
If you could change anything about the judicial branch (how its structured, chosen, etc.), what would it be, why?

Discussion Prompts for our live discussion and your reflections & responses – choose at least 1:

If you could change anything about the legislative branch (how its structured, chosen, etc.), what would it be, why? (Alternately, you may argue to keep things the way they are.

If you could change anything about the executive branch (how its structured, chosen, etc.), what would it be, why?

If you could change anything about the judicial branch (how its structured, chosen, etc.), what would it be, why?

If you could change anything about the relationship between the federal and state governments, what would it be, why? (Alternately, you may argue to keep things the way they are.

A note on citation/support for this conversation: The method for citation is specified in the assignment guidelines. You are expected to bring in course materials (lecture and reading notes) to “support” your reflection and response.

Analyze the impact and influence which the macros environment has on an organization and its business strategies

Business strategy 

This could be in the role of a junior manager responsible for having a specific input into an organization’s decision-making and planning.

Unit Learning Outcomes

1.Analyze the impact and influence which the macros environment has on an organization and its business strategies

2.Assess an organization’s internal environment and capabilities

3.Evaluate and apply the outcomes of an analysis using Porter’s Five Forces model to a given market sector

4.Apply models, theories and concepts to assist with the understanding and interpretation of strategic directions available to an organization

Describe how this institution facilitates international trade. Is there e-commerce? What are the actual goods transferred?


1) For this discussion, identify a business in Louisiana that promotes globalization and describe the products that it trades. When choosing your organization, be mindful of the required response prompt for this discussion.

2) Provide a clear and specific explanation of some of the global actions advocated by the institution that you have identified.

3) Describe how this institution facilitates international trade. Is there e-commerce? What are the actual goods transferred?

Justify your explanations by including in-text citations and your references in APA format as applicable.

Did Bauer and Patt’s articles illuminate any aspects of the film in particular?

Holocaust DP camps immigration

After viewing the film The Illegals* and reading this week’s assigned secondary source readings, please consider to what extent the film conveys realistically (in your view) the plight of Jewish survivors in post-war Europe and beyond, as portrayed to some extent in the readings you’ve completed this week and in the past few weeks (and perhaps especially last week). Do you think the film captured, metaphorically or literally, the ways in which Jews conceived of their own experiences of survival and their path to a homeland after the war? If so, how? If not, why not? Did Bauer and Patt’s articles illuminate any aspects of the film in particular?

Post your initial response of 5-7 paragraphs (plus citations of the text/film

Some of you may have also read Leon Uris’s Exodus, which relates similar themes. At times, the sound on the film is quite challenging – the Closed Captioning is not too bad, though as you will see, it sometimes gets the transcription wrong. But you should be able to get the gist!

Primary Source Reading

Film: The Illegals, directed by Meyer Levin for Americans for Haganah

Click link to open resource.

TFB, “How Displaced Jews get to Palestine,” New York Times, July 15, 1948: (link updated 19 July 2019)

JTA, “Americans for Haganah”: (link updated 19 July)

Film Review, “The Illegals” – (not required)

secondary source readings attached

Convert the absorbance of all the other samples to glucose concentration, Explain the meaning of all the concentrations found in point 6-


1-Calculate the concentration of Glucose in each of the tubes used for the standard curve.(the initial concentration is 2.5mM so you can calculate the final concentration in each of 6 pair of tubes)

2Calculate the average of each duplicate (pair) assay you have carried out

3Subtract from all the above averages,the average of the sample of the standard curve that contained no glucose. This is referred to as background because the absorbance in this tube is not due to glucose.

4Plot glucose concentration (X axis) vs. optical absorbance (Y axis) (use the average values calculated above). Draw a line of best fit and show the fit equation.

5Calculate the glucose concentration of unknown A and B by reading from the line of best fit. (Remember that B was diluted 20 times). Show how to calculate those concentrations.

6Convert the absorbance of all the other samples to glucose concentration

7Explain the meaning of all the concentrations found in point 6

what could be the future trend of China’s economy based on the development of electric vehicles and new energy field.

