
Why does your company do what you do? Why should your customers choose you over your competition?

For Business Plan assignments only, number each response so we can easily differentiate your answers. Do not write out the prompt before answering it!

Who does your company serve?
What problem does your company solve for your customers?
What result does your company create for those customers?
How does your company create those results?
Why does your company do what you do?
Why should your customers choose you over your competition?

Identify a practice issue and describe the steps you would take to influence a local politician to draft a bill in favor of your concerns.

Discussion Board Items

Identify one contemporary health care issue in government and discuss the a. social, b. ethical and c. economic impact of the issue related to health policy. (List the issue and then address a, b, c.)

With the increase in the number of baby boomers reaching retirement age and holding strong political power, what are two economic issues that both the federal and state governments will need to address?

Give one example of how nurses can affect public policy in various appointed positions.

Identify a practice issue and describe the steps you would take to influence a local politician to draft a bill in favor of your concerns.

Describe your general thoughts on why people break the law, and the events and processes in your life that have shaped these views.

Crime and Causation

The ‘thinking about crime’ paper is a 500 essay where you will discuss your own views on crime causation.

Describe (1) your general thoughts on why people break the law, and (2) the events and processes in your life that have shaped these views.

Does social media help students to find appropriate information and learn?

“Does social media help students to find appropriate information and learn?”

What were some of those problems and how did reformers try to fix them? Historians today recognize that reformers’ efforts could also be considered a form of social control

Answer the following prompt: During the Progressive Era social reformers attempted to address the many societal problems in American society.

What were some of those problems and how did reformers try to fix them? Historians today recognize that reformers’ efforts could also be considered a form of social control

– How could reformers’ efforts be construed as social control? What roles did women have during the Progressive Era?

Discuss qualitative methods used for triangulation (fixed, flexible, and mixed methods). Compare and contrast.

Discussion of Triangulation

Discuss qualitative methods used for triangulation (fixed, flexible, and mixed methods). Compare and contrast.

Identify all of the associated requirements and details for the presentation such as the agenda, formal or informal, use of handouts and visual aids as well as rehearsing and utilizing AIM.

Presentation Planning

This week the focus is on presentations and presenting. These are the most widely used tools in organizational communication allowing for messaging up and down then up again within an organization. These presentations run from small and informal to large and formal as well as presented by teams. The use of AIM that Cardon discusses  is extremely effective with presentations.

You are a regional sales director for a national company located in Dallas, TX. It is time for you to present your quarterly report to the national vice president of sales. This presentation will be held at your regional office. This is important as it is an opportunity to share your results, which are positive in terms of sales, but it is also a chance to impress the vice president so as to ask her for additional budget money for next year, some of which can be used for raises and bonuses for your regional team

You want this presentation to be informative, effective and powerful. You decide to put together a presentation team that will project manage the presentation. Aside from the content of the presentation, Identify all of the associated requirements and details for the presentation such as the agenda, formal or informal, use of handouts and visual aids as well as rehearsing and utilizing AIM.

Write a detailed plan for the presentation that includes the items from above and additional information from your readings. Again, you do not need to address the presentation content.

Paper detalis: Journal: Literacy Narrative Examples (due 07/18) Prompt: After reading “One Writer’s Beginning” and “Superman and Me,” compare the narratives. Specifics: In what ways were the authors’ focuses similar or different? Did they emphasize different aspects? How did their paths to development compare? How were their hurdles or challenges similar/different? How do their sponsors compare? These don’t have to be the only aspects that you address; if there’s something that interests you, explore it. Note: your literacy narrative will likely not focus on how you became a writer unless that is your career goal.

Journal: Literacy Narrative
In what ways were the authors’ focuses similar or different? Did they emphasize different aspects? How did their paths to development compare? How were their hurdles or challenges similar/different? How do their sponsors compare? These don’t have to be the only aspects that you address; if there’s something that interests you, explore it.
Note: your literacy narrative will likely not focus on how you became a writer unless that is your career goal.

How can understanding or recognizing your emotions be an asset personally? Professionally?

Self Assessment

To complete the assignment, you must first take two online EI Evaluation questionnaires. There are three options available to you. The first questionnaire is provided through the Bradberry and Greaves textbook. You will also see two websites with alternate questionnaires.

What were your highest scores? What were your lowest scores? What did you immediately recognize as an area that you struggle with in regard to controlling your emotions? Did anything surprise you? Did you see an area of strength that you would like to build on?

How can understanding or recognizing your emotions be an asset personally? Professionally?