
How might you handle this issue with regard to your therapeutic relationship with John?

John, who is very open, tells you that he was seeing a female therapist. During the course of therapy, they decided that they were both attracted to each other. John indicates that he knows he still has a few issues to work on because his therapist (now girlfriend) has told him so. John stated that he stopped therapy last week and would like to continue his work with you.
Provide an analysis of this case. Be sure to address the following in your main post:
* What ethical standards have been broken?
* Is this information worthy of reporting? Why or why not?
* How would you approach dealing with the conflicts you have identified?
* Be specific and list the steps you would you take in order to do so.
* How might you handle this issue with regard to your therapeutic relationship with John?

Describe what this is, explain why this is appropriate in answering your research question, and justify with support from the literature why this is the most appropriate research design for this study.

Investigation healthcare professionals views on the contributory factors to the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus in the United Kingdom

The purpose of your research proposal is to present the problem you are proposing to investigate, the health problem, to present the reason for studying this (i.e. the gap in knowledge), and for you to describe, explain and justify how you will conduct your study.
The following structure is advised in the guidance:

Where some students go wrong is that they spend too much time explaining the health problem, and not enough time on describing. explain and justifying the research decisions. Make sure you balance this carefully. The emphasis should be on explaining the research methods.
This then also means you need to balance your words carefully. Do not use more than 1000 words on your introduction and literature review, so that you have at least 1000 words left for your methods.

Justifying your research decisions means you support your decisions with literature. For example, you have chosen a qualitative design, describe what this is, explain why this is appropriate in answering your research question, and justify with support from the literature why this is the most appropriate research design for this study.

Make sure to use Harvard referencing and double check if you are using this correctly.
Writing concisely is an important skill and the word count will be adhered to. Word count policy is about fairness between students and students who go over the word count give themselves an unfair advantage over other students.

Why have you selected this theme/subject? What type of format do you plan using to present the exhibit (PowerPoint or other format – such as Prezi or Video, et al..)? Where will you search for images?

Curator Proposal Project

Western art
Why have you selected this theme/subject? What type of format do you plan using to present the exhibit (PowerPoint or other format – such as Prezi or Video, et al..)? Where will you search for images? Include at least two websites you plan on using. Why do you think your topic will contribute to our understanding of the subject? Project Two:

Part 2: Curated Exhibition: Due Week 8 Directions for the Curated Exhibition Project: Students will assume the creative role of curator and produce an exhibition on a theme/topic relating to some aspect of course material. Sample themes/topics include but are certainly not limited to: Places of Worship, Death, Architectural Innovation, Ornament & Jewelry, Roman Wall Painting, Hadrian’s Villa, et al…If selecting a particular theme, the curated exhibit must address at least three cultures covered in the course: Ancient Egypt, Ancient Near East, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, Early Christian, Romanesque & Gothic, and Proto Renaissance.

The exhibition must include 7-10 relevant images. Students are expected to visit several different websites to retrieve images (a minimum of three different sites). The goal of the exhibition is to take a viewer through the theme/topic in a connected and seamless manner. The organization of the exhibition is paramount to the viewer’s experience.

Depending on your chosen technology platform, you may envision the exhibit’s physical space/layout. Consider how you present information for the viewer to gain a more formal understanding of the chosen theme/topic. You may for example, choose the obvious chronological ordering, or you may opt for a different flow. Exhibition Text: The following will be embedded in the exhibition: Title of the exhibition Introduction that includes what as Curator – you want the viewer to gain from this presentation. What was your rationale for selecting these images?

Include roughly a paragraph for each image that explains its importance. Provide a brief visual description and note how the theme/topic is reflected. Consider the style and context of your selected works. Highlight important visual or historical connections between images. Wrap-up with a conclusion that ties your work together. How does your exhibit contribute to our understanding of course material? Works Cited in MLA or APA citation style All images must be captioned with artist/architect (if known), title, date and original location.


Describe the company’s history, products, and major competitors by accessing the  database which offers company financials, descriptions, history, property, subsidiaries, officers and directors and by accessing the Business Insights database.

SWOT Analysis

Describe the company’s history, products, and major competitors by accessing the  database which offers company financials, descriptions, history, property, subsidiaries, officers and directors and by accessing the Business Insights database.

Assess the financial performance and condition of the organization.

Next, conduct a SWOT analysis using the SWOT Analysis Template download. Detail the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that may affect the organization. Copy and paste the completed table from the template into your SWOT analysis paper.

In the evaluation portion of your paper of your SWOT analysis:

Describe the specific areas that indicate a need for change.

Determine what changed objectives, or newly implemented interventions, are required to improve the company’s position within its market.

Assess the trending performance of the company and provide recommendations for improvement.

(NOTE: Incorporate the feedback you receive from your instructor and save your work. It will be part of your Strategic Plan Final Project for this course).

