retain information about a large body of information, much of which is constantly changing. ere is some additional helpfu information about writing policy briefs.

Briefing papers for this assignment must be written according to the following assignment criteria:
1. The submitted paper must be no more than two pages long—not even by one line. The references page does not count in that total. If the paper is any longer than two pages, or if it is significantly shorter than two pages, points will be deducted. You will need most of the two pages to provide sufficient information to inform the audience.

2. Use relevant resources and references to address the public health issue related to your intervention and target population.

3. The paper should have the following sections:

  • A. The issue
  • B. Background
  • C. Current Status
  • D. Key considerations
  • E. Options
  • F. Recommendations

4. Conclude the paper with recommendations (section “F” mentioned in #3 above) that include your ideas for solutions. What would you do? Why? Provide evidential support for your rationale. (e.g., statistics, supporting research, peer-reviewed research articles. credible sources)

5. Cite sources using footnotes (which do not count towards the 2-page limit).

6. Refer to the grading rubric below for grading criteria.

7. For further understanding, please see these example papers from