
What Are the Causes & Solutions to an Addiction that Interests You?

What Are the Causes & Solutions to an Addiction that Interests You?

Which philosophical theory/theories or principle(s) help to best support the position you are defending?

Philosophy of Law -Hate Speech – R. v. Keegstra- Philosophy paper.

The goal is to develop, articulate, and set out a position on the philosophical issues at stake in one of the Canadian legal cases and support that position with a philosophical theory/theories or principle(s) that provide the most compelling and persuasive account with respect to the position being argued for. Note that you may find that a combination of theories and principles will be most conducive to your arguments. Make connections between your position, the reasoning of the judges, and/or arguments of the litigants in the case (as reflected in the reported decision and related commentary).

Provide a clear, cogent, and coherent account of the issues at stake in the case, your arguments for your position, and the interpretation and application of the philosophical theory/theories or principle(s) you relied upon to support your position. Provide a persuasive and compelling articulation and justification for your position, your interpretations, and your arguments. Be sure to address the potential objections and criticisms to your position from the perspective of a competing philosophical theory or principle, and respond to these in order to bolster your position.

Questions: What, in your judgment, is the most philosophically defensible position on the issues at stake in the case? Which philosophical theory/theories or principle(s) help to best support the position you are defending? (Note that you may find that a combination of theories and principles will be most conducive to your argument.) Which philosophical theories or principles can illuminate why and how the judges reasoned in the ways that they did and the litigants argued in the ways that they did? What are the philosophical implications of the ruling in the case?

In the context of addressing these questions, give consideration to the approaches and perspectives being used by the judges to determine which “law” is being applied to the case. Consider the relevance of the theories of legal interpretation.

2. Identify the philosophical issues at stake and determine the position you will defend with respect to those issues.

3. Review the theories and principles (see options listed below), and choose a theory/theories or principle(s) to support your position.

4. Identify which parts of the reasoning of the judges (i.e., either the majority, dissent, or the whole court if a consensus decision was reached) or the arguments of the litigants you will be analyzing and connecting to your arguments.


Theories/Principles Options

• Autonomy

• Canadian Critical Race Theory

• Feminist Legal Theory

• Freedom of Conscience

• Freedom of Expression

• Freedom of Religion

• Harm Principle

• Interpretivism

• Kantian Deontology

• Legal Moralism

• The Offense Principle

• Paternalism

• Quality of Life Perspective

• Sanctity of Life Perspective

• Utilitarian Consequentialism

What are the impacts scientists believe COVID 19 will have? Do scientists all agree on the impacts that COVID 19 will have?

Discussion Post: COVID 19 Impact the Globe’s Carbon Emissions

Do an internet search and research how COVID 19 will impact the globe’s carbon emissions.

In 100-200 words, summarize the takeaways you find in your research.

What are the impacts scientists believe COVID 19 will have? Do scientists all agree on the impacts that COVID 19 will have?

Discuss critically, with reference to your special studies, focusing on either the rise of the regulatory state or global governance.

Public Law

Each annotation should consist of a summary, a critical assessment and a reflection about the text. It should be more than a simple list and description. It should demonstrate that you have understood the key argument[s] of the text and considered how it is relevant for your research.

The questions are below and the writer is free to choose one from any of them whichever the writer thinks is fittest to my special study

1. With the rise of the regulatory state and global governance, the role of the state is becoming more limited, raising complex issues of accountability. Discuss critically, with reference to your special studies, focusing on either the rise of the regulatory state or global governance.

2. Risk governance impacts on how law regulates individuals, societies and/or markets. Discuss critically, with reference to your special studies.

3. Human Rights should be protected universally, irrespective of who is violating them – be it states, regulatory agencies, private actors, international organizations or global governance bodies. Discuss critically, with reference to your special studies.

4. Contemporary governance is complex and relies on a diversity of regulatory instruments and techniques to achieve its goals. Traditional accounts of formal public law no longer adequately explain how governance operates. Discuss critically, with reference to your special studies.

5. Algorithmic decision-making is transforming the state and posing complex accountability problems. Discuss critically, with reference to your special studies.

6. Public Law is grounded in the idea of the sovereign, self-governing nation-state; yet this idea is outdated and fails to capture the complexities and conflicts of contemporary law and governance. Discuss critically, with reference to your special studies


What do you perceive to be the strengths or weaknesses in each piece from an aesthetic point of view?

Music Study Essay This assignment requires you to write a detailed comparison of any two listening selections found in the textbook.

One of the listening selections you choose must be a piece that was not assigned in the class.Your music study should cover the following, in full sentences:

•Identify:(1) the full titles of the pieces;(2) authors and their cultures (or nationalities);(3) the years (or approximate time) when the pieces were created.

•Compare: Juxtapose the two pieces using these criteria:instrumentation§form§harmony (if mentioned in the text book)§tempo§texture§text (if any)§the underlying meaning and/or social function of both pieces§discuss whether the pieces’ character; sacred or secular orientation? Both?

•Evaluate:What do you perceive to be the strengths or weaknesses in each piece from an aesthetic point of view? This will involve subjective judgment on your part, but please use examples to support your opinions.

