
Discuss an experience with academic program development or the accreditation process in your current educational role. What surprised you? What did you learn?

EDD 614 Mod 2- Discussion

Discuss an experience with academic program development or the accreditation process in your current educational role. What surprised you? What did you learn?

Highlight historical events during operation Iraqi Freedom include pictures and or graphics to bring the presentation together.

Operation Iraqi Freedom

Do a PowerPoint presentation on Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Slides should include :

What prompted the war

When it began

Timeline of significant events

When and how it ended

Highlight historical events during operation Iraqi Freedom include pictures and or graphics to bring the presentation together

Describe the document/source. Who wrote it, when, where? Do you know who the author is by name? Do you know the race, age, or gender of the author?

Historical Analysis Paper

Historical analysis is a method of the examination of evidence in coming to an understanding of the past.

It is particularly applied to evidence contained in documents, although it can be applied to all artifacts. The historian is, first, seeking to gain some certainty as to the facts of the past.

For this assignment, you are a budding historian, trying to make sense of some aspect of the history we cover in this course.

You should survey your textbook’s primary sources. They are typically included at the end of the chapters, though you will also find some included in the chapter text.

For your assignment, you will include at least two (2) but no more than three (3) primary sources from the textbook for class.


Choose at least two (2) but no more than three (3) primary sources from your textbook to write a historical analysis paper.

You can use any material that we have read/watched in class as secondary source material. If you do use any of that material, you must cite the ideas or quotations using footnotes.

Before writing the analysis of the sources, come up with a research question that the sources will address. Include the research question in your essay.

CAUTION: The goal is to write a cohesive essay – not individual source analysis paragraphs. Make the sources speak to each other. Put them together to draw a larger conclusion.

Write a three to four-page (1,000-1,250 word) historical analysis that CAN INCLUDE the following:

– Describe the document/source. Who wrote it, when, where? Do you know who the author is by name? Do you know the race, age, or gender of the author?

– Why do you think the author wrote the document? What was the author’s motivation for writing? Did s/he have an intended audience? Can you discern any particular characteristics about the audience?

– What kinds of conclusions can you draw from the sources?

– What do we learn about the time period in which the documents were written?

– Do the experiences that are described in the documents relate to history that we will discuss in class? Please use the course textbook American Yawp as secondary sources to help with this question.



 Identify the Regional Accrediting Organization (The Higher Learning Commission-HLC) that oversees the region of your current work site, and briefly describe the requirements for submission of a proposal.

In a 4-page paper, use the background readings to discuss the primary factors to consider in academic program development and the role of accreditation in the process.

Identify at least three factors to consider in the development of a new academic program.

Identify the Regional Accrediting Organization (The Higher Learning Commission-HLC) that oversees the region of your current work site, and briefly describe the requirements for submission of a proposal.

In conclusion, discuss the importance of academic program development and accreditation in your current, or future, role as an educational leader.

In what ways does the documentary agree with the readings? In what ways does it conflict with the readings? What is your main take away from these readings and the documentary?

“Cognitive behavioral review,”

There are several review articles available – the file titles are “Cognitive behavioral review,” Fisher et al. 2008, and Thorn berry randomized trial.

Looking at two of these three articles, describe what interventions may work for gang members.

In what ways does the documentary agree with the readings? In what ways does it conflict with the readings? What is your main take away from these readings and the documentary?

Write up to five pages answering these questions.

Identify the most relevant papers and at least three papers should be briefly reported in terms of what the researchers did, what was found, and what it might mean for your investigation.

Problem Task

Problem task A: Description This part of the assessment requires you to build a justification for the research you wish to undertake topic and socioeconomic variable combination you selected).

Provide the following:

• Introduce the topic of investigation and provide a statement as to why it might be important. This is brief paragraph that sets the scene and provides the context for the research.

• Provide an overview of relevant scholarship and synthesize this information to justify the research . topics are well researched, so you should be able to identify relevant peer reviewed sources.

0 Build a case for your research (for example, identify a gap in the literature, or a different population focus) based upon your review of relevant research.

