
Does the website list contact information for the author or organization (e-mail address, mailing address, phone number) so you can verify the person or organization really exists by trying to contact them?

Before you begin this essay you will need to read “Evaluating Internet Research Sources” by Robert Harris (Links to an external site.)

For this essay, you will select a website that discusses a current controversial issue that you are interested in. You cannot use Wikipedia. You will need to clearly identify the title of the website and URL in your essay.

You will then evaluate the website that you have selected. Use the following questions as a guide. Remember, simple Yes or No answers will not be enough. You will need to take time to explain your evaluations of the website and include specific examples/details to support your evaluations. Both in-text documentation and a works cited page in MLA format are required.

Here are some questions to consider as you evaluate the website. Please DO NOT try to respond to all of the questions. Select questions that you can answer, develop and support in your evaluation of the website.

Look for signs indicating the website is regularly updated. When was the website last updated? Does the lack of an update date help you to determine whether or not the website is credible/reliable?

Is the website posted anonymously? If it is anonymous, ask yourself why do you think you (or the reader) should trust the information even though it comes from an unknown source.

Does the website list contact information for the author or organization (e-mail address, mailing address, phone number) so you can verify the person or organization really exists by trying to contact them?

Is the author someone particularly likely to be a trustworthy source? Does the website list his/her credentials, experience, title, occupation or other relevant information?

Is the author associated with a respected or well-known organization? Does that organization have an interest or investment in being impartial, accurate, and trustworthy? Does that organization have a financial or political stake in persuading you to trust its judgment that might make it biased or untrustworthy?

Has the website organized its information into numbered sections or provided a means of citation for scholars and researchers?

Does the website have a clear agenda, such as a commercial, political bias/motivation for its publication? Examine the address endings for the website (For instance, .com, .biz, .gov, .edu, .org, .mil, or .mus.) What does this tell you about the nature of the organization? Does that bias alter the degree to which you trust the website? Should it?

Ask yourself if the web author has taken the time to proofread her webpage. Has the author spent the time to create a neat, visually engaging but easily accessible webpage? If not, does that sloppiness detract from the reader’s trust? Why or why not? An occasional typo or grammatical error might mean nothing, but two or three within a few paragraphs might indicate this individual didn’t spend much time on the project or might not be very professional.

Is there any evidence of quality control? For instance, has the publication been “refereed” (peer-reviewed by other writers or editors)? Was it written by or for an organization that evaluates information before publication? If not, does it use quotations from such a source? Are there signs that the writer or author is incompetent, poorly educated, or apathetic about his project?

The paper will be graded based on

Organization and development of ideas

Use of specific examples/details

Grammar and mechanics

Documentation of sources

Paper must have a work cited page

What sort of hard and soft information does it provide on socio-demographic and epidemiologic aspects in relation to the target population and the health issue?

Data / Information on the health issue on a London patch or another city in relation to the population group chosen

Give an overview of the data / information produced at local level on your topic. Include data / information produced by health and local authority professionals and by community groups. To ensure that you have digested this material, you must ask yourself how useful the documentation is in presenting the basis for EVIDENCE-BASED planning.

What sort of hard and soft information does it provide on socio-demographic and epidemiologic aspects in relation to the target population and the health issue?  Use this data to link to the next section of your Essay to describe and discuss the health issue in respect to the chosen population group in the London borough or another city you have chosen.

How can you use this information on a personal or professional level? What kind of contribution does this make to the field of psychological research?

Bibliography: Supply the appropriate bibliographic citation using APA format.

Summary: In your own words, summarize the following:

Introduction/review of literature
design of study and analysis of data
results and discussion
(Use appropriate in-text citations to identify this information)

Integration: Integrate the information from the article with information from your text or class discussions. (Use appropriate in-text citations to identify this information)

Reaction: Provide your personal reaction to the article. How can you use this information on a personal or professional level? What kind of contribution does this make to the field of psychological research?

The class is called Health Psychology so  try and relate the best you can.

What are some of the demographic differences that influence where people get their news? Where do you prefer to get your news (social media, print, television, radio) and why?

Lesson Writing Assignments

Lesson 4 Writing Assignment

For this assignment, choose ONE of the writing prompts and write a minimum 300 word essay. For more detailed instructions, review the Instructions for Lesson Writing

1) Read the Gallup report on attitudes towards third parties. How do Americans view third parties? Why is it so difficult for third party candidates to win in the United States? How would having more than two competitive political parties change American politics?

2) Review the Pew Research articles “U.S. trails most developed countries in voter turnout” and “Weekday elections set the U.S. apart from many other advanced
democracies.” Specifically, how does voter turnout in the U.S. compare with voter turnout in other advanced democracies? What are some of the causes for the low voter turnout between the United States and other advanced democracies? What are the pros and cons of changing election day to a holiday or a

3) Look at Table 9.1 of AmGov and read the Pew Research article “News Use Across Social Media Platforms 2018.” Discuss where people get their news?
What are some of the demographic differences that influence where people get their news? Where do you prefer to get your news (social media, print, television,
radio) and why? Do you rely on only one news source? How do you judge the credibility of your news source(s)?

What are some limitations of restitution that the program should consider and how might the program overcome these?

Victims’ Rights and Remedies

Suppose that administrators at Florida Tech in FL are interested in starting a restitution program to help victims of crime on campus. answer the 5 questions below

Do you feel this would this be a worthwhile program? Why/why not?

