
Why is it important to understand these biases? How can these biases influence human behavior?

Complete the following short answer questions with a sentence or two per question:

1. Provide an example of an implicit bias and an explicit bias. The examples may be from your own life, from something you have observed, or from the
resources reviewed in this module.
2. Why is it important to understand these biases? How can these biases influence human behavior?

Analyze the relevance and potential effectiveness of evidence when making a decision.

Determining the credibility of Evidence and Resources

Develop a 2-3 page scholarly paper in which you describe a quality or safety issue, or a chosen diagnosis( Cystic fibrosis), and then identify and analyze credible evidence that could be used as the basis for applying EBP to the issue.
1. : Analyze the relevance and potential effectiveness of evidence when making a decision.
*Explain criteria that should be considered when determining credibility of resources such as journal articles and websites.
*Analyze the credibility and relevance of evidence and resources within the context of a quality or safety issue, or a chosen diagnosis
2 : Apply an evidence-based practice model to address a practice issue.
*Explain the importance of incorporating credible evidence into an EBP model used to address a quality or safety issue, or a chosen diagnosis.
3: Plan care based on the best available evidence.
*Describe a quality or safety issue, or a chosen diagnosis, that could benefit from an evidence-based approach.
***References should be no more than 5 years old.

How can supply-chain management increase efficiency and customer satisfaction?

 Rapid Learning Activity Learning Outcomes

1.What is the nature and function of distribution (place)?

2.What is wholesaling, and what are the types of wholesalers?

3.What are the different kinds of retail operations?

4.How can supplychain management increase efficiency and customer satisfaction?

5.What is promotion, and what are the key elements of a promotional mix?

6.How are advertising media selected?

7.What is personal selling?

8.What are the goals of a sales promotion, and what are several types of sales promotion?

9.How does public relations fit into the promotional mix?

10.What is social media, and how has it changed promotion?

11.What is ecommerce, and how does it affect promotion?

How will these techniques be useful in your future role as a MSN-prepared nurse leader?

Implications of Personal Leadership Style

Emotionally incompetent behaviors can destroy a team’s ability to achieve a specific goal. Consider the following list of emotionally incompetent behaviors :

Acting as a devil’s advocate

Displaying a bad attitude

Displaying a superior attitude

Tolerating errors

Failing to balance work and relaxation

Select one behavior from the list above (Failing to balance work and relaxation), and complete the following:

– State the selected behavior.

– Develop a fictitious example that demonstrates the selected behavior.

– Considering your selected leadership style that was identified in Week 1 (transformational leadership), describe two techniques that a leader could use to help develop the individual.

– Explain how the techniques are reflective of the leadership style you have identified.

– How will these techniques be useful in your future role as a MSN-prepared nurse leader?


Why are self-care and self-leadership important, and how do they relate to one’s competency as a leader? How is self-care related to self-leadership?

Leading and Caring for Oneself

MSN-prepared nurses serve as leaders across a wide array of healthcare and organizational contexts, influencing individuals, teams, organizations, and communities. Recognizing this far-reaching impact of the MSN-prepared nurse as leader in shaping healthcare and the profession, respond to the following.

– Why are self-care and self-leadership important, and how do they relate to one’s competency as a leader? How is self-care related to self-leadership?

– Based upon the Chamberlain Care Model (attached below), what are the implications when adequate self-care is present? What are the implications when self-care is lacking or absent?

– How are self-care and self-leadership reflected in the principles of authentic leadership?

– What are the implications of effective self-leadership and self-care in your future MSN role? Provide two recommendations to further cultivate self-care and self-leadership.

*Include current, peer-reviewed scholarly support (dated within the last 5 years) to validate your work

Analyze why the Region has shown proclivity to incubate populist leaders and why these leaders have obtained (in so many occasions) unrestricted support and appreciation from the masses.

Populism has been a staple in Latin American politics. 

Analyze why the Region has shown proclivity to incubate populist leaders and why these leaders have obtained (in so many occasions) unrestricted support and appreciation from the masses.

These analysis questions are away for students to think critically but also engage with one another.

Describe the place and its history, explaining why and how the adherents of a particular religion use it.

Writing Assignment 2 Parameters and Standards

All religions have places (or spaces) that are considered important for their adherents. Often called

“sacred or religious spaces,” these locations can take many forms and serve a variety of functions. They

can be structures that are utilized by the faithful in ritual and/or ceremony, shrines to commemorate

special places, landmarks of religious significance, or areas of terrain considered important. For this

writing, compose an essay in which you explore one of the religious spaces (or places) provided below.

Describe the place and its history, explaining why and how the adherents of a particular religion use it.

Explain your client’s trauma issues (thoughts, behaviors, internal dynamics) through the theoretical framework of your chosen treatment modality.

Trauma treatment

You are to present a comprehensive brief assessment and in-depth treatment plan of a client that is diagnosed with a trauma disorder (such as PTSD, Complex PTSD, Developmental Trauma Disorder, or is a survivor of inter-generational or relational trauma) as follows:
-First, describe your client briefly and the presenting issue.

-Then, choose a treatment model (examples: CBT,  TF-CBT,  DBT,  Exposure Therapy,  Somatic Experiencing, IFS, Psychodrama, Art Therapy, Play Therapy, a psychoanalytic approach or another model approved by the professor) and give a brief overview of it.

-Explain your client’s trauma issues (thoughts, behaviors, internal dynamics) through the theoretical framework of your chosen treatment modality. (Example: If you chose CBT, it is based on several theories. How would these theories explain your client’s functioning?)

-Choose specific interventions from your chosen treatment model and explain how you would apply them to your client. Be thorough and in depth.

-Explain in-depth why you think these interventions would be successful with your particular client and why they might not be successful.

-Explain what you learned from this paper.


Identify the season during which retrieval services are most often used for respiratory conditions.

 Intending to identify the impact of COVID-19 on referral service delivery.

Identify the changes in referral patterns for respiratory conditions after the pandemic.

Identify patients’ demographics and patterns of respiratory diagnosis.

Measure the rate of paediatric referrals related to respiratory conditions.

Explore PICU outcomes (i.e., mortality and length of stay).

Compare the respiratory patterns before and after the pandemic.

Evaluate the associations among respiratory patterns, gender, and age.

Identify the season during which retrieval services are most often used for respiratory conditions.

Explore the patients’ lengths of hospital stays after referral.

Identify changes that must be documented as references for possible future pandemics.

Discuss the pros and cons of automating that task or function. In your response, be sure to consider both organizational and employee perspectives.

Pick a human resource task or function that tends to be time consuming for HR practitioners. Discuss the pros and cons of automating that task or function. In your response, be sure to consider both organizational and employee perspectives.