
Does it make sense? Are the items listed as standards accurate? How about the areas that are NOT ethics, do they make sense? Can you think of a time when you experienced a situation that one of these content areas was considered ethical?

2.2 – Discussion: Making Ethical Decisions

Thinking ethically is required to make an ethical decision. Ethics is not just about imagining a better situation or a better version of yourself. Rather it is about acting and finding sustainable ways to make decisions. For this discussion, review A Framework for Ethical Decision Making (Santa Clara University).Links to an external site. Read through the document, paying close attention to the framework and lenses offered. Then read through the ethical standards.

This is not an exhaustive list of ethics nor is there a singular business definition of ethics. This is a starting point for applying ethics in the workplace.

Reflect on the framework and the short guide offered.

Does it make sense?
Are the items listed as standards accurate?
How about the areas that are NOT ethics, do they make sense?
Can you think of a time when you experienced a situation that one of these content areas was considered ethical?
How about a work situation that clearly articulated an ethical standard?

What are stakeholders and why do they matter?

2.4 Stakeholders

Self-reflection is an integral part of the process that allows you, the decision-maker, to be thoughtful in the approaches used in making decisions. Take a few minutes to reflect on the following, and connect your thoughts to ethics, the workplace, and organizations.

What are stakeholders and why do they matter?

Describe a product you like that you believe more people should purchase. As a marketer, how would you reposition the product in the customer’s mind to increase its purchase? Outline your strategy. Create a new tagline for this product.

Marketing Question

Describe a product you like that you believe more people should purchase. As a marketer, how would you reposition the product in the customer’s mind to increase its purchase? Outline your strategy. Create a new tagline for this product.

Think about some of your friends and what you have discovered by visiting their homes. Do they buy different things than you do? If so, why? How might a company distinguish you from them in terms of its targeting?

What was Paul Tasner’s reaction in the video under “Instructional Media” to losing his job late in his career? How did he convert this set back and apparent forced retirement into a future for himself?

Individual Retirement


Must watch Youtube video, and utilize information from page book in files. Sources are only Youtube video, and page in file, nothing else!

1 What was Paul Tasner’s reaction in the video under “Instructional Media” to losing his job late in his career?

2 How did he convert this set back and apparent forced retirement into a future for himself?

3 Which of the alternative retirement patterns on page 160 is Paul Tasner’s situation?

4 Which scenario will likely be illustrative of your retirement and why?

In right triangle ABC, angle C = 90 degrees. Angle A = 40 degrees and the length of the leg opposite angle B is 18 feet. Find the length of the hypotenuse to the nearest tenth.

Mathematics Question

                                                                          (Show all your Work)

1. Find the Domain and Range for .

Dom:                                                                       Range:

2. Simplify

3. The total amount paid for a car is . Set up an equation that includes the total amount paid for the car, the original price (without tax) of the car, , and a   Then solve the equation to find the original price of the car before tax .

4. (a) What is the exact value of ? [Keep answer in radical form]

(b) If , find two values for angle .

5. A waterslide is long . The top of the slide is  above the ground. Find the angle of elevation of the waterslide.

6. Solve for in terms of  if

7. In triangle ABC, the lengths of the sides in feet are . Find angle C.

8. Find the equation of the line through the points and .

9. For the lines with the following equations and , is the point on both lines? Explain your answer both graphically and algebraically.

10. In right triangle ABC, angle C = 90 degrees. Angle A = 40 degrees and the length of the leg opposite angle B is 18 feet. Find the length of the hypotenuse to the nearest tenth.

How will the rate of CO2 production by anaerobic respiration in yeast change depending on different sugar solutions of the same concentrations?

Experimental Lab Report- Fermentation of Different Sugars by Yeast Cells

Group member responsible:
We observed the rate of CO2 production and the temperature at the end of each reaction when each of the four sugars were added to yeast. We also used the thermometer to track the temperature at the end of each reaction to record it in Kelvin to use later.

Our research question is: How will the rate of CO2 production by anaerobic respiration in yeast change depending on different sugar solutions of the same concentrations?

Our hypothesis is: We will compare the respiration efficiency for the different sugars. We think that with the different sugars introduced, “the rate of CO2 production will become more efficient”.

If a hansom cab ride costs $220 if you drive for 5 miles around NYC, and $169 if you drive 2 miles. Find the equation that defines this relationship.

MIDTERM Math 109

Find the domain and range of Y= 5 + – 2).

  1. Domain is a) (2, .0) b) [2, 00) c) (2, 00] d) none of these.
  2. Range is a) (5, co) b) (-.0, 5] c) 5) d) none of these.

Find the domain and range of Y = -2 – I x – 5 I

  1. Domain is a) All Real’s except -2 b) (-00, 00) c) (-.0, 5) d) none of these.
  2. Range is a) All Real’s except 5 b) (-Do, -2] c) (-00, 5] d) none of these.

5. Given that the points (4,-3) and (2, 10) lie on the same line, find its slope.

  • a) 13/2
  • b)-13/2
  • c) -12
  • d) none of these.

