
Which position is more significant for improving the current state of the criminal justice system? Explain in detail.

Reversing the Effects of Racial Implicit Bias and Addressing Mental Health in the Criminal Justice System

Assignment Guidelines
This is a position paper that will contain a breakdown of, but is not limited to, the following questions:

• How did you select the topic in terms of its importance to the social community?
o Did it come from the media? Why or why not?

• What are the issues, problems, or policies that need to be addressed?
o Is it an issue, problem, or policy? Explain.
o Is it a combination of an issue, problem, or policy? Why or why not? Explain.

• What implemented changes are proffered to affect the topic(s) selected?
o Be specific with recommended changes.
o Match recommendations with the specific component that you are intending the implementation to affect.

• How are the changes valid for the topic(s)? (This is the defense portion and should be significant.)
o The positions and changes recommended must be defended with logic and facts.
o Facts must all be supported with adequate research sources from legitimate references (cite the facts in APA style in the outline).

Without defended recommendations, this paper will have no merit.

• What is the anticipated outcome of the changes for the research topic(s)?
o Use logic and deductive approaches to the anticipated outcome.
o If you can show something to be so, and it relates to the next step, then the deduction will be strong.
o Remember that if any of the arguments in deductive logic are false, then the outcome cannot be valid.

• A minimum of 8–10 appropriate references must follow the paper.
o This is the backbone of your decision-making process
o It cannot be stressed enough that your references need to be from legitimate academic and scholarly sources and must be sound in their scientific acceptance.
o Use academic search engines if you are using the Internet.
o Do not use simple Internet searches.
o Do not limit yourself to Internet-only resources if possible.

• The references must be written in APA style for a reference page. Each reference should be followed by a short paragraph that describes what this reference source is going to contribute to the research.

• Citations are appropriate in the outline from the references that you have provided. Citations will be in APA format.

Note: If you are able to address all of the requirements in just 6 pages, then the quality needs to be extremely high. While it is a 4-6 page minimum, it is recommended that you stop when you meet the goal, not just because you got to 6 pages.

• First, revise your Unit 4 IP based on instructor feedback and peer responses.

• Next, add to your final Unit 4 IP draft by addressing the following in 4–5 pages:
o Select 1 alternative to your position addressed in the Unit 4 IP regarding your selected topic:

What major points are argued by proponents of this alternative position? Explain in detail.

Conduct research on this alternative position and evaluate the arguments.

Do the arguments hold any merit? Why or why not?

What policies currently exist that support these arguments? Explain in detail.

Which position is more significant for improving the current state of the criminal justice system? Explain in detail.

• Remember to use academic and scholarly sources to support your arguments.

• Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.

Should ECT be suspended until the risks and benefits can be more thoroughly evaluated?

It has been asserted that ECT is highly effective for certain types of depression, however it has been associated with side effects.

Should ECT be suspended until the risks and benefits can be more thoroughly evaluated?

2. Social media and cyber-bullying have both been associated with suicide. Critically discuss this statement citing the key literature.

Explain how you would respond to the public’s objections of the “respected colleague” about the use of control groups.

FDA Task Force

Respond to the following:
Review “The FDA Task Force,” in Chapter 4 of Managing the Public Sector.

The author of the case study states: “Even though at least 60 percent of Americans disapprove of cloned food, the FDA in 2006 ruled that milk and meat from cloned animals should be allowed on grocery store shelves.”

As an FDA administrator, explain how you would respond to the public’s objections of the “respected colleague” about the use of control groups. In your response, identify and explain which principles you applied. Provide 1–2 examples to support your response.

Some top administrators believe that they should welcome congressional oversight in areas in which committees or members have legitimate concerns. Discuss 2–3 reasons a public administrator might hold this view.

Does the essay develop a logical argument? How well are the ideas marshal-led?

1) discrimination in subtitling

2) when the professional code of conduct and personal moral ethics cross.

Essay Marking criteria: Your essays are assessed on the following criteria:

• Introduction

o How well is the scope of the essay defined?

• Conclusion

o How well are the important points raised in the body of the essay recapitulated?

o How well can this section serve as an ‘analytical focus’ – a summary analysis of the material referred to in the body of the essay?

• Use of Relevant Evidence

o Is the evidence used relevant, thoughtfully selected and from a variety of sources?

• Critical Analysis and Originality

o Is the approach to question well informed?

o Is there clear evidence of a good understanding of sources and critical thought? • Structure and Organization

o Is the essay coherent and well structured? Is it easy to follow the author’s line of thinking?

o Does the essay develop a logical argument? How well are the ideas marshal-led?

o Are quotations and/or examples in other languages (back-)translated or explained in English to benefit readers who do not have other working languages?

• Referencing

o Does the bibliography cover all the main sources? Are the references relevant, clear and accurate?

o You are REQUIRED to use Harvard style of referencing

Discuss where your participants will be studied, what will happen to them when they immediately arrive, the instructions you will give participants, etc.

