
How will the implementation of Patient-Centered Care (new model) impact healthcare providers’ performance at the hospital?

Patient-Centered Care

Research Questions
In what ways does the implementation of Patient-Centered Care impact the provision of patients’ services at Emory Hospital?

What is the patient’s perception of their experience at the hospital?

How will the implementation of Patient-Centered Care (new model) impact healthcare providers’ performance at the hospital?

In the Patient-Centered Care model, patients are the main subject of consideration. The project is scheduled to begin in late 2021 to 2023.

Describe an alternative way of writing the passage that would capture the same information but that would be more respectful.

A key practice in the social sciences is writing about people. When doing this, it is important to write in a way that respects the people you are writing about. The book, Forces of Habit, is a useful introduction to the history of drug use. However, it includes many references to people that may not be considered respectful. Below are some guidelines about good and bad practices when writing about others.

Include the passage in quotes and explain why you think the passage violates respectful writing. Refer to specific examples from the passage and discuss those examples in reference to the guidelines below. Be sure to cite the passage you use from Forces of Habit in APA style.

Describe an alternative way of writing the passage that would capture the same information but that would be more respectful. This should include a re-write of the passage placed in quotes. Justify your proposed changes by referring to the guidelines below.

It’s better to choose a shorter passage and focus in-depth on that rather than choosing a longer passage.

Use the guidelines listed below to support your argument about why certain phrases are disrespectful and why the re-written phrases would be more respectful. Don’t just say something is derogatory or offensive. Justify why it is disrespectful or respectful with solid reasoning.


Avoid making generalizations about groups of people (e.g., drug users are unable to control themselves, immigrants are lazy). Generalizations are rarely true.


Discuss how the technologies are a possible source of competitive advantage and how they pose a risk to your organization.

Emerging Technology and Digital Transformation Paper

Discuss how the technologies are a possible source of competitive advantage and how they pose a risk to your organization. A good paper will identify business cases where an emerging technology could help the company compete, not just cut costs or improve efficiency.

Additionally, the paper should evaluate the organization’s ability to implement the recommendations and the required leadership and organizational modifications required to execute the strategy successfully.

Identify the environmental impact that, in your opinion, presents the greatest concern for airport managers.

Identify the environmental impact that, in your opinion, presents the greatest concern for airport managers. provide an explanation of your chosen environmental impact with justification and supporting references.

Next, you will identify a strategy that could be employed to mitigate your chosen environmental impact. The goal is to engage in a collaborative and constructive debate that promotes critical thought and reflection.

What was the most challenging aspect of this coursework and why was this the case?

This task requires reflection to provide insights into the process and quality of personal learning.

Your reflection should focus on your actions, motivations and emotions and should analyze what changes will be made to practice in light of experiences, feedback and reflection.

A good reflection will help you understand what, why and how you learn.NB: You should not comment on the theories of reflection. You should also not evaluate teaching or the module for this exercise.

Required for Task 7 (Comments for task 7 should not exceed 150 words in total.)

1.What do you think you did particularly well in this assignment?

2.What was the most challenging aspect of this coursework and why was this the case?

3.What would you do differently next time?

Discuss the tests that clearly identify your unknown, giving reasons why certain organisms are excluded (eliminated) as your unknown, and how you reached your specific decision on the identity of your unknown.

A Written Report- Discussion
Your report is the most important part of the unknown identification process. In your discussion, focus on the results you obtained and how you identified your unknown based on a process of elimination. The discussion portion of your report is to be typed, double spaced. You will staple the table to the written report (table first followed by the report.

List the possible unknown throat bacteria used in this laboratory exercise. (5 points)

Discuss of your Gram staining results. Describe if your Gram staining results allowed you to eliminate any of the possible bacteria as your unknown. (10 points)

Discuss the tests that clearly identify your unknown, giving reasons why certain organisms are excluded (eliminated) as your unknown, and how you reached your specific decision on the identity of your unknown. Begin with the blood agar, mannitol salt agar, & DNase agar test results for a presumptive identification of the unknown

Note: you do not have to include catalyses in your written discussion. IN addition, once you have eliminated a possible organism, you do not need to continue to discuss it in your report.

