
Describe the four behavioral science disciplines that inform leadership’s understanding of organizational behavior.

Assignment Content Competency Determine the value of organizational behavior.

Scenario Individual behaviors in the workplace impact an organization, and leadership should understand its impact on an organization as a foundation for creating strategies in effectively leading.

In this scenario, a technology company has been struggling with sales recently, and leadership believes developing new, in-demand products will increase business. The administration determined that hiring product and market development specialists will be necessary.

The new talent will assist current software developers, taking over some of their responsibilities with new products. The company’s talent acquisition team has indicated that the newly hired talent on boarding activities will require current software developers to get them up to speed.

Overall, the developers are not happy with the decision to have the new talent take over some of their responsibilities, even though they do feel overwhelmed with current workloads. They are not looking forward to training new employees either, even actively resisting this process.

As part of the talent acquisition team, you have been asked to complete a section for the on boarding playbook for new employees. The section you have been asked to complete is the section on organizational behavior. Instructions Develop a 2-3-page organizational behavior section of the on boarding playbook for all new employees that:

Explain the three levels of organizational behavior (OB) and their importance for leaders to understand.

Describe the four behavioral science disciplines that inform leadership’s understanding of organizational behavior.


What are Socio-economic impact of automation in the workplace, and the responsibility of organizations to its workers when automation takes place?

What are Socio-economic impact of automation in the workplace, and the responsibility of organizations to its workers when automation takes place?

Identify one specific source of public health data on that issue and write one paragraph about it.

Public Health and Epidemiology Case 2

Write an essay in which you first clearly identify a single major achievement in Epidemiology (e.g., Smallpox, HIV/AIDS, Tobacco Use, Cholera). Then briefly describe one important tool that is used to measure its occurrence in a population.

Briefly identify one source of public health data on that issue. Finally, incorporating the concepts of risk and rates, briefly discuss at least one major factor that influenced its occurrence.

(1.) Which single achievement in Epidemiology is of particular interest to you? (Some examples include Smallpox, HIV/AIDS, Tobacco Use, and Cholera). Please write 2–3 sentences maximum.

(2.) Briefly describe that achievement in Epidemiology (1–2 paragraphs). In what era did this achievement occur? Be sure to cite sources rather than simply stating your opinion.

(3.) Briefly describe one important tool that can be used to measure its occurrence in a population. Examples of Tools include surveys, surveillance, and biological monitoring.

(4.) Identify one specific source of public health data on that issue and write one paragraph about it. Provide a description of the source and a link (i.e., hyperlink or URL) directly to the data source.

(5.) Incorporating what you learned in this module about risk and rates, what would you say was one major factor that influenced the achievement of this occurrence? Please write 2–3 paragraphs and be sure to cite sources rather than simply stating your opinion.

What can you conclude about the effect of procedural justice training on police behavior?

Math/Physic/Economic/Statistic Problems

Must answer TWO from the following questions:
Your research aimed to test the effect of procedural justice training on police behavior. A program that emphasized the importance of voice, neutrality, respect, and trustworthiness in policing actions (consistent with principles of procedural justice) was delivered to a group of police officers.

The program’s goals were to increase the level of respect with which officers treat the public. In this study, (dis)respect was operationalised as the number of times officers used force against civilians.

You collected data for each officer on how many times they had used force against civilians in the 12-month period prior to the training occurring, and in the 12-month period following the training occurring. Your data are non parametric. Your results are shown below.

Report your results of your analysis.
What can you conclude about the effect of procedural justice training on police behavior?

What statistical test did you use to reach this conclusion?

 Discuss the limits of these “guaranteed” freedoms. Should we expand or constrict these limits?

In a detailed manner please explain the five aspects of the First Amendment in the Constitution of United States:

1- freedom of religion,

2- freedom of speech,

3- freedom of the press,

4- freedom to assemble and

5- freedom to redress.

Discuss the limits of these “guaranteed” freedoms. Should we expand or constrict these limits?

Identify and describe the three types of convergent plate boundaries.

Convergent Plate Boundaries

Identify and describe the three types of convergent plate boundaries.

Include in your discussion any landforms, topographic features, rock types, or other physical processes that may develop along these boundaries. Names a geographic example of each.

Explain how you will use your findings in your future professional practice.

Reflection on teacher interview

Write a 500-750 word reflection summarizing your observations and discussion with your mentor teacher.(use interview Q&A) Explain how you will use your findings in your future professional practice.

Describe the nonequivalent control group design and nonequivalent control group pretest- posttest design, and discuss the advantages of having a control group.

Describe single-case experimental designs and discuss reasons to use this design.

Describe the one-group posttest-only design.

Describe the one-group pretest-posttest design and the associated threats to internal validity that may occur: history, maturation, testing, instrument decay, and regression toward the mean.

Describe the nonequivalent control group design and nonequivalent control group pretest- posttest design, and discuss the advantages of having a control group.

Distinguish between the interrupted time series design and control series design.

Describe cross-sectional, longitudinal, and sequential research designs, including the advantages and disadvantages of each design.

Define cohort effect.

What is a multiple baseline design? Why is it used? Distinguish between multiple baseline designs across subjects, across behaviors, and across situations.

Review Questions
What is a reversal design? Why is an ABAB design superior to an ABA design?
What is meant by baseline in a single-case design?

What is a multiple baseline design? Why is it used? Distinguish between multiple baseline designs across subjects, across behaviors, and across situations.

Why might a researcher use a quasi-experimental design rather than a true experimental design?

Why does the use of a control group eliminate the problems associated with the one-group pretest- posttest design?

Describe the threats to internal validity discussed in the text: history, maturation, testing, instrument decay, regression toward the mean, and selection differences.

Describe the nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design. Why is this a quasi-experimental design rather than a true experiment?

Describe the interrupted time series and the control series designs. What are the strengths of the control series design as compared with the interrupted time series design?

Distinguish between longitudinal, cross-sectional, and sequential methods.

What is a cohort effect?

Evaluate the impact of patient characteristics on disorders and altered physiology

Neurological and Musculoskeletal Disorders Module 5 Assignment: Case Study Analysis
Analyze processes related to neurological and musculoskeletal disorders

Identify racial/ethnic variables that may impact physiological functioning

Evaluate the impact of patient characteristics on disorders and altered physiology