
Identify and evaluate the global context within which international business must function in the twenty- first century.

International bussines

Learning outcomes covered by the Assessment
LO1 Debate key contemporary issues relating to organizations involved in international business.

LO2 Identify and evaluate the global context within which international business must function in the twenty- first century.

LO3 Appraise alternative methods of entry into foreign markets.

LO4 Explain why companies may decide to internationalize and alternative theories of internationalization.

LO5 Discuss the impact of multinationals on both the home and host nations.

LO6 Select analyze and evaluate data on country markets.

Identify and critically appraise engagement skills that can create empowering and recovery based interventions for individuals and their families/carers when working in both crisis and non – crisis situations


LO 1: Identify and critically discuss the principles and values of empowerment and recovery in mental health care

LO 2: Cultivate and develop critical thinking around ‘empowerment’ and ‘recovery’ using sociological, political, mental health service and economic frameworks as a backdrop.

LO 3: Identify and critically appraise engagement skills that can create empowering and recovery based interventions for individuals and their families/carers when working in both crisis and non – crisis situations

LO 4: Identify skills and conceptual challenges of inter disciplinary working in contemporary mental health practice and relate these to the principles and values of empowerment and recovery

LO 5: Evaluate practice experiences and relate these experiences to the principles and values of empowerment and recovery


Discuss the major beliefs of the Religion of Islam in 350 – 400+ words using the following document.

Discuss the major beliefs of the Religion of Islam in 350 – 400+ words using the following document.  Using only this source, do not need to cite it.


Analyze the company’s aggregate planning strategy and then provide the following in your discussion background on the company processes

Analyze the company’s aggregate planning strategy and then provide the following in your discussion background on the company processes

• Outline their aggregate planning strategy. relating the strategy to the textbook

• Your opinion on whether the company is using the best aggregate planning strategy

• An alternate strategy that might also work for the company

• Advantages or disadvantages to the current and alternative strategies

Describe the ethical topic AND a potential ethical dilemma as it relates to the ethical topic/issue.

My ethics class in nursing program

Develop a scholarly paper from one (1) of the following ethical topics/issues:

a. Professional Standards and Institutional Ethics

b. Ethical Problems of Death and Dying This is the one I chose

Assignment Criteria:
Each student will develop a scholarly paper and include the following:

1. Describe the ethical topic AND a potential ethical dilemma as it relates to the ethical topic/issue.

a. Identify the stakeholders who are impacted or who may potentially be impacted by this ethical topic/issue.

b. Identify the legal concerns associated with the topic/issue.

(what states in the united states agreed with this).

2. Explore professional and personal values related to the ethical topic/issue.

a. Describe and support a position (values, attitudes, beliefs) on the issue, provide examples supported by current literature.

b. Provide an alternative position on the issue, provide examples describing the alternative viewpoint with examples supported by current literature.

3. Identify and discuss any new knowledge gained related to the topic/issue

4. The scholarly paper should be 4-5 pages excluding the title and reference page.

5. Include an introductory paragraph, purpose statement, and a conclusion.

6. Include level 1 and 2 headings to organize the paper.

7. Write the paper in third person, not first person and in a scholarly manner.

8. Include a minimum of (4) professional peer-reviewed scholarly journal references to support the paper (review in Ulrich Periodical Directory) and be less than five (5) years old.

9. APA format is required (attention to spelling/grammar, a title page, a reference page, and in-text citations).


Identify any questions or challenges you faced with the assignment, or mention something new you learned about the research question and inquiry paper process.

 Peer Review for Cultural and Ethical Perspective Inquiry Draft

Identify any questions or challenges you faced with the assignment, or mention something new you learned about the research question and inquiry paper process.

Explain how the shifts in demand and supply are different from movements along the demand curve or movements along the supply curve and why the distinction is important.

Identify a good you commonly use or would like to use.

Explain at least three factors that would result in a shift in the demand curve for that good and three factors that would result in a shift in the supply curve for that good.

Describe the effect on equilibrium price and quantity of each factor.

Explain how the shifts in demand and supply are different from movements along the demand curve or movements along the supply curve and why the distinction is important.

Identify the fallacy and why you think that this particular type of advertisement represents the fallacy that you have chosen.

Find an example of a fallacy used in popular advertising or any persuasive text.

Identify the fallacy and why you think that this particular type of advertisement represents the fallacy that you have chosen.

Examine no more than three characters and show how various agents of socialization (family, friends, media, religion, work etc…) affect how each of these characters view themselves, how they interact with other family members, and individuals within the wider society.

Directions: Watch a movie of your choice that focuses on the family or other intimate relationships.

Examine no more than three characters and show how various agents of socialization (family, friends, media, religion, work etc…) affect how each of these characters view themselves, how they interact with other family members, and individuals within the wider society.

You MUST use the theoretical perspective of symbolic interaction
and information from the self and socialization section of your book to help you organize a response.

Your paper must be a minimum of 3 complete pages. Essays must be double space, using either 10 or 12 fonts, and must be completed in Times New Roman. Your essay will be graded on the basis of content, quantity, grammar, and adherence to the previously mentioned guidelines.

Any information drawn from works published by others must be appropriately cited within the body of your work, and then referenced as part of a bibliography page.

Each essay is worth a total of 100 points and must be submitted on or before the due date.

Late work will NOT be accepted and it will be graded as 0. If you are having a difficult time writing the essay, you have the option of turning in your paper ahead of time for me to review it and provide you with feedback.

How would the play have been different if Holinshed’s Macbeth replaced Shakespeare’s Macbeth?

Answer these questions:
Whose depiction of Macbeth—Shakespeare’s or Holinshed’s—is more interesting or compelling from a reader’s standpoint? Why?

Was Shakespeare wise to change Macbeth in the ways he did? Why or why not?

How would the play have been different if Holinshed’s Macbeth replaced Shakespeare’s Macbeth?