
Do you agree with the decision that the House of Lords made in the case of R v H [2004] 1 All ER 1269 that a court does not have to appoint a special counsel in every case where public interest immunity arises?

Ethics & Common Law

Do you agree with the decision that the House of Lords made in the case of R v H [2004] 1 All ER 1269 that a court does not have to appoint a special counsel in every case where public interest immunity arises?

What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of using the balanced scorecard approach to performance evaluations of managers?

Unit VIII Discussion Board- Decentralization and Performance Evaluation

What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of using the balanced score card approach to performance evaluations of managers?

When you become a manager, would you like to participate in this form of evaluation?

Do you think you could manipulate criteria if evaluated by this format?  elaborate.

Describe 14 CFR Part 107,What is the FAA’s toolbox? List and discuss the three tools the FAA uses to administer the FARs.

1. Describe 14 CFR Part 107.

2. What is the FAA’s toolbox?

3. List and discuss the three tools the FAA uses to administer the FARs.

4. The FAA has supported and sponsored four domestic committees dedicated to developing standards and regulations for the manufacture and operation of unmanned aircraft. List and discuss each committee.

5. Discuss the initial intent of Advisory Circular 91-57B.

What is the nearest airport around you that participates in the LAANC program?

Integration of UAS into the NAS

What is the nearest airport around you that participates in the LAANC program? If you do not live in the United States, state the nearest No-Fly Zone around you based on the information you can gather from Air map.

For reference, visit Airports Participating in LAANC/FAA.

Where is the nearest AMA chapter near your home? If you do not live in the United States, find and name the nearest model flying club.

Looking at the status quo and the outlook of UAS regulation, what are the biggest challenges for the integration of UAS into the NAS?

What are the benefits and limitations of the different ground control options including, handheld, portable, SATCOM, and remote operations?

sUAS Discussion

sUAS can be controlled in multiple ways: from a direct remote piloting operation to a supervised mission planner control with waypoint flights. Also, several types of data connection can be utilized including, terrestrial Wi-Fi, radio connection, satellite communication (SATCOM), connection via GSM or LTE, or Internet Protocol SATCOM(IP) to the cloud.

What are the benefits and limitations of the different ground control options including, handheld, portable, SATCOM, and remote operations?

What brought these reforms about, what were they and what effect did they have in colonial Latin America?

Colonial Latin America

The Age of Change” discusses the reforms of 18th century that restructured colonial Latin America and its relationship with Spain and Portugal. What brought these reforms about, what were they and what effect did they have in colonial Latin America?

How does your chosen methodological perspective and study design build on or extend previous work in this area?

Crocco and Livingston (2017) contended that “satisfactory gatekeeping,” for social studies teaching “depends on the elements” Shulman identified in his work on PCK .

PCK, Shulman (1987) wrote, “represents the blending of content and pedagogy into an understanding of how particular topics, problems, or issues are organized, represented, and adapted to the diverse interests and abilities of learners, and presented for instruction”. Taking into account this work, what methodological approach provides a powerful lens for delineating social studies teachers as curricular-instructional gatekeepers? Why? How does your chosen methodological perspective and study design build on or extend previous work in this area?

Describe how you plan to educate your college classmates and college community on Epilepsy and how you would reduce their fears and prejudice.

Write a Short Essay by answering the question: In 500 words(double spaced) or less describe how you plan to educate your college classmates and college community on Epilepsy and how you would reduce their fears and prejudice.

Clearly identify the leadership or ethical fail and how it put the organization, employees, shareholders, or the public at risk;

Paper needs to focus on how Don Imus affected MSNBC and CBS Radio. Basic Requirements
You will be required to submit a paper (minimum 5 pages) analyzing a leadership or ethical fail at an organization. The analysis should:

(1) clearly identify the leadership or ethical fail and how it put the organization, employees, shareholders, or the public at risk;

(2) explain the factors that contributed to the fail;

(3) apply the theories concepts discussed in class to provide recommendations for preventing future fails.

(4) What recommendations for future areas of concern – how to address it? Does it require addressing?

To what extent does Ammianus see the emperor’s character influencing the fortunes of the Empire?

For this paper on Amminaus Marcellinus, you will read the entire text and answer the questions below. Give sub-headings in your paper so that I know which question you are answering in that section. Your paper must be five pages (5) in length, 1.5 spacing, 12 point Times New Roman font. You do not need to use outside sources, but if you do, make sure you cite them fully and properly. In fact, all sources should be cited fully and properly using footnotes in the Chicago Manual of Style format.

Answer all three questions:

1. What is Ammianus’ attitude towards the Roman Empire?

2. To what extent does Ammianus see the emperor’s character influencing the fortunes of the Empire?

3. How much does Ammianus see the armies as political actors? Explain.