Electric Vehicle industry

Electric Vehicle industry impacts China’s economy (does it hurt traditional industries? or does it promote China’s economy?) and what could be the future trend of China’s economy based on the development of electric vehicles and new energy field.

What are the time frames in which the different events documented occur? Why is it a documentary and not a narrative film?

Evaluation Criteria:

Write a clear, organized, and coherent text of approximately 500-600 words.

Your analysis and interpretation of the film content should show familiarity with the whole film, as well as an ability to engage in detail with a specific part of the film and integrate cinematographic scale (brief explanation).

It is essential that you synthesize in what ways this documentary serves as a vehicle for historical knowledge.

When referring to the film content, you may refer to situations and information learned through the film, but you should also incorporate what you have learned about documentary film.

When referring to aspects of film form, it is important to use the correct terminology, and to offer a very detailed description.

Note taking:

As preparation for writing, you will need to watch the film more than once, and take notes as you watch it. Try to answer these questions:

On first viewing:
-Where does the film take place?
-Who are the people who are given a voice?
-What did you learn through this documentary?
-What are the time frames in which the different events documented occur? -Why is it a documentary and not a narrative film?

On second viewing:
-Select a significant moment or scene in the documentary that engages directly with historically useful information
-Which elements of film form help convey this information in a powerful way?

What were the strengths and weaknesses of the lesson? Be certain to apply information from your textbook and/or academic journal articles to justify and explain your response.

Observe a reading or writing lesson.Describe the setting of the lesson (general classroom, special education setting; whole/small group, etc.)

Describe the focus of the reading or writing lesson
(phonemic awareness, phonics, comprehension strategies, vocabulary development, expository writing, persuasive writing, etc.) and the materials used during the lesson.

Analyze the lesson: what were the strengths and weaknesses of the lesson? Be certain to apply information from your textbook and/or academic journal articles to justify and explain your response. ( choose to focus your observations of the reading or writing lesson on one student and how she or he did on the lesson in order
to provide details about individual student’s understanding and performance.)

Identify and discuss an ethical dilemma from practice -present a description of the issue, explaining relevant facts and clearly stating the central ethical dilemma(s); describe the dilemma including a brief discussion of the background and history of the problem.

Exploring the ethical dilemma of confidentiality

A final paper will be submitted at the end of the course. The objective of this assignment is to enable students to demonstrate the ability to analyze complex moral issues and structure ethical decisions for social work practice. The proposed topic can either focus on

1) a case that has ethical implications

2) an analysis of ethical problems emerging from organizational functioning and operations or organizational policy.

This assignment gives students the opportunity to reflect on an ethical dilemma from their field experience and apply course learning to a real situation experienced in your field setting (New York Presbyterian Brooklyn methodist hospital).

Resolution of the ethical dilemma (which is confidentiality) will require you to draw upon literature, theory, models for resolving ethical dilemmas and the Code of Ethics.

Students are required to use recent scholarly resources. Furthermore, you are expected to refer to the course readings. The paper should follow the Include the following sections in your paper:

1.Introduction –

Identify and discuss an ethical dilemma from practice -present a description of the issue, explaining relevant facts and clearly stating the central ethical dilemma(s); describe the dilemma including a brief discussion of the background and history of the problem.

Why this is an ethical problem as opposed to an everyday operations or “business” problem?

2.Following the outline developed by Barsky, pp. 504-5in the textbook ,analyze your case.

3.Conclusion –Conclude by discussing how this ethical dilemma may have influenced your professional thinking and development.

Describe the key information for each and how information from each will influence recommendations for strategy selection, planning, and implementation.

Space, Grand, and QSP Matrices Analysis

Write a 500-750-word analysis of the significance of these three matrices regarding their relevance for strategic planning.

Describe the key information for each and how information from each will influence recommendations for strategy selection, planning, and implementation.

Without prematurely determining and formalizing strategic goals and objectives, begin thinking about possible strategies to capitalize and add value to the organization based on the analysis of this information.

Be sure to cite three to five relevant and credible sources in support of your content.