
Do you believe we should have regular random drug testing for government officials? For example, politicians, judges, probation officers, police officer, etc. Why or why not?

Discussion Questions

You don’t have to answer every question below, but you do need to answer at least 5 questions. Basically, answer the ones that are most appealing to you.

1) Recently, we have had transgender boys and girls who competed based on their gender in transition, that is, transgender boys competing against girls and vice versa. Many people argued it is not a fair matchup as the hormone pills enhances their athletic ability. Being the pills taken are considered drugs, what are your thoughts on this issue?

2) Do you believe we should have regular random drug testing for government officials? For example, politicians, judges, probation officers, police officer, etc. Why or why not?

3) What type of criminal punishment do you think we ought to give people who sexually assault others while he or she is drunk?

4) For years, groups like “Mothers Against Drunk Drivers” (M.A.D.D.) have had some success with lobbing legislatures for harsher criminal punishment for Driving While Intoxicated (D.W.I.), yet DWI remains a leading cause of death in our country. With that said and if you were a legislator, what new law (that does not already exist) would you enact to stop or entirely prevent drunk driving?

5) When people are drunk and behave unwisely and with the exemption of sexual assault, who do you think is at fault, the drunk person or those who react to the situation?

6) If we allow the use of drugs both natural and artificial, like 5-hour energy drinks or ginseng/ginger tea, do you believe we should allow athletics the same privilege to enhance their endurances?1) Recently, we have had transgender boys and girls who competed based on their gender in transition, that is, transgender boys competing against girls and vice versa. Many people argued it is not a fair matchup as the hormone pills enhances their athletic ability. Being the pills taken are considered drugs, what are your thoughts on this issue?

Watch these short videos to get your thoughts going…..

Performance-Enhancing Drugs and Drug Testing in Sports

Transgender Wrestlers

Drunk Drivers & Fights

Effects of Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol Intoxicated People

Do you see world-systems theory and modernization theory as complementary or at odds with one another? Choose a specific topic in marriage and family and try to apply both theories to it.

Marriage and families

Do you see world-systems theory and modernization theory as complementary or at odds with one another? Choose a specific topic in marriage and family and try to apply both theories to it.

Assuming it is just resolved and radiating as a blackbody and is as large as can be and not be resolved what can you say about the temperature? (c) What can you say about the temperature of the material doing the emission?

Physics Question

Here is the class textbook:…

The assignment questions

1.Consider a point source which is observed both directly and the light from this source is observed from a small cloud. If the source is observed to be unpolarized and the scattering is from Thomson Scattering from free electrons and the geometry is such that the line from the source to the small cloud makes an angle of 45° to the line from the object to the observer. Then what would be the polarization of scattered light from the cloud. Draw a diagram showing the polarizations.

2. An object has a measured emission at 100 MHz of F = 5×10^-17 ergcm ^-2s^-1Hz^-1 at a telescope with a resolution of 9 arc minutes.

  • (a) Assuming it is unresolved and radiating as a blackbody, what can you say about the temperature of the object?
  • (b) Assuming it is just resolved and radiating as a blackbody and is as large as can be and not be resolved what can you say about the temperature?
  • (c) What can you say about the temperature of the material doing the emission?

3. Consider the ejecta of a supernova, if we approximate this as a sphere of radius, R, of 10 solar mass of fully ionized hydrogen at temperature T=10^6 K, then:

  • (a) What would be the emission from this sphere if we treated it as a black bodv?
  • (b) What would be the emission from this sphere if we treated it as optically thin Bremmsstrallung?
  • (c) At what radius are they equal?

Identify two “metaphors” Athanasius uses to explain key points in his theology and explain their meaning. Identify what you take to be Athanasius’s main purpose in writing.

Athanasius – On the Incarnation – Worksheet


Bring this worksheet to class on Thursday for your Reading Comprehension Quiz credit.


  1. Identify two “metaphors” Athanasius uses to explain key points in his theology and explain their meaning.
  2. Identify what you take to be Athanasius’s main purpose in writing.
  3. Describe what you see as the two main problems ‘The Fall’ causes that the incarnation must remedy.
  4. Write one quote that you liked from this book.

Bonus Question: What was the nature of humans before the transgression?

Identify and organise credible sources of data and information. Critically evaluate information to support decision making. Appraise results of the decision-making process.

Business project

This assignment is designed to assess learning outcomes:
1. Identify and organise credible sources of data and information
2. Critically evaluate information to support decision making
3. Appraise results of the decisionmaking process
4. Assess and critically evaluate the range of tools and techniques available as support for managerial decision making.

Produce a dissertation that evaluates and synthesises qualitative research methods such as the literature review and dissertation proposal and displays evidence of independent research skills.

