
Did Violence and warfare drove the island’s history from 1460-1800’. Do you agree or disagree. Why?

Did Violence and warfare drove the island’s history from 1460-1800’. Do you agree or disagree. Why?

List three culturally based behaviors that may not promote health, and explain how you would provide respectful health promotion education to that cultural group.

Health and Wellness

For a cultural group different from your own. List three culturally based behaviors that may not promote health, and explain how you would provide respectful health promotion education to that cultural group.

How far do you agree with this view of Macbeth?-Evil, as portrayed in the play, is essentially feminine’

Evil, as portrayed in the play, is essentially feminine’ How far do you agree with this view of Macbeth?

What is the decision that needs to be made in the case? What are the major decision options?

Strategic Analysis

Case Study Aid: Decision Scenarios
I. Analyzing a Decision Scenario Case This study aid is divided into two parts.

The first part organizes your notes and thinking about the case.

The second organizes the points you want to make for an essay on the case. (For a detailed explanation of how to analyze a decision scenario, see Chapter 4.)

To begin your work, think about and capture the following: What is the decision that needs to be made in the case? What are the major decision options?

In a decision scenario case, the decision is stated in one of the sections, typically the first. Often the decision options are also explicitly stated. If the options are not stated, you’ll need to determine what you think are the most logical alternatives.

Decision options:
Exploring the Decision Options What questions will help you explore the decision options you listed above? Can you identify concepts or frameworks you have learned that might be useful for answering the questions?

Questions for exploring the decision options. Examples: Does the new product offer significant value to the customer? Does the new product offer financial advantages for the manufacturer?

Explain how an alteration in respiratory rate can compensate for an acid- base imbalance.

BIOS 256 Case Study 5


A 4-week-old has been vomiting repeatedly for the past several days. It is getting worse. Today it occurs immediately after nursing and is so forceful it shoots across the room! He appears ravenously hungry, and drinks vigorously, but immediately vomits again.

Physical Exam:

Infant has evidence of dehydration. On abdominal exam there is a small, firm, “lump” that can be felt in the upper abdomen.


An abdominal ultrasound shows thickening of the pylorus


Pyloric stenosis

Consider the effect that repeated vomiting would have on the electrolytes of the body.

He will need to receive IV fluids to correct his dehydration and electrolyte imbalances before heading to surgery to relieve the obstruction.


Answer the following questions based on the scenario and article above and save your responses in a Microsoft Word document. Provide a scholarly resource in APA format to support your answers.

Understanding that HCl is produced in the stomach and that he has been vomiting his stomach contents, predict the acid/base imbalance that repeated vomiting will cause.

Predict the effect on blood chloride level from repeated vomiting?

“Normal saline” is often used to treat dehydration. What does it mean for the saline to be “normal”?

Research to discover signs or symptoms of dehydration. List 3.

Explain how an alteration in respiratory rate can compensate for an acid- base imbalance.

Discuss what difference you think the readings and class material make in social work Examples from your field placement and life experience (yours or those of your friends or relatives).


Journal entries are to include the following:

Discuss your intellectual and emotional reactions. Critical reaction to class lectures, discussions, presentations, exercises and videos. Again, do not summarize. Instead, discuss and react to those issues in class that interest or excite you or with which you have some experience. Implications you draw from readings and class discussion for social work practice and policy.

Discuss what difference you think the readings and class material make in social work Examples from your field placement and life experience (yours or those of your friends or relatives). Examples should illustrate how the reading or class discussion increases your understanding of a particular practice situation and /or connects to a life experience or raises further questions.

Reactions, thoughts, feelings about what is happening in the world around us, in relation to what we are reading and discussing in class Discussion of newspaper or magazine articles, journal articles, books, television programs, movies, etc. that are relevant to what we are considering in class and the topic Some other suggestions: Formulate your own questions and ideas and express them even when you can only be tentative.

Try to make connections between the abstract and concrete, between theories, concepts and ideas and ways in which they are played out in yours and other’s experiences. Respond to the perspective of the author of the article.

When you start an entry with experience, test it out against some reading. When you start with reading, react critically and try to relate it to our own ideas, experiences, and questions.

Clearly explain how the evaluative points raised impact on the findings and conclusions of the research you are reviewing.

Sex difference in intelligence under different culture and ages

This includes your citations but not your References section. Try to develop evidence based arguments. Clearly explain how the evaluative points raised impact on the findings and conclusions of the research you are reviewing.

Carefully lead the reader through the steps in your reasoning and evidence each claim during the argument .The purpose is to evaluate the scientific worth of the research you are reviewing – and crucially to demonstrate that you can develop strong evidence-based evaluative arguments. Finally, two excellent sample essays are given for reference.

How does economic inequality, particularly as experienced by this group, connect to human rights concepts?

