
What Do They Mean for an Ailing Industry by S. Imes/Journal of Air Law and Commerce.

The Passenger Facility Charge (PFC) Program was implemented as part of the Aviation Safety and Capacity Act of 1990.

Read the following two documents highlighting the original intent and current debate surrounding the PFC Program:

Airline Passenger Facility Charges: What Do They Mean for an Ailing Industry by S. Imes/Journal of Air Law and Commerce.

Prepare a case analysis titled: “PFCs: Pros or Cons – Should They Be Raised to Pay for 21st Century Airport Infrastructure?”

Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Summary
Should provide a sufficient summary and develop a central theme that is organized.

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Significance of the Problem
Should present a valid argument with reference to relevant concepts, theories and/or frameworks; Fully supports the Problem Statement; Should exhibit thoughtfulness, and make some effort towards predicting outcomes.

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Alternative Actions (Two Each)
Should succinctly state an approach to resolving the problem/s or issue/s. Reasons for each alternative are included in the described alternative. Advantages and disadvantages should be present. Outcome of implementing one alternative or the other may be present. A decision could possibly be made based upon the information provided.

What is the role of the senior management team to maintain the business standards of the company?

Business ethics (writer can choose any 1 organisation for the poster, for example apple, Starbucks etc)

You are required to make a digitally produced presentation (poster preferably) circa 2000 words (100%)

1. You will identify a company that is considered ethical and the reason why it is considered ethical?

2. What ethical philosophy do they follow and why?

3. What is the role of the senior management team to maintain the business standards of the company?

4. What is the role of employees to maintain the business standards of the company?


Did the test measure practical and/or emotional intelligence? If so, how? If not, how did it not measure practical and/or emotional intelligence?


Unit 4 DB: What does an Intelligence Test measure?Unit 4 DB: What does an Intelligence Test measure?

Choose one of the following topics below and address the corresponding questions.

Base your answers on your observations about the intelligence test you took in the Unit Readings and Activities.

Were the concepts of fluid and/or crystallized intelligence demonstrated through the test you took? Why or why not? Provide examples from the test itself in support of your response.

Did the test measure practical and/or emotional intelligence? If so, how? If not, how did it not measure practical and/or emotional intelligence? Provide examples from the test in support of your response.

Was the test accurate in measuring intelligence, according to Bi-net? If so, how? If not, how was it not accurate? Provide examples from the test to support your answer.

How might this test have been culturally biased? Conversely, do you feel that it was culture fair? Provide examples from the test that support your perspective.


Option #2 – Multiple Intelligence’s

What is meant by Multiple Intelligence’s?

Take the Multiple Intelligence Inventory and determine which intelligence’s you score “high” on and which you score “low” on. Are the results consistent with your perception of yourself? Why or why not?

Do you feel the test was culturally fair? Explain.

What applications do the theory of Multiple Intelligence’s have in educational settings?

Be sure to use APA style formatting for any resource used as reference in your post.

What developmental stage should the child be in based on chronological age and is the child in that stage?

ER follow up with Dx Dissociative Disorder”. A 14-year-old female African American

Signature and Date
LEARNING POINTS (3-5 bullet points outlining key learning in this case.)
Strengths and deficits of Write Up
REFERENCES (APA 6 formatting, current within past 10 years.)
Include in your assessment a work-up and/or questions for child specific disorders. What diagnostic tests/screening tools would you use for the child?
Include in your treatment plan specific types of therapy that are used when working with children.
Address in your narrative how family structure and dynamics affects the diagnosis and treatment of children. What are the family dynamics for this patient and how does it affect the mental status of this child.
What developmental stage should the child be in based on chronological age and is the child in that stage?
Address parenting styles that you observed with your patient and the family and whether these were working or not working.

What are the environmental impacts (in terms of global climate change) of the current tomato distribution system within the U.S. market?

What are the environmental impacts (in terms of global climate change) of the current tomato distribution system within the U.S. market?

* Gather information from textbooks, journal articles, and other reliable, high quality sources and be sure to cite your sources.

* Include at least one figure, which may be a map, or a graphic that summarizes the topic in your presentation.

* Include at least two assessment questions on the last slide of your presentation. The questions should test your classmate’s understanding of the topic.

Outline Suggestion:

I. Setting the scene – What are the environmental impacts (in terms of global climate change) of the current tomato distribution system within the U.S. market?

How do the effects of taxes on sellers compare to those levied on buyers?

