
What product is the ad selling? Who is the target audience?


Sexism is manifested in magazines through the unrealistic portrayal of men and women. Men are often portrayed as “supermen” who are physically strong, brave, and powerful. Women, on the other hand, are portrayed as perpetually beautiful, perfectly shaped, young, sex objects. Our self-image, what we want, and what we need are influenced by advertisements.

Your assignment is to locate at least 3 print or web advertisements (not including commercials, NO VIDEO ADS) in different genres (a variety of topics such as: sports, news, women’s, men’s, trade, hobby etc.). Finally answer the following questions in essay format for each advertisement:

Is the major character in the ad female, male, or are both included?

What product is the ad selling?

Who is the target audience?

What activity is illustrated in the ad?

Is either gender involved in some activity? What type?

What are the individuals in the ad wearing?

What is the message of the ad?

In the illustrations, are there main characters in a story? If so, who is taking an active role, a passive role? Who is portrayed as a problem solver or a decision maker?

List the different occupations portrayed for females and males. Are they stereotyped?

Based on your findings you will write an essay in APA Format summarizing the results. As you write your paper, consider, whether you feel the characteristics you noticed are realistic or stereotypical?




What ethical issues can you identify within your case study? How can those challenges within the criminal justice system be overcome?

Apply ethical reasoning to ethical issues within your field of study.

Explain how cross-cultural communication is an essential element of professionalism in criminal justice fields.

Cross-Cultural Communication

Create a 6-slide PowerPoint® presentation (excluding the title, introduction, and reference slides) that addresses the following:

Assess cross-cultural communication as an essential element of professionalism in criminal justice fields.

Choose one scenario or case study that demonstrates the effect race, gender, culture, and/or sexual orientation have on interactions with police officers.

You can find scenarios in your readings or online.

Examples include Sandra Bland, Rodney King, Brandon Teena, Breonna Taylor, Michael Brown, and Carlos Ingram-Lopez.

Once you have identified your case, you will summarize it and identify themes from the course material (i.e., gender discrimination, stereotyping, communication styles, hate crimes, community-based policing, etc.).

After identifying themes from the course material, think about the way the individuals within your case study were impacted by the conduct of others.

What ethical issues can you identify within your case study? How can those challenges within the criminal justice system be overcome?

The goal of this presentation is to demonstrate your understanding of how a person’s race, culture, gender, and/or sexual orientation can play a role in a situation.

If you are studying a discipline other than criminal justice and wish to tailor your assignment to that discipline, you can contact your instructor for permission.


How does this theory explain attraction? Does the theory take into account other possible methods of developing attraction or is it exclusive? What are the strengths and limitations of this theory?

Here are the questions for Week Six:
1. Do opposites attract? After reading the chapter and researching this topic, what did you find about this question?
2. There is a research supported belief there is a small degree of separation between us and others.

What do other studies say about the concept of degrees of separation? Are the results from other studies similar and, if so, what does that tell us about the concept the text refers to as it being a “small world?” What encounters have you had regarding degrees of separation?

At a random restaurant a patron approached me and asked about the college logo on my shirt. Turns out, he attended the same undergraduate institution and knew several of the same professors.

3. What is the proximity effect? How does this concept play into establishing friendships and relationships?

4. Pick a theory of attraction and define the basic premises of the theory. How does this theory explain attraction? Does the theory take into account other possible methods of developing attraction or is it exclusive? What are the strengths and limitations of this theory?

5. Is there such a thing as a completely unselfish behavior? Explain you position with research.

What are the main contributors (causes) of the crisis at ChassisCo’s Athens plant in late 2004 (14 months after SOP)?

Case Study – Toyota Supplier Relations: Fixing the Suprima Chassis
In this assignment, you will read a case study and answer the following questions:

1. What are the main contributors (causes) of the crisis at Chassis Co’s Athens plant in late 2004 (14 months after SOP)?

Chassis Co’s responsibility?

Toyota’s responsibility?

2. Considering these causes:

What are Chassis Co’s options for resolving the crisis?

What would you do if you were in charge?

3. Considering these causes:

What are Toyota’s options for resolving the crisis?

What would you do if you were in charge?

Identify the two primary opinions or ideologies addressed in the article by their common names.

The American Revolution

Summarize the article, Black, Frederick R., “The American Revolution as “Yardstick” in the Debates on the Constitution, 1787-1788, Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 117(June 15,1973):162-185.

Sources required are listed in details. No outside sources permitted.

Be sure your summary includes the following components.

How was the article organized and what materials were used to substantiate the author’s conclusions?

Identify the two primary opinions or ideologies addressed in the article by their common names. Select and identify one or two agents/individuals from each “camp” as representatives of the debate.

Describe how the Declaration of Independence embodies the Spirit of 1776 or the gauge of Revolutionary Spirit.

Illustrate how the United States Constitution addressed the concerns of both the opponents and proponents of the document.

Describe at least one of the module topics could be incorporated into the organization to enhance resilience, preparedness or actual response functions in the event of another disaster.

Evaluate the effectiveness of the preparedness and response to the event. Based on your evaluation, think of an organizations with which you have experience.

