
Identify where maths is currently integrated into the science curriculum, and identify that students find this cross over challenging.

Intergrated Science and Mathematics Curriculum
 Refer to the UK curriculum and school teaching within the UK.

Identify where maths is currently integrated into the science curriculum, and identify that students find this cross over challenging.

However, it is unclear from the assignment whether you are wanting to develop pedagogical tools to help students with this area of the curriculum, or identify how to bring in more elements of the mathematics curriculum into different topics within science.

You make some interesting points and some strong statements, but often these are left without evidence so it is not possible for the reader to tell if this is an informed opinion based on evidence, or just conjecture.

You should pay attention to providing references for the statements you make to add weight and legitimacy to your arguments.

Although you provided a rationale as to why this is an important area to focus on, you did not use this to draw firm conclusions on how this would influence your planning. Once you have identified an area for interrogation,

Explain the why and how you are going to incorporate this. The range of literature you used to discuss the maths and science integration is limited, and for this to be considered Master’s level, it is important to use more than 6 articles.

Describe what you see and hear as well as how children do what they do and say what they say

Focus Child Observation:Cognition and Sensory Development

Observations are documentation of direct (in-person or recorded) observations of young children in childcare settings, alternative out of home care including family childcare settings, special classes for young children or home settings for newborns and infants not enrolled in out of home care.

There will be 3-4 focus child observations engaged in various learning activities. If possible, you should choose a child you can visit for multiple in-person observations. The more distant the relationship the better. Your focus child observations will be the foundation for your final paper and newsletter.

Each page must be numbered with your last name and course number. Each observation should have a heading with the child’s name; age; date; time and location of the observation along with the following sections:

1) Context Description: you only need to describe your focus child once.

2) Observation: Describe what you see and hear as well as how children do what they do and say what they say

3) Interpretation: Discuss the meaning of your observation for the child. Consider what kind of learner is this child and what might be the motivations for their behaviors and language based on your experiences and readings.

Identify barriers for each solution and how you would address those barriers.


-Provide four solutions to prevent workers in child welfare to quit. Then provide pros and cons for each solution.

-Identify barriers for each solution and how you would address those barriers.

-Last choose (1) of the four solutions and provide the reason why you chose the solution over the other three and provide supported literature.

Does level of cognitive development influence children’s understanding of the concept of gender? If so, how?

1. How do children come to understand the concept of gender?
2. Does level of cognitive development influence children’s understanding of the concept of gender? If so, how?

Interpret the output of statistical tests and accept or reject hypothesis accordingly.

R code..soil samples

In this assessment you will use the soils data set created earlier in the course by the class to demonstrate an ability to summarize, present and statistically analyze data.

1.  Demonstrate an understanding of hypothesis development.

2.  Demonstrate the ability to summarize and plot data within R and Excel.

3.  Demonstrate the ability to choose and run appropriate statistical tests.

4.  interpret the output of statistical tests and accept or reject hypothesis accordingly.


The aim of this assessment is for you to demonstrate that you are able to independently analyse a dataset you have gathered in R. Remember to differentiate between ‘treatments’, ‘independent samples’ and ‘replicates’ when choosing data for analysis (refer to first lecture and reading).

Note both Excel and Text files have been provided with your data, these files may not be in the correct format for appropriate analysis and you may want to carry out further refinement. If you choose to do this, save your edited Excel files as a text file to be imported into R (make sure the column names are sensible).

As part of this assessment you are expected to:

1. Develop two sets of hypothesis (each with both a null [H0] and alternate [H1]) which consider physical

or chemical differences between the top and sub soil. These can be informed by the information known about soils from your reading and other courses (see reading list for week two).

*Note* It is a well expressed and correctly developed hypothesis I am looking for here, not a technically correct one, so don’t worry if you don’t have a soils background.

2. Provide a set of descriptive statistics for each variable measured for both top and sub soil. This information must be provided in a table and the R code used to achieve this table must be listed beneath.

