
What problem did you fix with each of these revisions? Issues may be unity, cohesion, rhetorical appeals, content, or any other areas on which you received constructive feedback.

Revise an Argumentative Research Essay

Review the in-text comments and summary feedback you received on your Touchstone 3.2 draft to enhance your writing. You will then submit a revision of your Touchstone 3.2 draft that reflects the evaluator’s feedback. Make sure to include a copy of your Touchstone 3.2 draft below the reflection questions for this unit.

Below your assignment, include answers to all of the following reflection questions.

How much time did you spend revising your draft? What revision strategies did you use and which worked best for you? (2-3 sentences)

List three concrete revisions that you made and explain how you made them. What problem did you fix with each of these revisions? Issues may be unity, cohesion, rhetorical appeals, content, or any other areas on which you received constructive feedback.

What did you learn about your writing process or yourself as a writer? How has your understanding of the research process changed as a result of taking this course? (2-3 sentences)

What social, historical or cultural ideologies are evident in this work?By answering these questions, are you performing a materialist critique? Why or why not?


Your Tasks In Ways of Seeing, Berger notes that “men look at women. Women watch themselves being looked at.” To examine this quote, select two works of art or advertising—one depicting a man,and one depicting a woman, from any period. A good place to start your search would be major museums like the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Museum of Modern Art, The Louvre, The Art Institute of Chicago, or the Musée d’Orsay.In your ~500-word discussion post, indicate your chosen work by title, author and provide a URL. Then, answer the following questions, which aredivided into three parts, surrounding what is being examined:


How does the artist or creator depict each sex?

Who has the power in the image, the subject, or the viewer?

Does the subject appear empowered, or spied on?

What social, historical or cultural ideologies are evident in this work?

By answering these questions, are you performing a materialist critique? Why or why not?

The Artist.

Was the artist or creator male or female? Does that information change your reading of the image?

Do you think the artist’s intentionality matters to your critique of the image? Why or why not?

You,the Viewer.

How do your pre-judgements about gender affect your own perceptions?

Discuss the literal and figurative portrayal of an aspect of masculinity in ONE or TWO texts studied

Discuss the literal and figurative portrayal of an aspect of masculinity in ONE or TWO texts studied

Why is it ethical to give police greater powers of surveillance in order to prevent more crimes?

Why is it ethical to give police greater powers of surveillance in order to prevent more crimes?

Analyze how interpersonal and small-group relationships (teams) affect communication in organization.

Front Line Leaders and Organizational Communication

This course focuses on the foundation, study, and implementation of effective organizational communication. Different theories will be identified, discussed, and critiqued. Students will study the major components of organizational communication including leadership, conflict and conflict management, teamwork, and ethics. Additionally, students will read and critique case studies showing organizational communication in professional applications.

Write 3 learning statements of a front line leader for each of the following course outcomes. Instructions for learning statements below.

Step Process:

Step One: Select one course outcome.

Step Two: Determine the level of learning of the OUTCOME using Bloom’s Taxonomy.

a.) Review the first word of the outcome, which is an action verb

b.) Look at a Bloom’s list of action verbs and determine where the action verb falls

Step Three: Consider an example of your specific learning that falls within the same level of learning

a.) Use an action verb at the same level of learning as the outcome to create your Learning Statement

Step Four: Repeat the process for the same outcome so that there are two or three Learning Statements per outcome

Step Five: Begin the process again for each outcome.

Helpful Exercise:

Formula for crafting strong learning statements: Verb + What they do (behavior) + Why they do it Try this exercise below as you address each outcome. Ask yourself: They learned how to As you answer the question, use the learning to draft your learning statements. Be specific with your answers to the question and then go to Blooms and make sure that you use an action verb at the corresponding level.


1.) Evaluate how organizational structure affects the quality of communication.

2.) Apply organizational communication models and theories to professional contexts.

3.) Analyze how interpersonal and small-group relationships (teams) affect communication in organization.

Identify the advantages and disadvantages of this investment based on the capital structure of the firm.

Finalize the key assignment that you started in the previous unit.

Identify the advantages and disadvantages of this investment based on the capital structure of the firm.

Following are the specifications for the original assignment:

Consider an investment in an international venture. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of this investment, based upon the following:

Forecasting foreign currency exchange rates

Interest rate and relative purchasing power parity, and forecasting

Foreign investment policies

Government limitations on foreign investments

Trade regulation and policies

International finance regulations

What are the cybersecurity implications (good or bad) for the selected critical infrastructure sector?

Technology Review

The high-level visibility for your deliverable means that you need to start from a strong foundation of suitable research-based journal articles, papers published in conference proceedings. The basic question that must be answered about the selected technology is: what are the cybersecurity implications (good or bad) for the selected critical infrastructure sector?

How did various stakeholder groups influence the final outcome of Medicare Part D legislation?


You will synthesize your understanding of why Medicare Part D passed, as well as the influence of the various interest groups and governmental entities during this process. Make sure to discuss both the policy process and the policy environment—that is, the key players involved and other circumstances that shaped this policy-making effort. For this assignment, address the following questions, doing further research as needed:

How did various stakeholder groups influence the final outcome of Medicare Part D legislation?

What were the specific strategies and tools that were used most effectively?

Does the fact that Medicare Part D passed corresponds with your understanding of policy and politics, or did this surprise you? Explain your response.

To help you address the questions, you may find it useful to add sub-titles, this will help you address the specifics. May be useful to briefly describe what Medicare is and what it adds to the benefits. Why was this important?

Analyze the possible areas of conflict of interest between direct foreign investors and the Saudi government with more focus on taxation policies, employees’ exploitation, and monopolistic practices.

Research Aim and Objectives
The general aim of this research paper is to help establish the specific areas of conflict between foreign investors and the Saudi government.

The main area of concern includes tax policies, monopolistic tendencies and exploitation of the employees by foreign firms. The present study offers the best strategies of preventing a possible conflict of interests resulting in having a proper balance between the limitations and merits of FDI in Saudi Arabia via the establishment of favorable policies. The study specifically seeks to achieve the following objectives:
Analyze the possible areas of conflict of interest between direct foreign investors and the Saudi government with more focus on taxation policies, employees’ exploitation, and monopolistic practices.

To suggest ways through which conflict of interest between the Saudi Arabia government and FDI can be overcome by creating a favorable commercial environment for both the local and foreign firms.

To explore if a balance of interest and benefits can be created between the Saudi government and direct foreign investors.

Discuss critique literature linking mindfulness to reduced symptoms of mental disorders.

Positive Psychology

Introduction first (300 words) outlining the essay

Introduce PP variable eg optimism

Introduce PP outcome and context e.d reduced medical disorder symptoms

Discuss critique literature linking mindfulness to reduced symptoms of mental disorders.