“Use agricultural marketing, business marketing or value chain analysis principles to answer a relevant question relating to the marketing of an agricultural or food product”.

Elasticity and tax incidence

In what proportions is the burden of the tax divided?

How do the effects of taxes on sellers compare to those levied on buyers?

The answers to these questions depend on the elasticity of demand and the elasticity of supply.

Why was this necessary during the pandemic?discuss effectiveness by describing the positives for this and the limitations

Business ethics and social responsibility

•Covid 19 and the issues it’s caused  disruption to education settings such as the University of Bradford.

First policy – flexibility within assessments..

•what was the flexibility? (Can be found on university of Bradfords website… supplementaries at first attempt, not requiring evidence with extenuating circumstances, leniency with extensions)

•why was this necessary during the pandemic?

•discuss effectiveness by describing the positives for this and the limitations

Positives- students not adversely effected

Staff work load decrease due to no evidence

Negatives- some students get more of an advantage through lying about their circumstances.

Staff work load increase due to extensions

•suggest alternative to universities policy on assessments… maybe via video call and verbal assessment.

Second policy – only able to attend campus if your course is practical

•why was this necessary, to limit face to face interaction etc…

•talk in detail about which students were able to attend campus

•talk in detail about how some staff were asked to risk themselves (those working within practical subjects)

•some students and staff will have underlying health conditions or go home to families with underlying issues…

•alternative could have been to create bubbles like lower stage education settings have done

•link to first topic on assessments and how this could lead to cheating, meaning credibility of university is lost

•students lose opportunity to gain key skills for socializing

•timing of announcements that teaching would be online was shortly after students had paid rent so lots of money lost

Third policy – very critical as it is about mental health

•information can be found

•no facts and figures about how many people use this service or what the waiting time is like. Try to research this and find it out

•link to how not being able to visit campus causes these mental health issues

•use figures to show the rising effect of mental health issues so having 24/7 support was necessary


University of Bradford put lots of different arrangements in place, did the best for their stakeholders. Tried to ensure they supported staff and students…

How far did they succeed with this??


below are some of the links to help

Identify what media personality and movies or shows that you choose and why you choose them?


This week we will focus on the impact and struggles of African/Black people in the media and in contemporary and historic movies. Review the materials in the content about the role of African-American people in the media and movies and watch all of the videos.

Using this forum answer the following questions:

1. What are your thoughts about the material on the media and movies during the civil rights era?

2. Identify what media personality and movies or shows that you choose and why you choose them?

3. What are the similarities and differences between the representation in these two sets of material?

What defenses, if any, might the relevant persons allege in response to the crimes you identified? Fully explain your answer for each person.

PRO 630 Project 1 Steps 3-5

As you read through the materials, try to begin answering the questions Vice President Dodger asked you. You will likely encounter many new legal concepts, so take notes about which sections apply to this case so that you can easily refer back to them when you begin to write your presentation. The VP’s precise questions about the legal issues are as follows:

Can Colossal Corporation terminate Alex without any notice or a hearing? Why or why not? This question relates to employment-at-will.

Did Alex, Nick, Bill, or Juanita commit any crimes and, if so, which crimes did each person commit? Fully explain your answer for each person as you explore the subject of business criminal law.

What defenses, if any, might the relevant persons allege in response to the crimes you identified? Fully explain your answer for each person.

Did Alex, Nick, Bill, or Juanita commit any intentional torts and, if so, which intentional torts did each person commit? Read about the law of torts in order to make your determinations.

What defenses, if any, might the relevant persons allege in response to the intentional torts you identified? Fully explain your answer for each person.

Can anyone collect damages for the intentional torts? Who can collect and whom would they sue? Detail the specific damages that may be available to potential plaintiffs as you read about tort damages.

How did xenophobia emerge at the turn-of-the-twentieth century? Your answer may include discussion of xenophobia on society, culture, and/or legislation.

US History: Immigrants and Immigration

The first question Q1 is: Focusing on either westward expansion or war, how did this impact immigrants living in and coming to the United States? You may include existing populations as immigrants even though they did not move into the United States but rather the US moved over them (for example, Mexican populations in Texas and California).

The second question Q2 is: How did xenophobia emerge at the turn-of-the-twentieth century? Your answer may include discussion of xenophobia on society, culture, and/or legislation.

It is like two short essays. One essay is about 135 words. The two essays have no interconnection.