
What are some of the other reasons for so many jobs in the US economy earning so little pay.

Skills pay the bill

Take a moment to think about wages, particularly the wages received for relatively low-skilled occupations. We understand what the Structural Functionalists would say about these jobs.

what are some of the other reasons for so many jobs in the US economy earning so little pay. Read the article below and provide your impressions.

Explain the research methods used in multiple research studies relevant to the case, and present the findings.

Ethical Issue and Action Plan

Write a 6–8 page report in which you complete the following:

Brainstorm several alternatives for resolving the ethical dilemma in the case.

Analyze alternatives for resolving the ethical dilemma and come to a conclusion.

Analyze and document the possible ramifications for at least three alternatives. Then, choose a course of action.

Apply ethical codes and standards to support the plan of action.

Explain the research methods used in multiple research studies relevant to the case, and present the findings.

Explain your course of action, using research findings from at least two studies to support your plan. You can use (but are not required to use) additional research beyond the two studies to support your plan.
The following is the recommended structure for organizing your assessment:

Describe the law enforcement operations, enforcement strategies, subsequent prosecution of the case, etc.

No directly quoted material may be used in this project paper.

Search the web for a major DEA drug case and provide a review of that specific case.  Describe the law enforcement operations, enforcement strategies, subsequent prosecution of the case, etc. Also, you will relate the reported or projected impact of the case on drug supply reduction in the targeted jurisdiction. Supplemental research on this case is encouraged. This paper must be from three to five full pages of text, not including the cover page or references page.

All APA 7th edition format requirements must be followed (cover page, in text citations, reference page).

Describe at least two challenges of quantifying the rate of return for this public health initiative.

Rate of Return

Post a brief description of a public health initiative (you may choose smoking cessation).

Describe at least two challenges of quantifying the rate of return for this public health initiative.

Using the principles of rate of return, explain whether the financing this initiative is justified.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.

Getzen, T. E. (2013). Health economics and financing (5th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.

Chapter 12, “Financing and Ownership of Health Care Providers”

Ginsburg, P. B. (2008). High and rising health care costs: Demystifying US health care spending (The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Report No. 16).

Patrick Richard, Kristina West, & Leighton Ku. (2012). The return on investment of a Medicaid tobacco cessation program in Massachusetts. PLoS ONE, 7(1), e29665.

Richard, P. West, K., & Ku, L. (2012). The return on investment of a Medicaid tobacco cessation program in Massachusetts. Plos one, 7(1). Retrieved from



What do you notice about the geographic patterns with regard to prevalence of obesity?

The following map tool presents data compiled by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) showing levels of obesity in the U.S. since 1985.

Use the slider above, beginning at 1985, and move to the right. What do you observe?

What changes do you see?

What do you notice about the geographic patterns with regard to prevalence of obesity?

Now that you have had a chance to consider the changing patterns over time, why ​do you think we are seeing the trends exhibited in these maps? Please share at least two possible reasons and discuss. You can discuss what you think is happening throughout the entire U.S. but also in specific regions that stand out to you.

What else could doctors, nurses, counselors or other health practitioners focus on when trying to help people make healthier choices?

Some of the interventions we’ve discussed thus far focus on providing people information to get them to change health behaviors (for example to quit smoking or get more exercise). This podcast seems to suggest that sometimes simply providing information isn’t sufficient. Why?
What else could doctors, nurses, counselors or other health practitioners focus on when trying to help people make healthier choices?

Think of a specific example where negative feedback is possible and consider a way to help people listen to or receive that information. The podcast uses the example of avoiding tests for cancer when the threat is particularly emotional but they don’t really propose a solution. As an example, you could offer a solution to that situation

State the framework/methodology used for the assessment and how it helped with your stated conclusions.

Assessment of women entrepreneurs needs in Botswana

• Undertake a literature review on major barriers women entrepreneurs face with a special focus on women entrepreneurs in Botswana that prevent women from building sustainable businesses. Make recommendation for mitigation of the challenges.

• Undertake a literature review on major digital skills barriers to successful entrepreneurship that prevent women (including women in Botswana) from realizing their full potential or stopping them from even beginning an entrepreneurial career

• Undertake a thorough review of the current Botswana business and digital economy regulatory environment, fiscal/financial incentives, entrepreneurial culture for MSMEs in Botswana.

• Assess the current state of digital involvement for women entrepreneurs in Botswana’s economy to measure the digital readiness of the women, document an ideal state for women to be able to compete in the digital world, and provide actionable recommendations to close the gap.

• State the framework/methodology used for the assessment and how it helped with your stated conclusions.

• Highlight a manageable number of priority digital initiatives (package of solutions) for Government to promote, e.g. supporting policies, platforms, and mechanisms for building digital skills, access to opportunities for women entrepreneurs, and propose ways to measure the success of these initiatives.


Discuss each viewpoint and analyse/explain why the authors approach the topic in the way that they do.

Declining cases in emonton alberta

• Introduction (no more than 1 page in length) – if, through your analysis, you have been able to demonstrate that one of the camps of thought under discussion has a stronger argument (as defined by Lewis), However, you are not to take sides when it comes to the topic itself.

Write the review in third-person and be as objective and inclusive as possible. The literature review must be structured so that it is not just an annotated bibliography– remember that the main purpose is not only to examine different viewpoints on a topic but, more importantly, to discuss how these viewpoints are presented in different ways.

If your analysis points to the strength of the argumentation employed by a particular camp of thought, you will introduce this idea in your introduction and give an overview of the main ideas in each of your sections.

As you write your sections, remember to relate your information back to the main idea. Additionally, use the introduction to introduce the scope and types of sources you are analyzing.

• Background (no more than 1 page in length) – in this section, you will summarize some basic facts/background information about your issue using a variety of sources.

Describe what the issue is and why it is important. Use sub-headings where appropriate. You will probably wish to organize this section like a mini-essay, with a short introductory paragraph to introduce your main idea and main points, and a conclusion that wraps up your ideas in a satisfying manner and relates them back to your overall idea.

• Viewpoints (no more than 3 pages in length) – in this section, you will group the different viewpoints that your authors have about this issue into several categories or camps of thought, with a separate sub-heading for each category. Discuss each viewpoint and analyse/explain why the authors approach the topic in the way that they do. Set the viewpoints in context by discussing how they relate, respond, or appear to be influenced by each other


Why do international businesses fail to successfully enter the US market?

Why do international businesses fail to successfully enter the US market?

What influence (if any) did Hobbs and “Leviathan” have on the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.

What influence (if any) did Hobbs and “Leviathan” have on the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. Also, are either or both social contracts?