
How does the use of tele medicine visits ( direct to consumer) for upper respiratory (URI) compared with in-person visits results in higher rates of antibiotics being given from 2015 to 2019 ?

How does the use of tele medicine visits ( direct to consumer) for upper respiratory (URI) compared with in-person visits results in higher rates of antibiotics being given from 2015 to 2019 ?

Which cultures would consider direct controls to be more important than indirect controls?

Management Decision and Control varies tremendously from culture to culture.
Which cultures would be more likely to focus on external controls?
Which cultures would consider direct controls to be more important than indirect controls?

What are open-ended questions? Are open-ended questions the easiest questions to ask people with intellectual disabilities?

Intellectual Disabilities

Read this article carefully and then answer the 5 questions below:

Finlay, W.M.L. & Lyons, E. (2001). Methodological issues in interviewing and using self-report questionnaires with people with mental retardation. Psychological Assessment,


What does the term acquiescence mean? Does this paper provide guidance on how to prevent acquiescence?

What do Finlay and Lyons say about questions requiring people to make a ‘judgement about degree’?

What do Finlay & Lyons recommend about people with intellectual disabilities making ‘direct comparisons’?

What are open-ended questions? Are open-ended questions the easiest questions to ask people with intellectual disabilities?

What are socially reflexive questions? What do these authors say about ‘socially reflexive’ questions?

What do Area Based Initiatives (ABIs) tell us about the problems of multiple deprivation and the way in which Labor understood the role of social policy?

What do Area Based Initiatives (ABIs) tell us about the problems of multiple deprivation and the way in which Labour understood the role of social policy? You may illustrate your answer with examples.

What is material deprivation?

Why is it an issue?

What did the labour government UK do to control this issue?

What policies were introduced by the labour government?

What approach did they take?

Geographical approaches (focusing on areas) What is successfully? why and how?

Downfalls of this approach?

What are examples of corporate culture, subcultures and countercultures in your own organization? How are these expressed?

Answer the questions EXACTLY as asked. Give examples of YOUR organization and how the are expressed

What are examples of corporate culture, subcultures and countercultures in your own organization? How are these expressed?

State whether you agree or disagree with the main ideas presented in the talk, and explain why you agree or disagree.

Instructions: In your reflection paper, you will address the following six (6) content components:

1.Summarize the main ideas presented in the TED talk.

2.Discuss something new that you learned.

3.State whether you agree or disagree with the main ideas presented in the talk, and explain why you agree or disagree.

4.Discuss how you might apply what you’ve learned to your own life.

5.Research additional information related to this topic, and include a discussion of what youfound most interesting. Include the link to the source you have chosen.

6.Discuss at least one idea/question for follow-up research on this topic

How permanent should Land Art be? Do we have a duty to preserve Land Art, even though it is meant to be ephemeral

Land art essay

Write 1 page double-spaced 12 point front .Do not put date tittle , or name of the teacher on the page. just put student name at the top and start writing your essay.

How permanent should Land Art be? Do we have a duty to preserve Land Art, even though it is meant to be ephemeral( meaning it is not to last forever) use examples of Land art like Robert smithsonn spiral jetty, Christo and Jeanne-Claude, The Gates, Double negagtive Michael Heizer etc

Analyze the stylistic and technical aspects of the film – what worked for you, what didn’t work, and why?

Write a 500 word paper on any Feature film of your choosing made between 1970 and the present day.


Submit your papers to the drop box in either the MS WORD file or a PDF file ONLY.

Give some background and context for the film you are analyzing; when was it made, who was the Director, what awards did it win, and any other information that helps provide context.

Give a summary of the plot in at most 3 or 4 paragraphs, but do NOT make this 90% of your paper, please.

Analyze the stylistic and technical aspects of the film – what worked for you, what didn’t work, and why? Things to consider include the script, the directing, the acting, the editing, the music and sound effects, the special effects, etc.

Be as specific as possible, and cite information from specific scenes in the film to back up your opinions. This paper is due July 26; no late papers accepted. Please be sure to both use and cite at least two sources; you lose 5 points if you do not do this.

What differences do you see between Barnholden’s explanation for why the 1907 riot happened and the explanation of white worker’s racism by thinkers from the other files i posted?

Understanding the Vancouver 1907 anti-Chinese worker’s riot

What differences do you see between Barnholden’s explanation for why the 1907 riot happened and the explanation of white worker’s racism by thinkers from the other files i posted? (Ignatiev and dubois)

Explain the differences between these explanations and the consequences of Barnholden’s explanation for class struggle.

Create your own argument explaining the riot, using the ideas about the “wages of whiteness” this is barnholds article which i could not find in pdf

Identify industries NAICS code(s), its products, and its potential for affecting the environment.

Nuclear Energy Industry Report

This paper is an industry report of the Nuclear Energy Industry.  Identify industries NAICS code(s), its products, and its potential for affecting the environment.

The student will research how each federal law we discuss could affect that specific industry, which regulations apply, and what permits are required.

The student will also identify what that industry does to assure compliance. The student should discuss engineering controls and the level of economic commitment evidenced by the industry’s efforts.