
Why is supply chain management (SCM) so important to healthcare operations? Provide examples.

Radio frequency identification

1. Why is supply chain management (SCM) so important to healthcare operations? Provide examples.

2. How are radio frequency identification (RFID) technologies being utilized in your organization? If RFID is not currently being utilized, how might this technology benefit a healthcare organization?

What might you do differently next time you face a similar interpersonal challenge, and why?

Organizational Conflict

Workplace conflicts occur almost daily. We experience them in our individual and group interactions at meetings, training, projects, office chats, etc. Conflicts result from differing views and interests. While most conflicts are resolved quickly, some may linger and could hamper open and honest communication. Select ONE of the following topics to write about in-depth:

1. Think of a recent conflict situation you experienced at work.

What conflict style did you engage in?

What style did the other party engage in?

What might you do differently next time you face a similar interpersonal challenge, and why?

2. Are there times when an “Avoidant” style is is the most effective?

Why or why not?

3. Sometimes, people assume that a “Collaborative” approach to conflict resolution is better than other modes. Is this the case? Why or why not?

 Briefly summarize the Matthew Shepherd case and it’s final verdict using and citing reliant newspaper report.

The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with an opportunity to think about the theories of hate crime perpetration.

Matthew Shepherd Case explained.
Briefly summarize the Matthew Shepherd case and it’s final verdict using and citing reliant newspaper report.
Identify and discuss which theory or theories of causation best describes this case.

Referring to this unit’s tutorials or external resources, how might cloud storage benefit an organization? How might it benefit you personally?

Cloud Services Or Cloud Storage

•Prompt #1: Cloud Services
Compare and contrast at least two different cloud service providers. These may include iCloud, OneDrive, Google Drive, and others. Referring to this unit’s tutorials or external resources, what services do they offer that are familiar to you? How do they differ from each other?

• Prompt #2: Cloud Storage
Many cloud service providers offer the ability to store and share files in the cloud. Select a cloud service provider and describe how it works. Referring to this unit’s tutorials or external resources, how might cloud storage benefit an organization? How might it benefit you personally?

Describe two examples of mutualistic relationships found on the coral reef in the video. Be sure to describe how each organism benefits in the relationship.

Exploring Ecosystems
Watch the following video:
Exploring Ecosystems: Coral Reef Symbiosis | California Academy of Sciences

Describe two examples of mutualistic relationships found on the coral reef in the video. Be sure to describe how each organism benefits in the relationship. Provide images illustrating the relationships.

How do these interactions influence patterns of distribution and abundance within this ecosystem as a whole?

What are the short-term and long-term benefits for each species you read about in the article you selected?

Symbiotic partnership between monkeys and wolves discovered.

Haemig, P. D. (2012). Badger-coyote associations. Ecology. Info 11. Retrieved from

What type of relationship is found between the Gelada monkeys and Ethiopian wolves or badgers and coyotes?

What are the short-term and long-term benefits for each species you read about in the article you selected?

What are some of the costs for each of the species as a result of their mutual relationship?

Do you think their relationship could change if resources became scarce? Why or why not?

What factors did you use to determine Dr. Bloom’s testimony? Briefly make notes on your opinion of Dr. Bloom and his testimony.

1. What factors did you use to determine Dr. Bloom’s testimony?

2. Briefly make notes on your opinion of Dr. Bloom and his testimony.

3. Of the two doctors, whom do you think is the most credible? Why? Then, comment on at least two other posts. You might state whether or not you agree with someone else (and why) or any other thoughts you have that were inspired by the original post.

What myths of utilizing communication devices did you most closely relate to? How did the video change your view of using communication devices with students? 

1.What experience do you have with working with students with communication devices?

2. What stood out to you the most of the examples of students who use communication devices?

3. What myths of utilizing communication devices did you most closely relate to? How did the video change your view of using communication devices with students?

What are the important themes across three definitions? Define social marketing in your own words

Task: Defining Social Marketing

1.What are the important themes across three definitions?

2.Define social marketing in your own words

What would be your approach to the implementation of a new strategy to effectively motivate Larissa? Are there any risks? If so, how might you mitigate them?

A Comprehensive Case on Motivating Performance


Begin with a brief overview of the case and objective of the report.
Part 1: Case Questions (answer in paragraph format using headings below)

What elements are missing that would motivate Larissa? What do you think is lacking for her in her career in terms of motivation?

In your opinion, what do you believe is the main problem at this point in time for Larissa? Identify a few main issues she is having.

How might one go about maintaining a fair environment in the sales department with both Larissa and Earl, so that each may effectively work?

What would be your approach to the implementation of a new strategy to effectively motivate Larissa? Are there any risks? If so, how might you mitigate them?

What time period would you assign to resolving this motivation issue with Larissa? If Larissa’s performance would continue to lag, what would be some additional options to keep in mind?