Module 4: Methods

Your paper should build upon your literature review. Specifically, you will describe how you will test the hypothesis proposed in the second paper. Your paper should have all of the sections described herein.

Describe your research method using the appropriate terms such as experiment or survey (questionnaire or interview).

Explain why this type of method is being used (i.e., why the specific method is appropriate for this topic in terms of why exploratory or descriptive research is more appropriate than correlational or experimental – or vice-versa. You must use a quantitative method for this project. Please make sure to write in future tense as you will not actually conduct the study.

Participants. The section describes, in detail, how the participants will be sampled, the characteristics of the sample which will be relevant to the study, the desired size of the sample, and a logical rationale that justifies this sample choice and size.

Procedures. Include your description of how your research will proceed (remember- we may want to actually conduct this study).

Discuss where your participants will be studied, what will happen to them when they immediately arrive, the instructions you will give participants, etc. Describe how the data will be gathered, including specific procedures to be followed. Provide a brief rationale for why these procedures and measures are appropriate for the study, including how reliability and validity will be determined.

Describe how you will ope-rationalize the independent and dependent variables. That is, explain how the variables will be observed, measured, and/or manipulated in relation to all questionnaires, physical observations, and any other applicable measures.

You must use pr-existing measures or procedures. If the instruments that you will use have been previously validated, report that information here, long with the reliability coefficient that other researchers have found that instrument to have.

Be sure to include examples here. If you are using any kind of instrument (if you are doing a survey), include the instrument in the appendix (at the end of the paper). If the actual instrument has not been published, then include the examples of the items that other researchers have described when they used that instrument. If you are using a pr-existing procedure (doing an experiment) then please thoroughly explain the experiment.

Limitations and Conclusion

Discuss some potential threats to internal and external validity, and these threats will be (a) thwarted by your procedures, or (b) may impact the conclusions. It should not be difficult to be specific and accurate here, since your book discusses all of these issues in chapters that we have read. Conclude with a brief summary of your report.


When would you use an ANOVA? What does this test tell a researcher?

Module 4: Math

When would you use a T-test; what does this tell a researcher?

When would you use an ANOVA? What does this test tell a researcher?


Did Reconstruction fail after the civil war? Why or why not?

Civil war

Did Reconstruction fail after the civil war? Why or why not?

What supplies/equipment would you purchase to enable the investigation and operation to be conducted?

Bachelors cap

Address the following questions in detail. Be creative and utilize any, and all, investigative actions/resources that you can think of.

Remember, you are to assemble a plan to address the crimes and ultimately catch the individuals responsible.

Create and describe a list of 10 investigative steps you would take to address this situation.

What technological assistance would be needed to conduct this operation?

What measures would you take to analyze the pattern of robbery activity?

How would you go about synthesizing the data and coming to a conclusion based on the data?

What types of investigative units would you use to assist in the operation to catch the perpetrators?

What supplies/equipment would you purchase to enable the investigation and operation to be conducted? Given the fact that the money allocated for the investigation is low, what steps would you take to procure more funds?

( NOTE: This assignment will require outside research. Use at least three credible sources.) You may consult the Library, the internet, the textbook, other course material, and any other outside resources in supporting your task, using proper citations in APA style.

Identify at least two distinctive trends and materials in art production for each of the following cultures: Olmec, Mayan, and Aztec.

After you read the below article, answer the following questions:
1. Identify at least two distinctive trends and materials in art production for each of the following cultures: Olmec, Mayan, and Aztec.

2. In at least six sentences, describe the importance of Teotihuacan as a religious, commercial, and art historical center.

3. Identify at least three features of Mayan art from the Classic Period.

4. What were Mixtec codices used for? What was their basic format?

5. Define logo-graphic.

6. Above is an example of naming and scene conventions in Mixtec codices. Create you own scene using similar naming, placement, and style conventions. Your scene must illustrate what a day in your life looks like. Make sure you come up with a unique name for yourself!

Cultures of Mesoamerica

Mesoamerica was dominated by three cultures in the Pre-Classical (up to 200 CE) to Post-Classical periods (circa 1580 CE): the Olmec, Maya, and Aztec.

Discuss three (3) key financial issues involved with starting a business.

Answer each prompt clearly in a separate paragraph each one.
Using principles you’ve learned throughout this course, discuss three (3) key financial issues involved with starting a business.

Three key financial issues involved with starting a

The Funding and the funding level of the firm

The stablishment of an accounting system

The flow of information in the new business needs specific attention

Provide insight on (or an example of) how at least one of the financial principles you learned can be applied to your personal life.

Diversification of investments

Provide insight on (or an example of) how at least one of the financial principles you learned can be applied to your new business venture.

Time value of money principle

Profitability & liquidity