The SWOT Analysis paper

Must be from five to six double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the University of Arizona Global Campus Writing Center’s APA Style (Links to an external site.) resource.

Must include a separate title page with the following:

Title of SWOT Analysis

Student’s name

Course name and number

Instructor’s name

Date submitted

Must use at least two scholarly and/or credible sources in addition to the course text.

The Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sourcestable offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.

Must document any information used from sources in APA style as outlined in the University of Arizona Global Campus Writing Center’s Citing Within Your Paper (Links to an external site.) guide.

Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the University of Arizona Global Campus Writing Center. See the Formatting Your References List (Links to an external site.) resource in the University of Arizona Global Campus Writing Center for specifications.

Describe the characteristics of students with vision impairments and the role that incidental learning plays in motor, cognitive, and social development.

Module 14: Students with Visual Impairments Review Questions
Complete the following questions related to the readings and resources of Module 14

Describe the characteristics of students with vision impairments and the role that incidental learning plays in motor, cognitive, and social development.

Differentiate between the legal and educational definitions of visual impairment.
Describe functional vision assessment (FVA).

Describe the characteristics of students with hearing impairments and the role that early language development plays in academic success. 

Module 13: Students with Hearing Impairments Review Questions
Complete the following questions related to the readings and resources of Module 13.

Describe the characteristics of students with hearing impairments and the role that early language development plays in academic success.

Describe the different communication options and suggest pros and cons of each.

Explain why many parents of children who are deaf or hard of hearing want their children to be able to talk.

Discuss a recent news story or a statistic that points to the magnitude of the problem and also discuss why the problem is significant and important.

Institutional racism

Give an overview of the problem. Discuss a recent news story or a statistic that points to the magnitude of the problem and also discuss why the problem is significant and important.
Propose a solution to the social problem.

Give a counterargument about how to solve the problem. Most complex social problems have more than one side and more than one perspective.

Give the other sides argument. Do not present a straw man argument. Present the other side as accurately as possible.

Identify and quantify target analytics in a range of food matrices, with each case study providing a commercial brief and experimental aim(s) for this work.

Food composition and analysis

As part of the food composition and analysis unit. Identify and quantify target analytics in a range of food matrices, with each case study providing a commercial brief and experimental aim(s) for this work.

Students will write a report detailing the results of each these practical investigations, to address the investigative requirements of their employer/client. Students will submit a portfolio of their best work for summative assessment.

Each report should include the following:

• An introduction which outlines the purpose of the experiment and explains the theory of the methods and technologies used (25%)

• A full methodology and experimental design (method protocols should be appended or referenced) (10%)

• A results section giving full results of the practical experiments, with appropriate statistical treatment and summary of results (25%)

• A discussion that compares and evaluates both experimental findings and analytical methodology performance. Experimental results and literature references will be used to support the points made, with logical and appropriate conclusions drawn. (30%)

• References and overall good presentation. (10%)

How do ICT organizations share and learn from their collective experiences and the topics of that learning?

Employ-ability, Research and Professional Development

Research Proposal Template:
Your research proposal should be structured using the following template:

You will need to write a statement which reflects the content of the proposal.

Research Questions:

Research is about questions – you need to present 2 closely related questions that help you investigate an academic problem worthy of research.

Example sub-questions:
To what extent do ICT organizations within an alliance set out to learn from each other?
How do ICT organizations share and learn from their collective experiences and the topics of that learning?

Discuss a recent news story or a statistic that points to the magnitude of the problem.

Mid Term Essay Exam: Perspectives of Mate Selection
This Essay Exam assignment will take you on a cross-cultural journey to explore other strategies humans have invented to select mates. Initially, these Indian ads may look strange to us, but exactly how different are they? By developing a more global perspective on marriage and family, we gain an awareness of and appreciation for the rich variety of strategies humans have created to address basic cultural needs.
Before you begin review the meanings of ethnocentrism and cultural relativism and additional applicable module(s) and supplemental information presented in our SOC 1010 Course Canvas site.

1. Analyze India and U.S. dating, mate selection and wedding traditions using the concepts ethnocentrism and cultural relativism.

2. Post a minimum of 800 words, or more, essay that compares and contrasts the Indian and American strategies that humans use to select mates and eventual Marriage.

Instructions: (1) Study the “Indian Wedding Advertisements” from websites in India and/or research Indian sites that provides Indian Wedding Ads and Information being sure to (cite the new resource)

2. Identify at least eight criteria Indians consider when selecting a spouse.

3. Identify six criteria people in the U.S. use to select a spouse. Provide data and cite sources. You have probably done your own fieldwork, but try free match-making websites.

4. How do Indians go about choosing a mate? How do people in the U.S. select a mate?

5. Similarities: What kinds of values in the U.S. seem to underlie the criteria used in Indian spouse selection? Differences: Compare this with the criteria used in U.S. spouse selection. Upon closer inspection, do we have more in common than first appeared?

6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of these two different sets of criteria used to select partners?