Part 1: Connecting of Economic Inequality and Poverty to Social Work Values and Human Rights

A. Provide 2 examples of how economic inequality and/or poverty impact the population you
chose in part one (individuals of below average intelligence).

B. Choose 2 Ethical Principles identified in the NASW Code of Ethics and explain how they relate to the economic inequality experienced by your chosen population. (Individuals of below average intelligence).

C. How does economic inequality, particularly as experienced by this group, connect to human rights concepts? (For this part sources can be from any peer reviewed literature, at least 5 sources, not verbatim but paraphrased and clearly explained as they relate to the prompts)
Second page:

Part 2: Connecting to Theory

A. Use the social policy of, successful aging, to focus on in this assignment.

B. Choose one theoretical perspective that relates to your chosen area of social policy.

C. How does this theory inform social worker’s understanding of this problem, particularly as experienced by this group? (Individuals of below average intelligence).

How does this theory inform our understanding of society’s response to this problem?

D. Based on the readings so far (For this part of the assignment the sources should mainly be from the attached list, which are the readings the teacher is referring to, at least 5 sources), how does this theory or another theoretical perspective inform your understanding of the population you identified? (Individuals of below average intelligence).

What is your perception of the scale, proportion, balance, symmetry and form of the structure in the Church of St. Foy, Conques, France, in contrast to Notre Dame, Paris?

Romanesque and Gothic Style Architecture Discussion

Task: Compare and contrast the Romanesque style and the Gothic style.

Review the materials in this week’s module. Keep in mind construction techniques such as rounded arches, capitals, columns, pointed arches, load-bearing construction, naves, stained glass windows, high or low reliefs, vaulting, rotunda, scale, light, etc. In a well-written paragraph of between 125-150 words, describe your impressions of the styles of architecture that are represented by the Church of St. Foy, Conques, France, and Notre Dame, Paris.

Incorporate specific structural terms from materials in the course in response to two or more of the following questions:

What is your perception of the scale, proportion, balance, symmetry and form of the structure in the Church of St. Foy, Conques, France, in contrast to Notre Dame, Paris?

How is a sense of “grandeur” conveyed by the plan and interior of the Church of St. Foy, Conques, France, in contrast to Notre Dame, Paris?

What architectural elements distinguish the Church of St. Foy, Conques, France, from Notre Dame, Paris from exterior views?

What architectural elements distinguish the Church of St. Foy, Conques, France, from Notre Dame, Paris from interior views?

Why is knowing about the differences between these two styles important in the development of western art and architecture?

Identify key data and metrics you will study that are relevant to addressing the problem/opportunity.

Framing the Problem/Opportunity
For all assignments in your Capstone Project, your work will be based on the organization you identified in your Week 2 Discussion Question post. In this assignment, you will submit a 2-3 page paper in which you will include a brief overview of market conditions and develop a clear and well-focused problem/opportunity statement. This requires you to provide sufficient background on the competitive environment and the organization to accurately frame the problem for your Board. Your deliverables are:

1. Present a brief overview of market conditions, the competitive environment, and the strengths and weaknesses of your organization relative to your competitors. You should draw on one of the methodologies you have studied in the program (such as Jack’s 5 Step Strategy Framework, SWOT, PESTEL, or Porter’s Five Forces) to guide you, but DO NOT present a full-blown market analysis to the Board. Your Board members will already possess significant knowledge of the market and the company, so use this overview to set the stage for the rest of your brief. Distill your overview down to 2 components.

a. First, provide a general overview of market conditions, trends, and big issues. For example, you may begin with a line such as “As you know, we have experienced considerable challenges in this space over the last two years…”

b. Then, summarize the competitive environment. Open with a sentence such as “Our biggest competitor ABC has made bold steps to develop X and has made significant gains in market share in Y. This has presented us with a number of challenges…”

2. Problem/Opportunity Statement

Following your overview, identify the specific problem or opportunity that, if properly addressed, will have a significant positive impact on the success of the organization. This will include your “testable hypothesis” for which you will gather and analyze data to validate in your next assignment. To accomplish this:

a. Define a clear problem or opportunity that addresses what is important to the organization in order to meaningfully improve its competitive strength. Note: It is expected that you will refine the problem/opportunity statement you drafted for your Week 2 Discussion Question, leveraging the feedback you received from your classmates and professor.

b. Identify key data and metrics you will study that are relevant to addressing the problem/opportunity.

c. Identify stakeholders who will be involved in addressing the problem/opportunity. At this stage, you do not need to name specific people, but you must identify functions, departments, geographical areas, etc., that will be impacted. You must also explain the nature of the potential impact.

d. Include relevant information on previous experiences or findings related to this problem/opportunity. This information may be noted in an appendix if that is more appropriate for context and flow.