What suggestions would you offer to make the restitution program successful?

Might it be more effective for some types of crime, but not others?

What are some limitations of restitution that the program should consider and how might the program overcome these?

How can you evaluate whether or not the restitution program is effective?

Critically discuss the role of illness perceptions in how patients react to new symptoms.

Current eating behavior
Lorna reported eating three meals a day, usually cereal for breakfast, a sandwich for lunch, and a cooked dinner at around 7pm each day. She drinks alcohol rarely. Lorna is not on any medication besides insulin for the diabetes.

Aside from regular meals, she reports regularly eating large volumes of food, when not hungry. An example is: three packets of biscuits, a box of doughnuts, and a 2-litre tub of ice-cream. She reports that these episodes occurred roughly once or twice a month for as long as Lorna can remember. Lorna has not strong recollection of what triggers the eating episodes, but generally feels frustrated that her attempts at dieting do not work and feels that she struggles to keep to the rules.

When she breaks the rules, she feels like she may as well go crazy and start again tomorrow; this is when the episodes of eating large volumes are likely. Due to the limitations on her lifestyle, Lorna has previously spent a lot of time alone. She found the loneliness hard to deal with and often turned to food as a comfort. Lorna is keen to undergo weight loss surgery and looks forward to being able to enjoy a richer and fuller life.

Essay Question (section A)
2. Refer to the case study of Lorna. Using clear justification from theory and research, critically consider what interventions might be useful to Lorna, and how outcome would be assessed.

Essay Question (section B)
3. Critically discuss the role of illness perceptions in how patients react to new symptoms.


Explain how you will get this idea fielded using TWO scenarios.

Scenario for assignment:

You have an innovative idea that will give Air Force Special Operations Forces (SOF) a significant competitive advantage in the joint operational environment for the next 15-20 years (You don’t need to discuss the idea, only how you might pay for it).

1) Explain how you will get this idea fielded using TWO scenarios.

The idea can be paid for within your component’s (Air Force) budget. You may need to talk to someone who is knowledgeable with your unit’s budget. Each unit and military component is different, so this is your chance to share how the Air Force’s 318th Special Operations Squadron operates.

The idea’s scope will require submission into the USSOCOM Special Operations Forces Capabilities Integration and Development System (SOFCIDS) process.

How would you go about initiating this process?

Here is a list of capability needs SOCOM is currently exploring (make sure you click on the tab on the right side of the page that interests you).

What are some applications of sets that you can think of that are not discussed in the chapter?

What are some applications of sets that you can think of that are not discussed in the chapter?

Your discussion should be approximately 200 words.
Use a minimum of 2 sources to support your viewpoint

Why did the judge have to satisfy himself that the breach of confidentiality was inadvertent by both the solicitor and the paralegal?

1.Initially, read through the case without taking notes. Obtain an overall impression of the facts and the arguments contained in the case.

2.During your second reading of the case, make notes about the following (this will assist you to complete the Case Study):

a)What was the solicitor’s version of events?

b)What was the paralegal’s version of events?

c)What was the breach of confidentiality?

d)Why did the judge have to satisfy himself that the breach of confidentiality was inadvertent by both the solicitor and the paralegal?

e)If the whole problem was a ‘slip of the fax’,why do think this case went to Court?

f)Consider the general principles about inadvertent disclosure of confidential material that can be learnt from this case.You are now ready to create the case study on this matter

Discuss the sampling technique that you would use, highlight its strengths and weaknesses with particular reference to your research question.

Guidance for writing up your Research Proposal.
It is helpful for those marking the assessment if you clearly label each part of your proposal with sub-headings suggested below – the word limits/numbers in brackets are not prescriptive, but merely included for guidance.

1. Introduction (100 words)
What is your overall focus and research aim? Do you have objectives? – To identify evidence defining the effectiveness of Invasive versus non-invasive ventilation.

2. Justification of Study (200 words)
Focus upon justification of the study. Why is the research question relevant to clinical practice, education or management? Why would it be of value to consider the topic? Is there a gap in current evidence? Is the existing research outdated now?

3. Literature Review (1000-1300 words)
Review the main body of literature to your research question. The aim is to explore the nature of the problem and to formulate and refine your research question. Do not just import extracts from the literature, but be critical about what you have read and chosen to include. How does the current literature relate to your aims/objectives/research questions? Can the literature inform your research? Is it that you have identified an existing gap within the literature that needs addressing via your questions?

4. Method (1000 words)

• Clearly outline the aim of your research and list more specific research questions.
• Critically appraise methodologies relevant to your research question demonstrating how your approach will help you to obtain an answer to your research question.

• Argue strongly in favor of the methodological approach that you consider most appropriate for your study – justify your chosen method by discussing why you have rejected alternatives and why your approach is appropriate.

• Provide a rationale for the method of data collection. Data reduction and analysis that you intend using with this approach.

• Highlight strengths and weaknesses with reference to your research question and chosen population. (600 words for the previous 5 bullet points)

• Discuss the sampling technique that you would use, highlight its strengths and weaknesses with particular reference to your research question

• Discuss the ethical issues arising from the intended study

• You need to conclude/summarize – as part of this you may also wish to discuss how you will disseminate your findings, given that they may have practice implications.