MSc Dissertation Handbook

1. Develop appropriate data collection instruments for mixed methods research and to evaluate each for their appropriateness to the research question;
2. Engage in a sustained piece of individual, academic research on a chosen topic within the field(s) specifically relevant to the course;

3. Read widely and critically reflect on a number of pieces of written research in an appropriate and thorough manner;

4. Evaluate varying methodological approaches and to adopt the necessary approaches suitable to the topic being researched;

5. Produce a dissertation that evaluates and synthesises quantitative (statistical) approaches such as empirical tests on a hypothesis;

Produce a dissertation that evaluates and synthesises qualitative research methods such as the literature review and dissertation proposal and displays evidence of independent research skills.

Now that you have investigated international and domestic cases, which cases do you find the most interesting? Do you currently work in health care, finance or non-profit organizations? Do you relate to any of the ethical dilemmas showcased in this literature?

Case Study Comparative Analysis

Now that you have investigated international and domestic cases, which cases do you find the most interesting? Do you currently work in health care, finance or non-profit organizations? Do you relate to any of the ethical dilemmas showcased in this literature?

Why do leadership development initiatives influence employee engagement? How do leadership development initiatives impact the retention of leaders?

Leadership Developments Initiatives

As an HR consultant, you are exceeding the expectations of the leadership team of the U.S. branch. Along with the change management plan, your memo emphasizing the need for leaders to coach, mentor, and inspire the workforce to participate in the change process was well received by the VP and the leadership team of the U.S. branch.
Now you decide to preempt questions regarding leadership development initiatives that can be deployed at the U.S. branch to improve employee engagement or reduce attrition. To highlight how leadership development initiatives influence employee engagement, you decide to share the case study of a successful company. Apart from the case study, you will also submit your analysis on how these initiatives can develop “change leaders” at the U.S. branch of the Singaporean software solutions provider. You will also include your suggestions about the delivery methods for these leadership development initiatives.

Prompt Write a brief to document your analysis of the leadership development initiatives of the Campbell Soup Company. This paper should inform the VP and leadership of the U.S. branch about initiatives that you recommend for deployment at the U.S. branch of the Singaporean software solutions provider to develop change leaders.

Specifically, you must address the following criteria:
1. Recommend leadership development initiatives from the Campbell Soup Company Case Study that can be deployed at the U.S. branch of the Singaporean software solutions provider.

  • Why do leadership development initiatives influence employee engagement?
  • How do leadership development initiatives impact the retention of leaders?
  • Refer to the Employee Engagement Surveys and Exit Interviews to ensure relevant company data is considered.

2. Determine manager competencies (knowledge, skill, and ability) that will be effective in supporting the change management plan.

  • How does a coach or mentor influence change acceptance?
  • Refer to the Leaders’ Self Evaluations and Exit Interviews to ensure relevant company data is considered.

3. Recommend delivery methods for leadership development initiatives.

  • Consider a blend of formal and informal trainings, and classroom and online methods of training, while making your selection.
  • Consider relevant organization data from the Exit Interviews.

4. Justify recommendations for leadership development initiatives.

  • How will leadership development initiatives prepare employees for change?
  • How does leadership influence the success of an organization?

What was your reaction to this experience of community engagement? Was there anything that came out during the walk that was unexpected or surprised you?

Community Engagement

Using the starting point address, walk around the community in any direction that you choose for 45 minutes and/or 15 blocks.

Section A: Reflection after the Walk
Think about your impressions from the walk as you address the following questions. You may first want to use a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis as you process the community as a participant or a visitor. Then, you might want to switch to a more participatory community mapping perspective to look closely at the community’s assets and capacities. You can also include human talents/skills development and the social/emotional, spiritual, cultural, information/communication, physical, environmental, and political domains.

You should write and reflect on the following:
Written Assignment

Answer the following questions in no more than 2 double-spaced pages.

What was your reaction to this experience of community engagement?

Was there anything that came out during the walk that was unexpected or surprised you?

Did your picture of the community change as a result of your walk? In what way?

Did you feel more or less connected to the community after the walk? Why?

What could you do to more directly connect with/engage/participate with people in the community and empower them in the relationship with you?

Based on what you have learned about the impacts of incarceration on adolescent development, what are some ways that these negative effects might be mitigated? In other words, what can be done for youth who are incarcerated to make the experience less negative?

Critical issue #4: Developmental Implications of Incarceration

Closely follow the instructions and draw heavily from the course material.
1) What are the developmental implications of being incarcerated during adolescence? Consider the possible implications across various domains such as mental health, physical health, education, social relationships, and adult wellbeing
2) Based on what you have learned about the impacts of incarceration on adolescent development, what are some ways that these negative effects might be mitigated? In other words, what can be done for youth who are incarcerated to make the experience less negative?
3) What can be done instead of incarceration to help youth take responsibility for their actions while supporting positive youth development?

Links to material:
2) documentary:
3) Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood by Arnett (mainly chapter 13)