
George Michaels, a 22-year-old patient-How would the nurse document his reason for seeking care?

Sample of questions in the paper. (answers in the paper highlighted in yellow)
QUESTION 3: Small, minute bruises are called: ecchymoses. spider veins. petechiae. telangiectasias.
QUESTION 6 Mrs. Berger is a 39-year-old woman who presents with a complaint of epigastric abdominal pain. You have completed the inspection of the abdomen. What is your next step in the assessment process? Auscultation Percussion Light palpation Deep palpation
QUESTION 16 The review of systems is a component of the: past medical/surgical history. health history. assessment. physical examination.
QUESTION 17 Which of the following is the most vital nutrient? Protein Water Carbohydrate Fat
QUESTION 18 The attitudes of the health care professional: are culturally derived. are largely irrelevant to the success of relationships with the patient. do not influence patient behavior. are difficult for the patient to sense.
QUESTION 18 The attitudes of the health care professional: are culturally derived. are largely irrelevant to the success of relationships with the patient. do not influence patient behavior. are difficult for the patient to sense.
QUESTION 19 Mr. D. complains of a headache. During the history, he mentions his use of alcohol and illicit drugs. This information would most likely belong in the: personal and social history. past medical history. review of systems. chief complaint.
QUESTION 20 Mrs. Britton is a 34-year-old patient who presents to the office with complaints of skin rashes. You have noted a 4′ 3-cm, rough, elevated area of psoriasis. This is an example of a: D. papule. C. macule. B. patch. A. plaque.
QUESTION 31 George Michaels, a 22-year-old patient, tells the nurse that he is here today to “check his allergies.” He has been having “green nasal discharge” for the last 72 hours. How would the nurse document his reason for seeking care? G.M. is a 22-year-old male here for having “green nasal discharge” for the past 72 hours. G. M., a 22-year-old male, states he has allergies and wants them checked. G. M. is a 22-year-old male here for “allergies.” G. M. came into the clinic complaining of green discharge for the past 72 hours.
QUESTION 32 You are examining a pregnant patient and have noted a vascular lesion. When you blanche over the vascular lesion, the site blanches and refills evenly from the center outward. The nurse documents this lesion as a: A. telangiectasia. B. spider angioma. D. purpura. C. petechiae.
QUESTION 33 A fixed image of any group that rejects its potential for originality or individuality is known as a(n): acculturation. stereotype. ethnos. norm.
QUESTION 34 To approximate vocal frequencies, which tuning fork should be used to assess hearing? 1500 to 2000 Hz 100 to 300 Hz 500 to 1000 Hz 200 to 400 Hz
QUESTION 35 In issues surrounding ethical decision making, beneficence refers to the: need to avoid harming the patient. care provider knowing what is best for the patient. care provider acting as a father or mother figure. need to do good for the patient.
QUESTION 56 When examining the skull of a 4-month-old baby, you should normally find: C. ossification of all sutures. D. overlap of cranial bones. B. closure of the posterior fontanel. A. closure of the anterior fontanel

Critically analyze current theories and concepts related to leadership characteristics, styles and behaviors within modern health and social care policy and contexts.

MSc Leadership for effectiveness

The modular learning outcomes must be achieved within this report which include:

L1. Critically analyze current theories and concepts related to leadership characteristics, styles and behaviors within modern health and social care policy and contexts.

L2. Critically appraise the leadership challenges involved in developing and enhancing team dynamics, synergy and effectiveness.

L3. Demonstrate a critical understanding of the principles of partnership working, client involvement and governance as applied to leading and promoting innovation within an effective organization.

What does this organization provide for nurses in the areas of policy and politics?

Nursing Organizations in Policy and Politics

What does the ANA/PSNA provide for nurses in the areas of policy and politics?

Look at the website of another professional nursing organization in a specialty that interests you. Give the web address of this organization. What does this organization provide for nurses in the areas of policy and politics?

Attached is the material that can help if needed in regards to the ANA.

What is your understanding of three-dimensional qualities of architecture and sculpture?

The study of architecture and free-standing sculptures in the ancient world entails a significant understanding and working knowledge of the three-dimensional qualities of architecture and sculpture. Follow these instructions to answer this question:

What is your understanding of three-dimensional qualities of architecture and sculpture?

1. Identify a recognized example of a monument or building as an example.

Analyze and describe the due process and the crime control perspectives.

The answer must be double spaced and from the textbook material.

Question: Analyze and describe the due process and the crime control perspectives.

Citation Styles

The majority of your response should be your own original writing based on what you have learned from the textbook. Be sure to provide a citation and a reference for any materials used, including the required textbook. The following points are designed to help you understand how to provide proper citations and references for your work:

Sources are listed in two places.

The first, a citation, is briefly listed within your answer. This includes identifying information that directs the reader to your list of references at the end of your writing assignment.

All sources cited should follow APA style and provide enough identifying information so that the reader can access the original material.

Explain the risk assessment you would use to inform your treatment decision making. What are the risks and benefits of the FDA-approved medicine? What are the risks and benefits of the off-label drug?

