
what was the least interesting and/or entertaining thing that happened in or around the series thus far and why?

NBA Finals

The NBA Finals are going on this week, and are currently heading to game #4 of a best of 7 game series.

The series is currently at Phonex Suns 2 wins and the Milwaukee Bucks 1 win.

There were many things going on in and around the NBA Finals.

Answer the following questions, and add your own opinions too.

1. In your opinion, what was the most interesting and/or entertaining thing that happened in or around the series thus far and why?

2. In your opinion, what was the least interesting and/or entertaining thing that happened in or around the series thus far and why?

3. In your opinion, what team will win the series and why?

Give examples that illustrates the relationship between globalization and the environment.

Globalization threatens the environment. Pollution is one example. As globalization leads to economic development in developing nations, an unintended result is an increase in pollution and waste products.

Give examples that illustrates the relationship between globalization and the environment. Include a description of how globalization affects the environment in the specific example you provide.

Examine the 8 Psychosocial Stages proposed by Erikson, Consider how far you have progressed through these stages in your life.

Erik Erikson believed that people grow and change in specific psychosocial stages, each with an identified crisis that they must resolve.

He proposed that the way in which people resolve these crises will pave the way for how they resolve future crises. This pattern of crisis resolution becomes part of our personality and contributes to our identity .

Examine the 8 Psychosocial Stages proposed by Erikson, Consider how far you have progressed through these stages in your life


Discuss the drivers behind the move to health and social care integration in Scotland, with reference to relevant policy and legislation.

Drawing on research evidence, examine the benefits and potential challenges of inter-agency working in your field of practice.

Introduction (400 words): State the aim of the assessment and introduce the concept of inter-agency working. Discuss the drivers behind the move to health and social care integration in Scotland, with reference to relevant policy and legislation.

Main body (1400 words): Examine the benefits and challenges of inter-agency working within your field of practice. Consider some of the topics covered in the module and how inter-agency working might enhance or influence these in practice.

We expect you to synthesize the evidence you have identified through your literature search into a coherent narrative that justifies and supports your argument.

Conclusion (200 words): Summarize the key points you have made, draw everything together and highlight new learning. Comment on the implications of what you have discussed, and make recommendations for future research, practice and education.

What are the main challenges and common elements to create and align effective organizational culture to secure efficient operations management?

D1.1: What are the main challenges and common elements to create and align effective organizational culture to secure efficient operations management?

D1.2: What have employees accomplished using their organizational culture to enhance operations management proficiency?

D1.3: What examples would you like to provide on how organizational culture influences the operations efficiency?

D1.4: What was the influence of management in building a strong culture to promote an efficient business?

D2: From an Individual Perspective:

D2.1: How did you use your corporate culture to provide guidance and direction in improving the operations management performance and productivity in the corporate group?


Identify a couple of instances where you felt a sense of primary control and secondary control.

Life Experiences

In this assignment you will write a 2-3 page paper in which you personalize the terminology related outlining your life story, identifying your current social clock, describing your possible selves at this time, and identifying a couple of instances where you feel a sense of primary control and secondary control.


Apply scenario and life-story creation to your own life experiences

Provide examples from personal life experiences (self, friends, family) of the concepts and themes of adult relationships

Identify the success factors and challenges of a wide range of family forms


In this assignment you review and integrate the life story concept to your own life. You will describe your current social clock and describe your possible “selves” during each time period. You will want to include instances where you felt a sense of primary control and secondary control.

Write a 2-3 page paper in which you do the following:

Outline your life story.

Identify your current social clock.

Describe your possible selves at this time.
Identify a couple of instances where you felt a sense of primary control and secondary control.
Provide illustrative examples from your personal life reflecting the concepts and themes of adult relationships.


Examine roles and competencies of advanced practice nurses essential to performing as leaders and advocates of holistic, safe, and quality care

Reflection on Learning

The purpose of this assignment is to provide the student an opportunity to reflect on the weekly concepts learned in the course.

Activity Learning Outcomes

Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to:

Examine roles and competencies of advanced practice nurses essential to performing as leaders and advocates of holistic, safe, and quality care

Apply concepts of person-centered care to nursing practice situations.

Analyze essential skills needed to lead within the context of complex systems.

Explore the process of scholarship engagement to improve health and healthcare outcomes in various settings

Reflection: write 1-2 paragraphs reflecting on your learning for the week. Guiding questions are provided or you may write about what you felt was most significant to you for the week.

You will need to post your reflection here before you are able to see other students’ posts.

What do you most look forward to in your new role as an NP?

What concerns do you have about transitioning to the role?

Did anything about the APN roles surprise you?

Why is it important to understand these biases? How can these biases influence human behavior?

Prompt: Complete the following short answer questions with a sentence or two per question:

1. Provide an example of an implicit bias and an explicit bias. The examples may be from your own life, from something you have observed, or from the
resources reviewed in this module.

2. Why is it important to understand these biases? How can these biases influence human behavior?

Analyze the elements AC 120-16F for compliance with the FAA requirements of recording keeping.

In this discussion activity. address the following:
Analyze the elements AC 120-16F for compliance with the FAA requirements of recording keeping. Also. consider the penalties for improper air carrier maintenance record keeping.

In your position as a maintenance manager. develop the record-keeping section of a Technical Policies and Procedure Manual for an intermediate-sized airline. After your primary. original posting. review and respond to a minimum of two of your classmates’ postings. From a manager’s perspective. evaluate their proposals. Provide a critical analysis of their proposal. What would you add/change to their response?

How do the different levels of the criminal justice system (federal, state and local) interface to accomplish these “street level enforcement” objectives?

Drug Law Enforcement

There are four major activities in drug law enforcement:

Source Control – activities targeting cultivation, manufacturing and production of controlled dangerous substances in foreign countries

Interdiction – preventing the successful smuggling of controlled dangerous substances into the United States. This focuses on the smuggling methods of sea, air and land which includes aircraft, vessels, personnel (body carry, swallowing) and parcel shipments among others.

Street-level enforcement – undercover and informant driven investigations targeting the retail sales level of drug trafficking. The text identified the following tactics:

Reversals – Undercover operations where law enforcement poses as drug traffickers

Controlled buy – Undercover operations where confidential informants are used to may purchases of contraband under the direct supervision and direction of a law enforcement investigator

Undercover buy – Direct purchase of controlled dangerous substances by the undercover officer from the target

Knock and Talk – overt investigational tactic where fully identified law enforcement makes contact with individuals at a location, usually a residence, and consent to search the residence is obtained

Correctional system – this could also be described as prosecution or courts. Once the defendants are in the correctional system, they have been convicted. The federal penalties for drug trafficking are often times much higher at the federal level as opposed to the state. Also, the effectiveness of federal prosecutions is usually much higher in the areas with the drug trafficking activity.

These areas of drug enforcement are all challenging and important tactics in the criminal justice approach to the drug issue. Of the four tactics: source control, interdiction and corrections occur primarily in the federal arena (although some state jurisdictions can effectively prosecute cases, federal prosecutions are much more effective). For members of the community, drug enforcement means the buy-busts (controlled and undercover operations), search warrants and reversals that provide the greatest impact to our quality of life.

For this discussion question,  address the following:

How do the different levels of the criminal justice system (federal, state and local) interface to accomplish these “street level enforcement” objectives? Give examples of how this would work and please search the library database, internet NEWS sources or web sites for criminal justice agencies (hint: DEA is a good one!) to provide examples to support your position. Be sure to cite your sources.