
Clearly identify a topic and a problem to examine, i.e., a theory/practice in religion/digital life;

Instant Karma and Internet Karma: Karmic Memes and Morality on Social Media

In a document you will find detailed explanation what you need to write and what structure is required.

More to the point, you are expected to:

1) clearly identify a topic and a problem to examine, i.e., a theory/practice in religion/digital life;

2) develop a specific argument and to defend a conclusion;

3) explain relevant concepts and background theories/methods;

4) explore disciplinary biases that may support or inhibit the study of religion;

5) show an understanding of important discussions (in academia) about the strengths and weaknesses of varying theoretical approaches to the study of religion.

Discuss the process of communication to use with the patient and the family when obtaining informed consent.

Write a short (50-100-word) paragraph response for each question posed below. Submit this assignment as a Microsoft Word document.

I. Define CAM.

Describe the patient who uses CAM the most.

3. List some common misconceptions about CAM.

1. Identify methods of including the use of CAM in patient education.

5. Discuss the safe use of CAM.

List ways in which conventional medicine and CAM can be integrated.

7. Define ethical theories, ethical principles, and values.

3. Provide examples of ethical issues in patient education and compliance, and describe ways in which an effective professional/patient relationship and a poor health professional/patient relationship can impact these issues.

L. Explain what is meant by “ethical patient education practices”. ). Explain the purpose of informed consent.

I. Discuss what factors determine the patient’s ability to give informed consent. Compose a sample informed consent form.

3. Discuss the process of communication to use with the patient and the family when obtaining informed consent.

Demonstrate your understanding of these methodological approaches by describing each, comparing and contrasting key features, and explaining when it would be appropriate to use each methodological approach.

Selecting a Methodological Approach

For this discussion, complete the following:

Select two methodological approaches from the five listed:


Case study.


Grounded theory.

Generic qualitative inquiry.

Demonstrate your understanding of these methodological approaches by describing each, comparing and contrasting key features, and explaining when it would be appropriate to use each methodological approach.

Explain how forests are impacted by climate change in various places around the world and how forests themselves may offset aspects of climate change. Be specific in your examples, describing what is happening and where.

Web Assignment

Using information from the New York Times Changing Forest website;

Explain how forests are impacted by climate change in various places around the world and how forests themselves may offset aspects of climate change. Be specific in your examples, describing what is happening and where.

What are the steps and factors to consider for self-assessment within the classroom and goal setting within the professional learning community, identify three factors that you would like to refine, and describe how you would accomplish this?


What are the steps and factors to consider for self-assessment within the classroom and goal setting within the professional learning community, identify three factors that you would like to refine, and describe how you would accomplish this?

What are examples of well-known corporate images and how are they constructed?

Review the attachment along with internet sources answer the following questions below

How are physical structure, organizational identity, and corporate image related?

What are examples of well-known corporate images and how are they constructed?

How exactly have they contributed, and how valuable have their contributions been? What needs to be done to make your team work more effectively and perform better?

Socratic Skill Builder Assignment

Entrepreneurial Challenges (answer a minimum of 100 words for this ENTIRE question – not for each challenge) The theme this week deals with the creation of a new venture and managing that new business. Based on the videos, readings, and your own experience/knowledge.

What are the TOP TEN biggest challenges facing an entrepreneur starting a new business (and explain why, for each issue)?

List these TEN challenges in order of priority and place an importance factor on each challenge (a number 0-100, with 100 signifying an enormously important challenge). Some students argue that it depends on the type of venture, and if you believe this to be true, then select a specific type of venture, identify it, and answer the question.

Challenges Managing New Venture (answer a minimum of 100 words for this ENTIRE question – not for each Challenge)

Unconscious Incompetence (answer a minimum of 100 words for this question) Assume the role of a business consultant who specializes in entrepreneurship, and explain how unconscious incompetence applies to entrepreneurship (be sure to address how unconscious incompetence can seriously impede entrepreneurial activity and venture survival/performance).

Risk Factors (answer a minimum of 100 words for this ENTIRE question – not for each risk) Based on what you know, and the material presented in the course thus far, what are the TOP TEN risks associated with starting a new business, and why? Just like in the previous questions, place in order of priority and place a degree of importance/severity on each risk factor. (Hint: some people think the biggest risk is sunk salary you could have earned, or damage to ego, or wasted time, or damaged reputation, or letting down one’s family, or being sued, or going to jail, etc, etc.)

Professional Support Team (answer a minimum of 100 words for this question) Explain the importance of a professional support team for new ventures, and how would you suggest the new team (attorneys, accountants, consultants, suppliers, etc.) be formed (who do you acquire first, when, etc.)?

Video Favorite (answer a minimum of 100 words for this question) This week there was a large quantity of videos (and readings) assigned to explore the very essence of entrepreneurship (the word – the concept). Which of these videos most resonated with you in regard to understanding entrepreneurship (and why)?

Team Contribution (answer a minimum of 100 words for this question) Assess the contribution of each team member thus far in the semester. How exactly have they contributed, and how valuable have their contributions been? What needs to be done to make your team work more effectively and perform better? Compared to other team members, what is the value of your contribution to the team thus far in the semester?


Define energy balance and its functions to the human body.

Energy balance and its functions to the human body.

Cover page, Abstract page, main pages, lastly reference page.
Define energy balance and its functions to the human body.

When and how would it be appropriate to use cognates as a support for the development of L2?

Acquisition Essay

Write a 1,000-1,500 word essay discussing the relationship between proficiency in L1 and the ability to learn L2. Include a brief discussion of the stages of L1 acquisition in your essay for context. Your essay should address the following questions:

How can literacy in L1 support literacy in L2?

What instructional implications does this create?

When and how would it be appropriate to use cognates as a support for the development of L2?

Include 3-5 sources from your research to support your position.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

How can communication styles help or hinder nurses in their day-to-day work?

Write a 1,000 word essay on the topic.

How can communication styles help or hinder nurses in their day-to-day work?

• Your work must include introduction, body and conclusion.

• You must refer to recently published academic and medical journals, newspaper
articles, economic data, and books when conducting your research

• Your analysis should be written up to at least a 65% standard.