Use the coagulase test to make the critical diagnostic decision for the identity of your unknown.

State unknown number and the identity of your unknown.

Conclude your report with a summary statement of one to two sentences of how you were able to identify your unknown. Include specific test results that revealed the identity of your unknown.

Explain how the article relates to at least one of the learning objectives and explain why the information in the article matters in the context of business decision making.

Managerial Economics

Identify and summarize a current event article that is relevant to the weekly learning objectives and assigned readings (this week’s topic is “elasticity”).

Explain how the article relates to at least one of the learning objectives and explain why the information in the article matters in the context of business decision making.

Your response should be insightful, thoughtful, and analytical. Your response must have a clear, well formulated thesis, development using textual quotes and references; sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, and spelling count.

What developmental stage should the patient be in based on chronological age and is the patient in the stage.

Psychiatric Diagnostic Evaluation for Adolescent 16 year old male with social anxiety

Include a work up and/or questions for adolescent-specific disorders. What diagnostic test/screening tools would you use for the adolescent? Include in treatment plan specific types of therapy that are used when working with adolescent. Address in the narrative how family structure and dynamics affects the diagnosis and treatment of this adolescent. What are the family dynamics for this patient

and how does it affect the mental status of this adolescent. What developmental stage should the patient be in based on chronological age and is the patient in the stage. Address parenting styles that you observed with your patient and the family and whether these were working or not working.

What is the ethical considerations when working with teens- how much do you share with the parents, do you have the parents in the room with you the whole time you are talking to the patient,who do you talk to first when they come in with a problem? What happens when they leave the nest?


How did these results help inform your PICO(T) question? How are the findings helpful if a nurse wanted to implement the selected nursing intervention?

How interventions (care bundle) lower the incident rates of pressure ulcers in hospitalized patients

Guidelines for paper:

Write a paper focusing on a qualitative study that addresses your PICO(T) question and that was addressed in your first paper.

Describe how the article was selected. This could be just one sentence (includes the search terms- or examples of search terms- and database used)

Clearly describe the article for this paper including the problem being studied, and cite. (Does not have to include the full title of the study)

Information About Evidence

What was the aim of the research study?

What was the study’s design? Describe the study design and cite.

Describe more details about design in the table including whether the design was inferred by you or stated by the authors.

If authors do not state design (eg. just “qualitative study”) you must infer what type of qualitative design it is and justify it.

Discuss two strengths to this type of design. Provide rationale and citation

Describe the sample used in this study. Describe recruitment strategy for this study. Provide more in depth detail such as demographics and/or setting in the table.

What type of sampling methodology was used? (Hint: see textbook for details) Provide rationale and citation.

Discuss the role(s) of the researcher in the study. Provide more in depth detail in the table.

Describe the data collection method in the body of the paper. Provide more in-depth detail in the table.

Results of Evidence

What were the main findings of this study? Discuss main findings/themes that are relevant to the PICO(T) question in the body of the paper. This should include the name of at least one theme/category from the results section of the article.
Provide complete description of findings (eg. themes/categories) in the table.

Discuss how the findings provide context for your PICO(T) question. How did these results help inform your PICO(T) question? How are the findings helpful if a nurse wanted to implement the selected nursing intervention? Or are they not helpful?
Provide rationale for this discussion

Describe the data analysis process in the body of the paper.
Include details about data analysis in the table.

Trustworthiness of Evidence

Discuss how the researchers addressed two elements of trustworthiness in the body of the paper (choose two: credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability).

Trustworthiness may be discussed specifically by the authors, but you should also deduce what enhanced or threatened trustworthiness from what you have read about the study. If nothing was done to enhance a specific element, describe a specific way the authors could have enhanced that element of trustworthiness.



 Why were they in the war? What were their goals? Be sure to cite specific evidence from the reading.

The Vietnamese perspective

Why were they in the war? What were their goals? Be sure to cite specific evidence from the reading.