Prescribing for Older Adults and Pregnant Women

In this Discussion, you will investigate a specific disorder and determine potential appropriate treatments for when it occurs in an older adult or pregnant woman.

Choose one of the two following specific populations: either pregnant women or older adults. Then, select a specific disorder from the DSM-5 to use.

Use the Walden Library to research evidence-based treatments for your selected disorder in your selected population (either older adults or pregnant women). You will need to recommend one FDA-approved drug, one non-FDA-approved “off-label” drug, and one non-pharmacological intervention for treating the disorder in that population.

Recommend one FDA-approved drug, one off-label drug, and one non-pharmacological intervention for treating your chosen disorder in older adults or pregnant women.

Explain the risk assessment you would use to inform your treatment decision making. What are the risks and benefits of the FDA-approved medicine? What are the risks and benefits of the off-label drug?

Explain whether clinical practice guidelines exist for this disorder, and if so, use them to justify your recommendations. If not, explain what information you would need to take into consideration.

Support your reasoning with at least three current, credible scholarly resources, one each on the FDA-approved drug, the off-label, and a non-pharmacological intervention for the disorder.

Explain the differences among emergency hospitalization for evaluation/psychiatric hold, inpatient commitment, and outpatient commitment in your state.

The Assignment

Explain your state laws for involuntary psychiatric holds for child and adult psychiatric emergencies. Include who can hold a patient and for how long, who can release the emergency hold, and who can pick up the patient after a hold is released.

Explain the differences among emergency hospitalization for evaluation/psychiatric hold, inpatient commitment, and outpatient commitment in your state.

Explain the difference between capacity and competency in mental health contexts.

Select one of the following topics, and explain one legal issue and one ethical issue related to this topic that may apply within the context of treating psychiatric emergencies: patient autonomy, EMTALA, confidentiality, HIPAA privacy rule, HIPAA security rule, protected information, legal gun ownership, career obstacles (security clearances/background checks), and payer source.

Identify one evidence-based suicide risk assessment that you could use to screen patients.

Identify one evidence-based violence risk assessment that you could use to screen patients.

Explain and include examples of the five elements to demonstrate your point of view

Integration of effective partnerships across the public health system for prevention effectiveness have several elements in common:
1. a shared goal of population health
2. community engagement
3. aligned leadership
4. sustainable systems
5. shared and collaborative use of data and analysis

Write a 2-3 paragraph essay (minimum of 250 words) about the role that partnerships affect prevention effectiveness. Explain and include examples of the five elements to demonstrate your point of view

 Compare/Contrast essay about the short story and the film.

Compare/Contrast essay about the short story and the film. no research please watch the movie and read the short story.

How were variables defined? Were the instruments designed to measure a concept valid (did they measure what the researchers said they measured)?

Evidence Base Practice Plan Paper Guidelines

1. Write a clinical question using the PICOT format (population/patient, intervention, comparison, outcome(s), and time.

a. Should reflect uncertainty in clinical practice

b. The question is phrased using the PICOT (i.e., Patient population, Intervention, Comparison or comparison group, Outcome(s), Time period [if applicable to the question/concern]) format. The following is an example of a PICOT question:

In newborn infants in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), does oral sucrose administration provide better non-pharmacologic pain oral sucrose management than non-nutritive sucking during heel sticks?

2. Collection of the strongest, most relevant evidence to answer the question. Search the evidence and define the level of evidence found

Select three (3) research articles that address your PICOT question. These must be reports of single, original research studies and can be either quantitative or qualitative studies.

Do not use reviews of literature, clinical practice guidelines, or meta-syntheses. You may use mixed-methods studies if they report on a single project. You will be marked down if your articles do not meet these criteria. You may use articles that you have selected for previous assignments (i.e. discussion forums).

3. Appraise the evidence for evidence based practice

a. What is the quality of the evidence? How rigorous and reliable is it?

b. What is the evidence-magnitude of effects?

c. What is precision of estimates?

d. What evidence is there of side effects/benefits?

e. What is financial cost of applying the evidence?

f. Is the evidence relevant to my practice?

4. Extract the data. Complete the evaluation table for your two articles chosen.

5. Develop a plan for implementation

Critical Appraisal Guide

Critical Appraisal Guide for Quantitative Studies

1. Why was the study done?

• Was there a clear explanation of the purpose of the study and, if so, what was it?

2. What is the sample size?

• Were there enough people in the study to establish that the findings did not occur by chance?

3. Are the instruments of the major variables valid and reliable?

• How were variables defined? Were the instruments designed to measure a concept valid (did they measure what the researchers said they measured)? Were they reliable (did they measure a concept the same way every time they were used)?

4. How were the data analyzed?

• What statistics were used to determine if the purpose of the study was achieved?

5. Were there any untoward events during the study?

• Did people leave the study and, if so, was there something special about them?

6. How do the results fit with previous research in the area?

• Did the researchers base their work on a thorough literature review?

7. What does this research mean for clinical practice?

• Is the study purpose an important clinical issue?