
Should prisoners have a possibility to complete their education while they are in prison?

Should prisoners have a possibility to complete their education while they are in prison?

Define the concepts of multiculturalism, interculturalism and transculturalism in your opening paragraph.

Here are the plays you can pick from: Fences by August Wilson; Zoot Suit by Luis Valdez; The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime by Simon Stephens; The Clean House by Sarah Ruhl; Laramie Project by Moises Kaufmann and Stop Kiss by Diana Son.

This is a paper in which you compare and contrast the multicultural, intercultural and transcultural aspects of two plays. For this assignment you may also use the musicals “Lion King” and “Hamilton” as one of your plays.

1. Choose two plays that you like and want to discuss

2. Define the concepts of multiculturalism, interculturalism and transculturalism in your opening paragraph.

3. Organize your paper into three main sections: multiculturalism, interculturalism, transculturalism and discuss those concepts with specifics and examples of each of the two plays. Be sure to make comparisons (similarities) and contrasts (differences) between the two plays.

4. Write a concluding paragraph that ties all the information together.

5. Paper must be 7 to 10 pages in length in MLA format.

6. You must use the two plays as Reference Citations plus at least two other outside sources.

Define Bronfen brenner’s Ecological Perspective including all five (5) levels of systems, making note of each of the systems as they are expressed in the film.


Choose two (2) of the main characters (among the “boys”).

Define Bronfen brenner’s Ecological Perspective including all five (5) levels of systems, making note of each of the systems as they are expressed in the film. You can speak in generalities (i.e. – the micro-systems for the boys include their caregivers), but make sure it is specific to the film.

Select 2 of the 4 main characters in the film.

Discuss how each system interacts with these characters to inform their functioning and development.

Compare and/or contrast the differences or similarities between the environmental factors of these two characters.

Include elements of resource and resilience.

Include any value conflicts and personal biases that may have emerged for you in viewing the film.



Why do adolescents tend to have more conflicts with their parents? Mention three psychological changes at this stage of Human Development.

Cognitive Development in Adolescence

Think about Cognitive Development in Adolescence. How do you think it affects the way adolescents think, act, or behave? For example, why do adolescents tend to behave impulsively, irrationally, or dangerously? Why do adolescents tend to have more conflicts with their parents? Mention three psychological changes at this stage of Human Development.

How do different ethnic groups, cultural groups deal with social comparison and what affect does it have on their identity?

Peer Relationships
How do different ethnic groups, cultural groups deal with social comparison and what affect does it have on their identity? Are there different kinds of cliques and crowds compare to those there are in the United States, and what are their affects?

escribe your undergraduate studies, current career track, or volunteer activities and how they relate to what you intend to do in graduate school.

Opening paragraph

Introduce yourself and why you are pursuing graduate study.

Demonstrate your unique qualifications by using concrete examples from your life experience and personal qualities that distinguish you from other applicants.

Describe and provide brief examples of your determination, fortitude, initiative, and ability to develop ideas, and your capacity to work through problems independently.


In one to three paragraphs, build a foundation for your forthcoming work. Discuss your experiences with the following:

Explain why you chose this field of study and how your academic, professional, or volunteer background may have led to your interest in obtaining graduate education.

List your expertise and accomplishments in your major field and include any research or related professional work you have performed, and be sure to include the name of any professors that provided guidance or direction.

Describe your undergraduate studies, current career track, or volunteer activities and how they relate to what you intend to do in graduate school.

Include specific experiences that demonstrate your motivation and inspiration for continued study.

List other relevant experiences, activities, organizational leadership, awards, honors, etc. that includes organizational information and other important details.

Mention specific faculty with whom you are interested in working with at St. Cloud State.

Closing Paragraph

Leave the reader with a clear understanding of your qualifications and your vision for the successful completion of your chosen graduate program. Boldly articulate the value that you hope to gain while you are a graduate student at St. Cloud State. Describe your goals and career ambitions, and explain how your graduate program will help you achieve those goals. Finally, describe the value you will contribute to the classroom and your student colleagues.

Identify top 3 challenges facing human resource managers and propose how these challenges can be overcome.

Introduction to professional management

1. List at least 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages of group decision-making. Evaluate and explain the importance of DIVERSITY in group decision-making.

2. Identify top 3 challenges facing human resource managers and propose how these challenges can be overcome.


Why is the nurture vs. nature debate often brought up in the cases of serial killers, and does the debate have any merits in these cases? 

Discussion Topic 2: Attachment
Do you think that there would be differences in children’s attachment to biological versus adoptive parents? Is so, How and under what conditions would attachment differ from a 3-year-old and their biological parents versus a 3 year old and their adoptive parents?

Why is the nurture vs. nature debate often brought up in the cases of serial killers, and does the debate have any merits in these cases?

How does authoritarian parenting style affect how children play and interact socially with others?

Discussion Topic 4: The Development of the Concept of Gender

For children living with parents who do not subscribe to the main genders, can cognitive development influence them to act in accordance with the two main genders?

How does authoritarian parenting style affect how children play and interact socially with others?

Determine how you might be able to change the status quo and make the change possible.

Responding to Change

Identify a necessary change that you would like to make in your nursing career.

1) Why do you need this change? List the driving forces for this change.

2) List the restraining forces keeping you from making this change.

3) Determine how you might be able to change the status quo and make the change possible.

4) How does this change make you feel?