
How did Luther’s stand at the Diet of Worms encourage political and social rebellion? Why did his individual struggle have such European wide ramifications?

Part 1: in 100 words: why couldn’t Luther just go along with tradition and obey the church authority?

Part 2: in 100 words: how did Luther’s stand at the Diet of Worms encourage political and social rebellion? Why did his individual struggle have such European wide ramifications?

Part 3: in 100 words: why was Charles V’s control of such a large empire a mixed blessing?

Part 4: in a 100 words: how did the printing press and visual culture help spread Protestant ideas?

Most of the lands he ruled over had many different issues that he had to deal with. The Romans became in danger when the Ottoman Empire took away Hungary because it was very close to their lands. Because he had so much power it was difficult for him to control all of it Charles the 5th left in the year 1529 and never came back.”

Describe the expected interplay between demanders and suppliers, interest groups and analyze the public policy environment.

Clinton’s Health Plan

Write a paper with a References List. Your written assignment must follow APA guidelines.

You will synthesize your understanding of why Clinton’s Health Plan was unsuccessful.

Discuss the features of the Clinton health care reform plan and provide reasons why it failed and describe the influence of the various interest groups and governmental entities during this process. Make sure to discuss both the policy process and the policy environment that is, the key players involved and other circumstances that shaped this policy-making effort. Consider and discuss the following:

Take a position in support or opposition

Discuss the context of this legislation – name the expected demanders and suppliers.

Describe the expected interest groups and there specific arguments.

Describe the expected interplay between demanders and suppliers, interest groups and analyze the public policy environment.

Does the writer offer an unbiased description of the ad? What is the writer’s interpretation of the ad?

Ad Analysis Questionnaire Basic Information
What is the name of company?

What product is being promoted?

Where was the ad published?

When was it published?

Are there any predominant colors in the ad?

What are they?

What significance do these colors hold?

Why do you think the advertiser chose these colors?

What kind of copy is in the ad?

Where is the copy placed?

Does the ad use a variety of fonts and sizes?

Why do you think the copy was used?

Is there a picture of the product in the ad?

Where is the product placed?

If not, why do you think the advertiser chose not to show the product?

Are there any models or celebrities in the ad?

How are they positioned?

Why do you think such models or celebrities were used in the ad?

Following is the peer edit checklist we will be using in class to assess each other’s ad analysis essays.

Ad Analysis Peer Edit

Does the writer offer information about the ad being examined?
What product is being promoted?
Does the writer offer an unbiased description of the ad?
What is the writer’s interpretation of the ad?
Does the writer offer a plan of development?

Describe knowledge acquired from assigned readings in this course that was the most relevant to and useful in your Constructive Action (CA) activities.

Dimensional analysis

Describe knowledge acquired from assigned readings in this course that was the most relevant to and useful in your Constructive Action (CA) activities. Explain the knowledge’s usefulness.

Describe features of the ethical perspectives of Buddhist and Confucian traditions that would be beneficial within a workplace/community.


Often, when one thinks of ethical perspectives in the workplace, the focus tends to be on theories such as utilitarianism and egoism. While there is certainly a place for these two theories in the workplace, there remains a whole world of different perspectives and systems.

For this deliverable, you will be creating a pamphlet that highlights Eastern Ethical Systems and their benefits within the workplace. Your pamphlet will need to address the following topics:

A description of Buddhism and Confucianism.

Key ethical themes that run through each of these traditions.

Describe similarities and differences between the two traditions.

Relate themes of Buddhism and Confucianism common themes within American culture.

Describe features of the ethical perspectives of Buddhist and Confucian traditions that would be beneficial within a workplace/community.

The pamphlet that you are creating will vary in length. Draw attention to your pamphlet by using well-placed art, an easy to read design with your content, and effective use of color.

If you’re new to using Microsoft Office (Word, Publisher, PowerPoint) for creating promotional or advertising materials, we recommend starting with the following steps:

1. After opening Microsoft Word, Publisher, or PowerPoint click on File.

2. In the New area, either search for “brochure”, “poster”, etc. (whatever type of document you are developing) or click on Business.