Identify the most relevant papers and at least three papers should be briefly reported in terms of what the researchers did, what was found, and what it might mean for your investigation. If the research has been done previously then seek to justify the worth of doing it again.

• Briefly summarize the rationale and aim for the study, and state the hypothesis (for the analysis you will running for task B)

. Formatting requirements Cover page with centered heading of ‘Research Problem Task A’.

What role does each character play in the story? Discuss what conflict/problem the main character faces in the story.

Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing by Judy Blume

1st Paragraph :

Introduce your book.

Give the title and the name of the author. Write about the setting (where the story takes place, usually time and place).

Introduce the characters in the story.

Use lots of adjectives to describe each character and their personality. What role does each character play in the story? Discuss what conflict/problem the main character faces in the story. If you’re still having trouble with ideas you can answer the 5 W’s who, what, when, where, and why?

2nd Paragraph: Compare & Contrast at least two characters. How are they alike? How are they different? Are their personalities the same or different? How are they important to the story?

3rd Paragraph:What is the theme of the book? What message or “lesson” did you take away from the book? Explain your answer by giving at least 2 examples of evidence from the book.

4th Paragraph: Write a paragraph giving your opinion on the book. Write about why you liked or disliked the book.  Was the book confusing? Was it too easy to read or too hard? Was it predictable/believable? Did you like the ending? What was your favorite part? Would you recommend the book? Explain.

Using the broad theory as a framework, describe a client situation and expected outcomes.

Critique of Nursing Theories and PowerPoint Presentation

Students will apply the following guidelines to the critiques of nursing theory:
1. Introduction
2. Select a grand or broad theory and a mid-range theory of nursing practice.
3. Use the “Guide for the description of Theory” and “Guide for the Critical Reflection of Theory” (Chinn & Kramer, 2018, Chapter 8) to critique the theories selected.
4. Compare and contrast the broad and mid-range theory.
5. Using the broad theory as a framework, describe a client situation and expected outcomes.
6. Outline the process of advanced practice as articulated within the theory selected.
7. Using the mid-range theory, describe how an advanced practice nurse would facilitate the outcomes identified in the broad theory. (A diagram of theories as they are applied to the client may be included).
8. Conclusion

Presentation Guidelines
Students will prepare a presentation of the nursing theory critique using PowerPoint.

Describe the members and roles of the emergency management team and organizations (public and private) that would be activated in Sentinel City®.

In this activity, learners will determine the elements to evaluate and considerations for an emergency response plan in various practice settings.

Visit the Casper Park and Acer Tech Center areas of Sentinel City® and consider the impact zone of the tornado. Observe the services, routes and populations that may be involved with the city as a result of the tornado.

Create a 2-3 page report that describes the potential public health effects, infrastructure damage and environmental hazards related to the tornado.

Describe the members and roles of the emergency management team and organizations (public and private) that would be activated in Sentinel City®.

Select a healthcare practice setting, such as urgent care clinic, school, or hospital unit (ER, Surgery, Critical Care, or Medical/Surgical Unit).

Identify at least one evidence-based consideration for each phase of emergency management, (Prevention, Mitigation, Preparedness, Response and Recovery), that should be included in the emergency management plan for your selected practice setting.

The Role of a Nurse in a Disaster Event

– The community health nurse strives to promote community resilience and helps to prevent the possibility of illness and injury during disaster events.

Prevention and Mitigation –

The roles of a community health nurse (CHN) during the prevention and mitigation processes of Disaster Management are as follows:

Reflecting on the simulation, discuss the role of the nurse in the prevention and mitigation of Disaster management.

Define and present an overview of external and internal disaster preparedness.

Central Georgia Technical College Practical Nursing program — Nursing Leadership Disaster Preparedness Assignment
Assignment outcomes:

1 Distinguish internal versus external emergency events Development of a safety plan Understanding of CDC guidelines related to emergency preparedness
Assignments: Readings Chapter 4 & 5 ATI book Edition 7.0

1. Define and present an overview of external and internal disaster preparedness.

2. Choose a topic shown on the page, review, and summarize its content in the class discussion board.