Define how you are choosing to control or scope your research and also mention the generalization of the study findings.

Summer 1 2021 – Full-term Courses Home Announcements Modules Assignments Discussions Grades People Library NetTutor Office 365 Assignment 6b: Delimitation, Definition of Terms, Assumptions Sections Submission

De-limitations: De-limitations define how you are choosing to control or scope your research and also mention the generalization of the study findings. Note that qualitative studies are not generalizable to the population.

Definition of Terms: This section is only required if any operational terms or words are used in a unique way in this study.

How do the different levels of the criminal justice system (federal, state and local) interface to accomplish these “street level enforcement” objectives?

There are four major activities in drug law enforcement:
Source Control – activities targeting cultivation, manufacturing and production of controlled dangerous substances in foreign countries

Interdiction – preventing the successful smuggling of controlled dangerous substances into the United States. This focuses on the smuggling methods of sea, air and land which includes aircraft, vessels, personnel (body carry, swallowing) and parcel shipments among others.

Street-level enforcement – undercover and informant driven investigations targeting the retail sales level of drug trafficking. The text identified the following tactics:

Reversals – Undercover operations where law enforcement poses as drug traffickers
Controlled buy – Undercover operations where confidential informants are used to may purchases of contraband under the direct supervision and direction of a law enforcement investigator

Knock and Talk – overt investigational tactic where fully identified law enforcement makes contact with individuals at a location, usually a residence, and consent to search the residence is obtained

Correctional system – this could also be described as prosecution or courts. Once the defendants are in the correctional system, they have been convicted. The federal penalties for drug trafficking are often times much higher at the federal level as opposed to the state. Also, the effectiveness of federal prosecutions is usually much higher in the areas with the drug trafficking activity.
For this discussion question, address the following:

How do the different levels of the criminal justice system (federal, state and local) interface to accomplish these “street level enforcement” objectives? Give examples of how this would work and please search the library database, internet NEWS sources or web sites for criminal justice agencies.

Identify genetic and genomic factors within collected history that contribute to illness and/or health risk.

Patient Genetic and Genomics Interview and Education Part 1

To assess a patient’s genetic risk, you must understand the relationship of genetics and genomics to health, prevention, screening, treatment, and monitoring. E This is a two-part assignment whose purpose is to help you develop your abilities to apply genetics and genomic information while providing patient care.

Purpose: Use a constructed genetic pedigree from collected family history information to identify a risk profile and develop a plan of care, including patient education and referral.

Before you start this project go and register for the G3C (Global Genetics and Genomics Community) learning portal The site is free and has interactive cases that demonstrate how genetic and genomics link to health and illness. Throughout each patient scenario, there are links to resources and supplemental educational activities to expand upon genetic/genomic learning concepts. At the end of each patient encounter, learners are prompted to make a recommendation to their “patient” and are assessed across multiple domains such as risk assessment, family history, and patient medical history. There are 17 cases, and you can get CEs for the activities.

Select a patient that you can interview virtually. Set up a time and quiet time, go over with the patient about confidentiality, and explain that no identifiable information will be used in this assignment.

Collect a client’s personal and three-generation family health history to assess for genomic factors that impact the client’s health (Save the created Family Health History, please, use fictitious names, but keep the rest of the information accurate).

Identify genetic and genomic factors within collected history that contribute to illness and/or health risk.

Identify issues in this patient-related to each of the following: Financial/Socioeconomic s, Cultural, Religious, and Lifestyle.

Identify ethical/legal concepts related to this patient. Include concepts Genetics/Genomics Nursing Practice.

Identify the major challenge with the patient and identify possible strategies to overcome this challenge.

Report your findings in a three-page report including the three-generation map (Genogram) using APA guidelines.

What cultural competence strategies will you employ that are behavioral, measurable, and professional to increase your cultural competence?

Multicultural Case Study

You did a good job explaining your biases. Unfortunately, you didn’t comprehensively discuss strategies to address all of the biases. What cultural competence strategies will you employ that are behavioral, measurable, and professional to increase your cultural competence?

What would you do in order to learn how to use it with patients? Would you simply remain open to learning about hypnosis or “educate” yourself?

How would you actually take action to gain competence? Now, apply that same logic to getting culturally competent.

What insights and reflections are drawn about the academic literature and from the research?

The assessment criteria for the essay are (all criteria carry equal marks):

(1) Clarity and rigor—How clear are the aims and objectives of the research? Do the conclusions relate to these aims and objectives and contain evidence from the findings? Does the review of literature help to inform the way that the findings have been evaluated? Have relevant research methods been used to obtain the data?

(2) Critical analysis—What insights and reflections are drawn about the academic literature and from the research?

(3) Relevance and practicality—Has the issue been addressed? Is there a workable out-come?

(4) Originality—Has the research been carried out in a creative way? Have new ideas or new ways of exploring problems been used? What new concepts emerge from the work?

(5) Presentation—Is the essay or thesis clearly structured, without formal flaws, typos and grammar mistakes?