Describe at least one of the module topics could be incorporated into the organization to enhance resilience, preparedness or actual response functions in the event of another disaster.

Basically, use the information from this class to evaluate the disaster response and how you would use those lessons to improve your facility.

In your evaluation, be sure to include the following:

Create a 30 minute presentation evaluating the selected disaster response.
Record yourself presenting the materials.

You must include your research and talking points in the notes section of the PowerPoint.

Evaluate potential disasters that could reasonably be expected int the organization
use at least one of the modules and describe how the module could be incorporated into the organization in preparation of a disaster.

What are the skills that have assisted the Afro-Caribbean entrepreneurial women in establishing a loyal customer base, financing system and meeting product demands which contributed to their business success?

Business Strategies Used by Successful Immigrant Afro-Caribbean Entrepreneurs

Research Questions

The purpose of the current study is to explore the successful strategies used by Afro-Caribbean immigrant female entrepreneurs to develop critical business skills to grow their businesses. The study will focus on the acquiring of these business skills. As part of the current study, the following research questions are proposed

Research Question 1: What are the lived experiences of Afro-Caribbean entrepreneurial women regarding their business practices, strategies and decision-making processes that contributed to the success of their business?

Research Question 2: What are the skills that have assisted the Afro-Caribbean entrepreneurial women in establishing a loyal customer base, financing system and meeting product demands which contributed to their business success?

Research Question 3: What are some of the experiences, trainings, skills or strategies that have contributed to the development and innovation of the business start-ups of the Afro-Caribbean women?

How long will it take? How much will it cost? What results do you anticipate?

“Now, based upon what you have read in the source document, the assigned chapter(s) from the textbook, and/or your professional experiences, provide a recommendation, just one, completely outside of what is identified in the source document and/or the assigned chapter(s) from the textbook, that will solve the problem you have discovered” (Jacobs & Chase, 2011, p. 23)-as an example of an in text citation from a direct quotation from a printed source.

The recommendation must be distinctly different from either of the preceding alternative actions. You may explain why your recommendation is superior and why the advantage outweighs the disadvantage. You may discuss how the disadvantage might be overcome or minimized.

You may discuss what is involved in implementing this recommendation.

How long will it take? How much will it cost? What results do you anticipate? BE CREATIVE! You may have to make assumptions in formulating your recommendation.

Assumptions are acceptable to the extent that they are clearly articulated. Use the information you have and work with it. Rarely do decision makers have all the information they would like to have. This is an opportunity to take a chance, to risk putting forth an idea or thought of your own device; use your imagination. Be sure you provide rationale, one advantage, and one disadvantage for it.

Do not hesitate to go out on a limb. Innovation is highly desirable. The recommendation should be no more than two paragraphs and no less than one paragraph in length. Put this analysis into your conception of what should be done to address the problem/issue. It doesn’t have to be pretty but it should work, theoretically.

Explain how this might be used in making good decisions.

Select one of the following topics:

Exponential function
Logarithmic function

Share a task – personal or professional – that could be modeled mathematically through your chosen topic. Explain how this might be used in making good decisions.

Some examples might be:Exponential growth or decline of money, population or path of a rocket Logarithmic nature of sound intensity Relationships that have limitations on the quantities

Write a 300-word initial post and save it as a document. Remember to cite your sources using current APA formatting.

Analyze qualitative and quantitative data using primary and secondary sources to generate meaningful results

Case study Maruti Suzuki India: Defending Market Leadership in the A-Segment

The final project for this course is the creation of a research report.

Problem solving is the heart blood of any organization. In today’s world, data metrics are used extensively for accountability and performance measures. These demands require a specialized form of problem solving, but there are many ways to approach data-driven problem-solving.

Using action research is a very powerful tool for identifying, analyzing, and explaining problems by using the evidence from the data analysis to guide decisions.

In this final project, you will create a research report based on the application of action research processes for developing problem solving strategies. In designing the report, you will follow the best practices for ethical research.

You will utilize the research process to inform decisions in your professional life and as a framework for approaching research projects in other courses in your program. The final product will be a comprehensive research report using the five-step research process (identify the problem; understand the theoretical framework of the problem; design the research study; collect, explain, and analyze the data; report the results; and make conclusions and recommendations).

You will refer to the given case study and choose a research problem that has (or could have) real business or organizational applications. You will explore the theoretical foundation of the problem by integrating information from a variety of quality sources.

Then you will apply basic quantitative analysis as a part of this process and use this analysis to propose a recommendation for action. The finished research report will serve as a deliverable to a decision maker as seamless and cogent analysis of the research problem, including the evidence for resolution.

The project is divided into three milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions.
In this assignment you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:
• Analyze data-driven business problems using action research

• Determine the theoretical foundation of business problems through the analysis of relevant, quality sources

• Analyze qualitative and quantitative data using primary and secondary sources to generate meaningful results

• Apply ethical reasoning that complies with legal and professional standards of practice to the research enterprise

• Present the findings, conclusions, and recommendations of research studies through the effective integration of written and analytical skills