
Discuss the importance of ethics in the criminal justice system. Explain how laws can conflict with ethical standards.

Ethics in Criminal Justice

For your Unit 1 Complete assignment, write a narrative essay (minimum 1500 words) in which you address and discuss the questions and statements listed below. Use at least four scholarly sources and remember to demonstrate a thorough understanding of the READ and Attend sections in your essay. Cite your sources in APA format.

1. Discuss the importance of ethics in the criminal justice system. Explain how laws can conflict with ethical standards.

2. Describe the difference between an ethical dilemma and an ethical issue.

3. Before the twentieth century in this country, police, in general, operated with few legal and ethical controls.

4. Describe the differences in ethical and legal controls that modern police must uphold since the beginning of the twentieth century

5. Using the steps outlined in the chapter, how would you respond to the following scenario?

A probation officer is in the common area of the office. As she approaches the office secretary to ask about a court date, she sees case files open and being edited on the secretary’s computer. She saw on the news that morning that a probationer was arrested for a violent offense. She knows that it is against office policy for anyone other than the probation officer to edit case files. She also knows that it will not be be long before people start asking questions about the quality of probation supervision that allowed the to commit such a heinous offense.

What are their motives? What point of view does each have? Describe the characters and quote from their scenes to make your point.

Choose two characters in The Cherry Orchard and analyze and compare them

What are their motives? What point of view does each have? Describe the characters and quote from their scenes to make your point.

What is the history of the problem? Who is involved? Is there any missing information?

Ethical Dilemma Insider Information

There are many possible ethical dilemmas in the workplace. Find a real case based upon the topic you selected. The scenario can be drawn from your own workplace experience or from another employment setting. The case should have occurred within the past 2 years.

State the background of the case including context, its origin, and any other important details. Summarize briefly what happened (the facts—who, what, when, where, why, how).



Evaluate employment-related laws organizations must comply with when hiring.

Human Resources and Front Line Duties

Write 3 learning statements of a frontline leader for each of the following course outcomes. Instructions for learning statements below.

Step One: Select one course outcome.

Step Two: Determine the level of learning of the OUTCOME using Bloom’s Taxonomy.

a.) Review the first word of the outcome, which is an action verb

b.) Look at a Bloom’s list of action verbs and determine where the action verb falls

Step Three: Consider an example of your specific learning that falls within the same level of learning

a.) Use an action verb at the same level of learning as the outcome to create your Learning Statement

Step Four: Repeat the process for the same outcome so that there are two or three Learning Statements per outcome

Step Five: Begin the process again for each outcome.

Helpful Exercise:

Formula for crafting strong learning statements: Verb + What they do (behavior) + Why they do it

As you answer the question, use the learning to draft your learning statements. Be specific with your answers to the question and then go to Blooms and make sure that you use an action verb at the corresponding level.


1.) Plan the steps involved with the recruitment and interview process.

2.) Evaluate employment-related laws organizations must comply with when hiring.

3.) Analyze candidates through the use of interview questions.

4.) Assess how employment tools and documentation are used for employee selection.

5.) Develop an orientation plan to use when onboarding new employees.

6.) Examine the factors that influence employee recruitment and retention.

 Identify ethnic groups with greater to lesser rates of divorce.  Name stressors that impact marriages that can lead to divorce.

You are required to do a short critically reflective write-up about two pages or less—where you

1) articulate in one to three sentences for each learning outcome, evidence that you have achieved that outcome.

2) In addition, 2) you are required to write two paragraphs in your own words about what was most valuable/interesting to you in studying this module, and in doing so, making reference to at least two of the readings and/or videos.

Learning Outcomes:

Identify ethnic groups with greater to lesser rates of divorce.

Name stressors that impact marriages that can lead to divorce.

Identify common effects of divorce on children.

Name types of intimate partner violence (domestic violence).

Identify which parents are more likely and less likely to abuse their children.

Briefly evaluate the public health response to COVID-19 in the U.S. Has it been a successful response? Why or why not?

COVID-19 pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic brings public health emergency preparedness and response to the forefront. Based on a review of current COVID-19 literature and your personal experience with the pandemic, write a post responding to the following prompts:

How has this disaster (pandemic) impacted different populations in the U.S.?

List vulnerable populations that have experienced a significant impact from COVID-19 and discuss one population in greater detail.

Briefly evaluate the public health response to COVID-19 in the U.S. Has it been a successful response? Why or why not?

Describe how your understanding and use of information has changed through your learning in this course.


Describe how your understanding and use of information has changed through your learning in this course. How will you apply your knowledge of nursing informatics to your nursing practice?

Share the personal social media guidelines you developed in this unit’s Learning Activity 2.(Unit 2: Information and Communication Technologies)How do you see these being used in your professional and personal life?

Share the social media strategy you developed in this unit’s Learning Activity 4-(Protection of Personal Health Information – Legal and Ethical Considerations(. (What opportunities do you see for launching this strategy in the future?

What is the elasticity of supply for this good or service? Will the company be able to respond to changes in price?

Managerial Economics

It is important to understand the elasticity of one’s good or service so that decisions can be made as to pricing as well as production. Price elasticity helps with pricing decisions and income elasticity let’s one know if the product is a normal or inferior good. In this assignment you will use the company you selected to practice making decisions based on elasticity.


Using the company you have chosen for analysis in this class (Apple, Inc.), conduct research to determine the following and then write a paper addressing this research:

Is the good or service sold by the company price elastic or inelastic?

How price elastic or inelastic is it?

How important is the income elasticity of demand for this good or service?

Is the product a normal good or an inferior good?

What is the elasticity of supply for this good or service? Will the company be able to respond to changes in price?

Based on your research, what strategies would work for your company to maximize revenue and profits?


Why is classical theory important to contemporary sociological theory?

Contemporary Sociological Theory

1.What is sociological theory?

2. Why is classical theory important to contemporary sociological theory?

3. Why is class an important issue in society?

4. What is the difference between “gender” and “sex”?

5. What is at least one problem or issue with “social media”?

6. What is at least one way in which racial inequality is different in the USA between the 20th and 21st centuries?

This doesn’t have to be prefer. This simple answers.

Describe the relative benefits and weaknesses of a CPIF contract vs. a CPAF contract.

Contracts and Procurement 4

1. For the following types of undertakings, which contract modes are most appropriate? Be prepared to explain the rationale behind your choice.
· We want to order a pencil manufacturer to produce 20,000 pencils for us
· We want to have a 300 meter bridge built to span a local river
· We want to have a contractor design a brand new circuit board that has state-of-the-art capabilities
· We want to contract out work to operate our small factory

2. Describe the relative benefits and weaknesses of a CPIF contract vs. a CPAF contract.