3. Provide a graph (export from R and insert into your document) which summarizes the data used to test each hypothesis, also list the code used to generate the graph.

4. Test the appropriate data for normality; present the output and your interpretation.

5. Select and run an appropriate inferential test for each hypothesis. You must provide evidence for inferential test outputs (code, graphs and test outputs). Provide a short explanation of the process you used to choose the statistical test, i.e explain how your data fulfilled test assumptions (up to 350 words). HINT: Use lecture materials (most of the clues you will need will be available there) with independent reading and research to support this section.

– A brief introduction to the report to describe what samples were analyzed and what comparisons you look at in your report.
– Methodology

– Very brief methodology describing how the samples were collected and analyzed (remember the samples were collected from the soil pits and analyzed in the lab.)

– This is where you present the data analysis outlined in points 2 – 5, above.

– Remember to include the R code you used for any calculations, graphs etc.

– Remember to include a legend with brief description and figure number under each graph.(these don’t count towards word count for the section) – Discussion (≤ 200 words)

– State whether the null hypothesis has been accepted or rejected and explain what this means in the context of the samples that you analyzed.

Discuss the principles of normalization and demonstrate using examples the steps you followed to achieve normal forms in relation to the given scenario.

Data Modelling and SQL

Should tobacco companies be held responsible for smoking-related illnesses and deaths? By relating your discussion to the above scenario where applicable.

1. Discuss the characteristics of Hierarchical, network and relational database models and present practical applications where each one might be more appropriate to use.

2. Compare the SQL databases and NoSQL databases. Your discussion should
include the advantages, disadvantages, and limitations of each.

Task 1: Conceptual Modelling [20%]

1. Identity all the possible entities you can find in the problem scenario and list them
in alphabetical order.

2. Using Crow’s foot notation, design a conceptual data model for the Jet-Arline
database in a modelling tool of your choice. All entity types and the relationships
between them must be clearly shown. Your design should show all cardinality and
participation constraints accurately. Any enhanced features used (e.g.
generalization/specialization) must be indicated.

Task 2: Conceptual Modelling [25%]

1. Discuss the principles of normalization and demonstrate using examples the steps
you followed to achieve normal forms in relation to the given scenario. Your
demonstration must show the full process with explanations, starting from UNF,
2NF to 3NF (Note: There is no requirement here to go through the full list of
attributes in the data model for the Jet-Airline).

2 Produce an ERD with all the normalized entities containing the relevant attributes.
State any de-normalization, if any, in all your relations and dearly state the reasons
for de-normalizing relations in your implemented solution.

3 Map an ER model devised above into a set of logical relations in the relational data

Should tobacco companies be held responsible for smoking-related illnesses and deaths?

Should tobacco companies be held responsible for smoking-related illnesses and deaths?

Describe the current inventory system-SCM model as a basis for this assignment.

SCM Model Assessment
Use your organization’s SCM model as a basis for this assignment. If your organization does not have an SCM model implemented or if you are not currently working in healthcare, apply a model to a hypothetical organization. Address the following:

Describe the current inventory system.
For the inventory system being described, who/what are the primary vendors?

Define forecasting.

Is the ordering process formal or informal? Is any automation/software utilized to order supplies? If not currently working in healthcare, which process is preferred?
What strategic elements of your SCM model result in positive outcomes?

What type of business operation (entry mode)do you suggest, and why there is a match between what the company needs and what the country has?

International business : globalization

What type of business operation (entry mode)do you suggest, and why there is a match between what the company needs and what the country has
You mentioned that the company should also expand in the united states but never elaborated on that?

How can average nurses be involved in the political process? What do you do or should do in order to become more politically active?

Political process

Engaging in a political process enables a nurse leader to influence others in order to achieve a set of professional goals. Conduct extensive research on the importance of political process in nursing, and answer the following questions:

How can average nurses be involved in the political process?

What do you do or should do in order to become more politically active?