
When you have a clear goal in mind, do you find yourself more committed to a particular task or engagement?

When you read about these theories in your text book or find yourself in discussion with others about them, remember to think about the following questions:

Have your needs changed in the different stages of your life?

Did your levels of motivation associated with these needs change during different stages of your life?

How much more motivated are you to perform a particular task when you really want a particular outcome or reward?

When you have a clear goal in mind, do you find yourself more committed to a particular task or engagement?

Do you find yourself more motivated to right unfavorable policies directed toward you or certain other work groups?

Describe the quality improvement process and a brief overview the quality model that will be used to improve your practice problem.

Central Line Associated Bloodstream Infection
• Introduction
State the practice problem in measurable terms and that reflect quality indicators.

Analysis of Evidence
Synthesize a minimum of 5 evidence-based practice resources that support your practice problem. Include a minimum of two to three research studies

• Quality Improvement Process
Describe the quality improvement process and a brief overview the quality model that will be used to improve your practice problem. Include a description of a quality tool that will be used in the quality improvement plan.

This process will be used to support the detailed proposed quality improvement plan in Week 4

o Explain why the specific quality model was selected and document your explanation with references.

Identify and discuss the Core Functions of Public Health-What are the three core functions of public health?

Introduction to public health (slides 1 -33) at

Identify and discuss the Core Functions of Public Health.

– What are the three core functions of public health?

– What are the essential services associated with each of these?

– Give two examples each of federal, state, and local agencies or departments that carry out these core functions and essential services.

Do you perceive that a society built on these concepts might provide a better world than what we often observe,what would be the impact on the economy and on society?


1. The academic discipline of economics teaches that the goal of the firm is to maximize profits. In this session, the concept of “market power” is the focus of study.

A monopoly has complete market power while a monopolistically competitive firm has only limited market power. Gaining market power means ‘beating out the competition’ and firms often spend large sums of money to gain and extend market power while seeking higher profits.

This drive for profit against competition also benefits society, since it allows the most efficient producers to survive in the market and hence deliver quality product and services to consumers. Moreover, Jesus also taught and commended industry (the ambition to use our resources profitably) in several parables (the wise and foolish virgins – Matthew 25.1-11; the bags of Gold – Matthew 25.26-27; the shrewd Manager – Luke 16.1-9).

On the other hand Jesus taught and demonstrated ultimate selflessness on the cross (Matthew 5.38-40; Matthew 10.38; Mark 10.45). Like Christ, Paul also taught selflessness as (1 Corinthians 6.7-9; Philippians 2.1-11) as did Peter (1 Peter 3.9). Moreover, nothing we do must override our moral and ethical obligations (Matthew 16.26 ). Share with the class, how Christian entrepreneurs, managers, and business leaders can reconcile the exhortation toward selflessness and ethics, versus the ambition to succeed, which includes beating out the competition in the marketplace.

2. Paul wrote many letters that are included in the Bible. One of those was the letter to the Galatians in which he instructed the Christians in Galatia. In Chapter 5 starting with Verse 22, he shares his view of what the Spirit of Christianity is like as he reminds the early Christians they are free from the Law but directed by the Spirit of Christ.

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. 24 Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. 26 Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other.

Do you perceive that a society built on these concepts might provide a better world than what we often observe. If we truly could reduce conceit, and not provoke each other nor envy others, what would be the impact on the economy and on society?


Explain both the neurological and musculoskeletal pathophysiologic processes of why the patient presents these symptoms.

Neurological and musculoskeletal pathophysiologic processes that would account for the patient presenting these symptoms
Patient is a 24-year-old female administrative assistant who comes to the emergency department with a chief complaint of severe right-sided headache.

She states that this is the sixth time in the last 2 months she has had this headache. She says the headaches last 2–3 days and have impacted her ability to concentrate at work. She complains of nausea and has vomited three times in the last 3 hours. She states, “the light hurts my eyes.” She rates her pain as a 10/10 at this time. Ibuprofen and acetaminophen ease her symptoms somewhat but do not totally relieve them. No other current complaints.

What should be included in the case study

Explain both the neurological and musculoskeletal pathophysiologic processes of why the patient presents these symptoms.

Explain how the highlighted processes interact to affect the patient.

Explain any racial/ethnic variables that may impact physiological functioning.

Can you think of some products where advertising seldom occurs when consumers could use more information?

Discussion 5-Econ

Firms that operate in industries that have the characteristics of monopolistic competition advertise heavily just to get their brand names known and try to convince customers that their products are “unique” while the products often are only slightly different.

Do you consider this to be efficient or is much of the advertising wasted money? Can you think of some products where advertising seldom occurs when consumers could use more information? Incorporate appropriate relevant and biblical principles into your response.

Critically evaluate a recent change within an organization, applying relevant theory to the way in which the change was identified, promoted, governed and (if relevant) adopted, and assessing the organization readiness and resistance, and the opportunities where the likelihood of success might be increased.

Organizational Change Management

Critically evaluate a recent change within an organization, applying relevant theory to the way in which the change was identified, promoted, governed and (if relevant) adopted, and assessing the organization readiness and resistance, and the opportunities where the likelihood of success might be increased.

How would you compare the artistic representations of the Paleolithic period to the Neolithic period?

How would you compare the artistic representations of the Paleolithic period to the Neolithic period?

What is(are) the major underlying problem(s)experienced by the characters? Provide a brief summary of the film that doesn’t simply describe the plot, but rather describes and captures the nature of the problem(s).

The Movie “The Help”

What is(are) the major underlying problem(s)experienced by the characters? Provide a brief summary of the film that doesn’t simply describe the plot, but rather describes and captures the nature of the problem(s). Keep in mind that there is no single correct answer to this, so you must use your educated, informed opinion.

•Provide examples of how one or more characters’ behavior illustrates the problem(s).

•Now ask yourself, “What does each person you identified NEED?”. Provide a prescription of sorts, based upon course material, of what the characters could do to implement positive change in their lives.

In fact, you must apply at least five (5) concepts from the course, two (2) of which must come from material in chapters 9, 10, 11, 13or 14.Note that there are many characters and some of them may not be relevant to the problem(s)that you have identified in the first step. T

hus, you do not need to give a prescription for EACH character, but for each character that is relevant to the problem you identified.

•The key to this assignment is to show creative and thoughtful application of the course material to the complex situation depicted in this film. Apply as many concepts from the course that you feel are relevant and that you can adequately apply within the page limit.

•Reminder –keep your answer concise, but thorough, and within the 4-page limit.

•A final note to consider: In many ways, this course, and this assignment, should highlight the contrast between clear abnormal behavior (psychopathology) that is commonly treated by a The Movie “The Help” or psychiatrist, and maladaptive functioning or an adjustment problem, which is more of a temporary, situational disturbance in the everyday functioning of an individual. Usually, such disturbances, although quite distressful and disruptive, do not reflect underlying psychopathology and are considered sub-clinical.

What was your impression of how well the evaluated site met at least 4 of the major criteria (boxes in grey below)?

Evaluation of Cite

This is a Master’s Level Course. Do not assign this paper unless you can write at a Master’s level.  References must be peer-reviewed journal articles within 3 years with doi number

Answer the following:

What was your impression of how well the evaluated site met at least 4 of the major criteria (boxes in grey below)?