6. Given the linear equation x – 3y +5 = 0, find its y intercept.

  • a) — 5
  • b) -5/3
  • c) 5/3
  • d) none of these

Find the the domain and range of Y= -(x + 2)2 -4

  • Domain is a) (-.0, co) b) All Real’s except 4 c) All Real’s except ±2 d) one of these.
  • Range is a) All Real’s except ±4 b) (-00, .0) c) (-00, -4] d) none of these.

9. Find the Cos 8 if 8 is the angle formed by connecting the point (3,-3) to the origin and then forming a triangle in standarc form.

  • a) -3-42
  • b) -1k 2
  • c) 1N 2
  • d) None of these.

10. Find the Tan 0 if Cot 0 = -5/2

  • a) -5/2
  • b) 2 /5
  • c) -2/5
  • d) None of these.

11. Find 0 to the nearest degree if 0 is the angle formed by connecting the point (3,-3) to the origin and then forming a triangle in standard form.

  • a) 30°
  • b) 135°
  • c) 315°
  • d) None of these.

12. If Cot O = -5/2, find 0 to the nearest degree

  • a) 159°
  • b) 158°, 338°
  • c) 159°, 339°
  • d) None of these.

13. Cos 855°

  • a) -.6333
  • b) -1/2
  • c) -1N2
  • d) None of these.

14. A ladder leans against the side of a building and makes an angle of 12° with the ground. If the height the ladder reaches on the building is 29 feet, find the distance (to the nearest foot) the base of the ladder is from the base of the building.

  • a) 256 feet
  • b) 310 feet
  • c) 136 feet
  • d) None of these.

15. Using the data from question 14, what is the angle of depression from the point on the building where the ladder reached to the base of the ladder?

  • a) 0°
  • b) 12°
  • c) 78°
  • d) None of these.

16. In triangle ABC, a = 23 ft, b =14ft, and c = 18 ft. Find angle B to the nearest degree

  • a) 30
  • b) 34
  • c) 37
  • d) None of these.

17. Find the acute angle 8 to the nearest degree if Cos 8 = 1/2.

  • a) 30
  • b) 45
  • c) 60
  • d) None of these.

18. Simplify the following 7(x -2y) – (x + 2y)

  • a) 4x -14y
  • b)-6x -14y
  • c) 6x — 16y
  • d) none of these.

19. Evaluate -16 + 3(53)

  • a) 391
  • b) 359
  • c) 59
  • d) none of these.

20. If a hansom cab ride costs $220 if you drive for 5 miles around NYC, and $169 if you drive 2 miles. Find the equation that defines this relationship.

  • a) Y = 17x -135
  • b) Y = 17x +135
  • c) Y = 7x +135
  • d) none of these.

21. Solve for x. 3H = -1

  • a) -1/15H + 1/5
  • b) 1/15H – 1/5
  • c) -1/15H – 1/5
  • d) none of these.

22. Solve for x. 4 – x > 2(-2x – 6)

  • a) (-8/3, co)
  • b) (-00, 16/3]
  • c) (-16/3, co)
  • d) none of these.

23. A car dealer offers a new car at a price of $57,500. The selling price represents a profit of 141/2%. How much did the car cost the dealer? Round to the dearest dollar.

  • a) $50,000
  • b) $50,218
  • c) $26,218
  • d) none of these.

24. A cliff 3119 feet high casts a shadow 44 feet long at the same time that a tree casts a shadow 37 feet long. What is the height of the tree to the nearest foot?

  • a) 2,222
  • b) 2,623
  • c) 26,218
  • d) none of these

25. Evaluate to the nearest hundredth 320,000(1 +..0875/12)3°x12

  • a) 3,075,591.03
  • b) 4,375,591.03
  • c) 4,375,591.33
  • d) None of these

Come up with at least 15 data entries. Create a video explaining your data and how to calculate the point estimate for the population mean. Include in your video how to obtain a 95% confidence interval for the mean.

W6 Discussion Question 1: Can you teach a confidence interval?

Purpose : The purpose of this week’s discussion is to demonstrate mastery of computing a point estimate by teaching to other students.

Post: Sometimes, teaching other students is the best way to show that you understand something. If you can teach your classmates to learn from your instruction, then you are truly mastering the topic.

This week, research something important in your life right now. (Examples include wedding costs, book costs, fuel tank capacities of vehicles, cholesterol levels, 1-mile running times, etc). Come up with at least 15 data entries. Create a video explaining your data and how to calculate the point estimate for the population mean. Also, include in your video how to obtain a 95% confidence interval for the mean.

Describe three scenarios that identify and apply the standards and procedures applicable to federal and/or state statutory provisions for student progression, compulsory school attendance, and Family Educational Records Privacy Act (FERPA) regulations and procedures.

School Attendance & Instructional Issues

Describe three scenarios that identify and apply the standards and procedures applicable to federal and/or state statutory provisions for student progression, compulsory school attendance, and Family Educational Records Privacy Act (FERPA) regulations and procedures. Write a 3-5 page paper with a minimum of three references and follow all APA guidelines (7th edition). Book: Legal Rights of School Leaders, Teachers, & Students 8th edition- McCarthy M., Eckes, S., Decker, J. (Should be included as 1 of the references).

Discuss the recognition and measurements of warranty including it’s relative journal entries.

Journal entries

Discuss the recognition and measurements of warranty including it’s relative journal entries (500 words)