3. In the Category area on the right side of the screen, select Marketing.

4. Choose from the available templates.

5. Once you’ve selected the template you wish to work with, you can begin “trading out” the sample information in the template for the information specific to your product. You can remove or replace nearly every element in the template. For images, right click on the object and choose change picture. For text, left click in the text box where you want your cursor to appear; you can then delete text and rewrite/edit/add text. You can also change items like font, colors, and resize boxes, images, and text.

Discuss the ideas developed about the interplay between perception of self and perception of others in the short story “Red Dress-1946”

Critical essay

Discuss the ideas developed about the interplay between perception of self and perception of others in the short story “Red Dress-1946”

Describe the categories/kinds of sources you found (for example, peer-reviewed scholarly journals, organization websites, popular magazine articles, books from university or scholarly presses, social media posts, etc.), a specific example from that category, and how you know the example source is credible.

Describe the categories/kinds of sources you found (for example, peer-reviewed scholarly journals, organization websites, popular magazine articles, books from university or scholarly presses, social media posts, etc.), a specific example from that category, and how you know the example source is credible.

Has the area been researched, and all possibilities fully explored? Is what is proposed relevant, concise and original?

Assessment and Allocation of Marks
Presentation and Final Report Components required
1. Structure
Evidence of Planning/Preparedness a clear step by step process introduced and concluded to make the campaign come alive
Clear, logical sequence of ideas
2. Content
Is the campaign choice appropriate for the assessment task?
Does it show a clear development of the campaign? Sources of information used should all be accounted for in the final report appendix / bibliography
Description v Analyses be careful not to always be describing, but rather try to show clear thought of analysis at every step of your campaign development.
3. Communication Skills
Delivery of the PR campaign should be clear and concise so that the reader will be able to follow and be able to make thoughtful judgements. Interaction with audience should be on a good level and be considered when the presentation is made via video.
Is the poster presentation engaging and stimulating?
4. Resources
Appropriate use of presentation aids for presentation. This should then be carried through at the written report stage with use of the relevant visuals and further explanation of the use of such mediums.
Does it show a clear development of the campaign?

All the written material must be free of typographical errors such as misprints or use of wrong characters. Do make sure you ask a peer to read through your final draft below is a list of guide-questions which will be addressed when the work is marked.
Report of PR Campaign overall should tick the questions below
Is the campaign, original and authentic?

Is there an awareness of the various steps and how a campaign requires constant reviewing?

Has the area been researched, and all possibilities fully explored?
Is what is proposed relevant, concise and original?

The report should be written in academic style without journalistic flavor. Do include a summary of the project in the final report.

If it were changed to meet criteria for a model case, what ethical issues would come to the forefront?

Ethics of Patient Care

Review Wilkinson’s (1997) defining attributes and describe how the NPR podcast, If You Have Dementia, Can You Hasten Death As You Wished? case story meets the definition of a borderline case.

Describe the ethical issues the case raises.
If it were changed to meet criteria for a model case, what ethical issues would come to the forefront?

Your initial post should contain two- to three-paragraphs with three- to four-sentences per paragraph.

The post should integrate a minimum of three readings and/or other evidence-based research articles no more than three years old and use APA formatting for citations and references.

What theoretical orientation guides the study? What rationale justifies the use of this theoretical orientation?

There are three main sections to the paper.

Section 1: The problem statement, which includes:
What you are studying and why it is important?

A clear statement of the problem to which your study relates?

Characteristics of the problem? (Who is affected, how)

Scope and intensity of the problem? (How many affected? with what impact?)

Its place as a social work concern – historically and now?

Background of the problem within American society?

Discussion of relevant federal and state policies and/or judicial decisions to address the problem, both historic and current?

Section 2: Theoretical Framework, which includes,
Briefly discuss the theoretical/conceptual framework for your study.

What theoretical orientation guides the study?

What rationale justifies the use of this theoretical orientation?

How does the inclusion of the chosen theoretical orientation contribute to an
understanding of the problem being investigated?

Section 3: Research Design, which includes,
Briefly identify and justify the type of research design you/we are considering