
How did the ads appeal (or not appeal) to your identity as an individual or as a part of the larger society and culture to draw your interest?

 Address the following questions in your initial post:

What about the advertisements made you curious, shocked, or interested in taking a closer look?

How did the ads appeal (or not appeal) to your identity as an individual or as a part of the larger society and culture to draw your interest?

Describe health risks and health behaviors that were identified in the volunteer interview, and prioritize a health promotion need.

Health History and Analysis

For this short paper, you will reflect on the compilation and analysis of data collected during the patient volunteer health history interview. You will provide a brief synopsis of the health history information that was collected.

Describe health risks and health behaviors that were identified in the volunteer interview, and prioritize a health promotion need.


What is your opinion or input in solving the issues under discussion? Discuss the importance, the implications, precautions if any, the adverse effects and how to avoid them, any contra-indications, equipment needed or procedure.

Radiation Exposures and Protection in Computed Tomography

Literature Review
(Summarize, in your own words, the main points of the articles reviewed. Talk about the findings and how they relate to your topic. If it involves describing a radiation accident, equipment, process, or procedure, be sure to describe your content and all the steps involved in sequence)

(Tie everything together; and give your own opinion on the articles reviewed. What is your opinion or input in solving the issues under discussion? Discuss the importance, the implications, precautions if any, the adverse effects and how to avoid them, any contra-indications, equipment needed or procedure. Perform comparative analysis, including the advantages and disadvantages if any)

Explain the reasoning behind your recommendation and use reliable sources, such as the textbook and other course resources, to support your position.

Business Ethics report

Evaluate whether the company has an ethical and/or legal obligation to report the breach to its customers. Your evaluation should be framed as a report for the owner, Clare, that includes the following sections and information. Cite your sources using APA style.

Include a definition of ethics and explanation of how ethics compares to law.

Provide an explanation of corporate social responsibility and how it relates to ethical business practices.


Provide a summary of the ethical and/or legal issues involved in this situation.

Briefly describe the relevant stakeholders, the key facts, and the potential implications or impact of the situation.

Provide your recommendation for a course of action supported by relevant resources, such as specific laws and commonly accepted ethical practices.

Explain the reasoning behind your recommendation and use reliable sources, such as the textbook and other course resources, to support your position.

Describe how advances in technology in today’s business world have both legal and ethical implications.

What leadership knowledge, skills, and attitudes (KSA’s) did the person possess within the Chamberlain College of Nursing Conceptual Framework (Holistic health, Person-centeredness, Focus on care, Professional identity formation, Extraordinary nursing, Cultural humility)?

Effective Leadership

Reflect upon a leader who impacted your practice

– How was this person an effective leader?

– What leadership knowledge, skills, and attitudes (KSA’s) did the person possess within the Chamberlain College of Nursing Conceptual Framework (Holistic health, Person-centeredness, Focus on care, Professional identity formation, Extraordinary nursing, Cultural humility)?

– Discuss the significance of leadership competencies and personal leadership style related to your future MSN role and specialty track and how this may attribute to your growth as a leader.

Should social scientists be permitted to conduct replications of Milgram’s obedience experiments ? Can you justify such research as permissible by the current NASW ethical standards ?

Should social scientists be permitted to conduct replications of Milgram’s obedience experiments ? Can you justify such research as permissible by the current NASW ethical standards ?

What new insights did you gain through this reflective practice opportunity? How will this apply to your practice as a nurse practitioner?

Nursing knowledge is classified in a variety of ways, one of which is Carper’s Patterns of Knowing (Carper, 1978). Carper’s framework offers a lens through which the nurse can reflect upon insights acquired through empirical, ethical, personal, and aesthetic knowledge (Carper, 1978). Through intentional reflection using Carper’s Patterns of Knowing, nurses can process experiential learning and knowledge acquired through practice. The purpose of this assignment is to reflect upon a specific practice situation and better understand the professional knowledge and insights obtained through that experience.

Select an important nursing issue/topic that was inherent to the identified situation.

Briefly explain the situation

Identify the nursing issue inherent in the identified situation

As a method of refection, use Carper’s Patterns of Knowing to analyze the situation. In your discussion, address ONE of the following Patterns of Knowing:

What do you think was the underlying reason for the situation?

What were your thoughts and feeling in the situation?

What was one personal belief that impacted your actions?

What evidence in nursing literature supports the nursing importance of the identified issue?

What new insights did you gain through this reflective practice opportunity? How will this apply to your practice as a nurse practitioner? Be sure to use scholarly literature to support your position.

Describe how concepts such as RISC, pipelining, cache memory, and virtual memory have evolved over the past 25 years to improve system performance.

Describe how concepts such as RISC, pipelining, cache memory, and virtual memory have evolved over the past 25 years to improve system performance.

Analyze the impact the agency or body has on quality at each level of health care.

Regulatory Agencies and Accrediting Bodies

This assignment is designed to give you a greater understanding of regulatory agencies and accreditation bodies, including their functions, public reporting requirements, and the how they impact quality and safety.

Select and evaluate a regulatory agency or accrediting body in Philadelphia PA.

Discuss the history of the agency or body.

Explain the reason for its existence.

Summarize the agency’s public reporting of quality indicators:


Where they are reported

Why public reporting of these metrics is important

Explain how the agency or body operates:

Current function

Organizational structure


Analyze the impact the agency or body has on quality at each level of health care:

Health care organizations

Nursing practice

Patient care


Explain the differences between Intense heat and Gentle heat-What is the importance of oil and space when roasting vegetable

Discuss the overall role of fat in foods

-Ms. Nosrat speaks of the 5 distinct textures of fat.

Which do you feel is the most important of the 5 and why?

SALT:-Discuss the overall role of salt in foods

-How can be salt be “saltier”?

-Explain the philosophy of the salt to water balance when blanching Acid

-Discuss the overall role of acid in foods-What do you think the term “balance” means with regards to acid?

-How do you think foods that are not usually considered acidic could be used in cooking?

Explain the differences between Intense heat and Gentle heat-What is the importance of oil and space when roasting vegetables