
Explain how the French colonial war turned into a battle in the Cold War.

The French War
Explain how the French colonial war turned into a battle in the Cold War. Specifically address how the Unites States agencies differed and were the same on tactics in Vietnam and even if we should be involved. You have a lot of freedom here to write about the topics you are interested in, just be sure to build a case about American Involvement from the document.

discuss the integration of race, gender and economics in sport. Then select the one you think is the most important in sport today and explain why.

Answer the following prompt in essay format. Keep in mind that spelling and punctuation count and that first drafts are never any good. Your answers/arguments will be much clearer if you take the time to edit and proofread your work.

The purpose of these essays are to demonstrate your knowledge of the readings and lectures. Provide your educated opinion and use sources to support your beliefs. Make sure you cite your sources in-text and with a reference page. You may use APA or MLA.
For this essay, Discuss the integration of race, gender and economics in sport. Then select the one you think is the most important in sport today and explain why.

Identify three to four goals that can be used for strategic planning and organizational development. 

Perform a SWOT analysis of your current place of employment (or a place of employment with which you are very familiar).

In a formal APA paper, describe the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats of the organization.

Identify three to four goals that can be used for strategic planning and organizational development.

Use the findings to define your organization’s competencies and competitive advantage. This assignment should be 3-5 pages in length with the exception of the title and reference pages.

What are the strengths and weaknesses? What, specifically, would you (or can you) change concerning the current policy, practice(s), and system(s) in regards to performance appraisal in order to make it more meaningful?

In a 2-3 page paper, briefly describe how you currently evaluate your employees’ job performance.  describe how your own performance is evaluated.

What are the strengths and weaknesses? What, specifically, would you (or can you) change concerning the current policy, practice(s), and system(s) in regards to performance appraisal in order to make it more meaningful? How might you go about this?

How could these sources of competition impact your organization and how might your leadership team avert or respond to them?


What are 3 industry scenarios that could evolve over the next 36 months that threaten the organization?

What options does your organization have for preempting or responding to the potential scenarios?


What 3 big competitive opportunities would your organization be pursuing if it were more agile?

3. Obstacles

What 3 obstacles exist that prevent your organization from being strategically agile?

What is your organization doing to address these obstacles?


Sources of competition What are 3 new possible sources of competition your organization may not have explored within the last 6 mo, but could potentially encounter?

5. Potential market disruptions

How could these sources of competition impact your organization and how might your leadership team avert or respond to them?

6. Market vigilance

What strategy could a competitor pursue over the next year that could cause a major market disruption?

7. Partnership potential

What strategy would your leadership team have in place to outsmart the major market disruption considered?

What vigilance strategies is your organization instituting to enhance its ability to quickly sense new market anomalies?

To what extent is your organization taking advantage of sophisticated predictive analytics that could anticipate shifting market and business trends?

Which of the organization’s customers represents the best leading indicator of future market opportunities?

What potential organizations could your institution partner with to drive changes in the marketplace?

Resources8. Recent destabilizers

Have you made major recent cuts particularly in human resources that could preclude your organization’s agility and growth potential?

9. Economic fluidity

How is your organization compensating for recent destabilizing cuts?

Has your organization been able to cut costs to maximize its agility through financial reserves?

Leadership10. Internal leadership

Who within the organization can be tapped as an emerging leader who could augment the formal leadership team to take advantage of market volatility?

Which portion of the organization needs to be fortified the most to maximize agility?

what policies, practices, and systems you believe have the most impact on your employees’ job performance in either a favorable or unfavorable way?

Use law enforcement/police type examples.

1) What policies, practices, and systems you believe have the greatest impact on your own, personal job performance in either a favorable or unfavorable way?

2) If you are currently a manager, what policies, practices, and systems you believe have the most impact on your employees’ job performance in either a favorable or unfavorable way? If you are not currently a manager, what policies, practices, or systems have the most favorable or unfavorable impact on your work unit or team that you are a member of?

3) How does the theory of reasoned action relate to these?Might want to read the short articles about Patagonia and The Container Store as a primer; see links in this module.

What did you learn about the field of education from this movie? What messages are explicit and what messages are implied?

Comparative Cultures

Images of Education in Media

How are the characters (e.g. students, teachers, administrators, counselors, parents, etc.) portrayed? DO NOT ONLY FOCUS ON ONE OR TWO- Focus on as many characters as you can!

How is the setting depicted?

What dilemmas are faced?

What are the dominant voices in this clip? What voices are missing?

How does this movie compare to your own personal experiences?

What did you learn about the field of education from this movie? What messages are explicit and what messages are implied?

How does G.R.E.A.T. work? Does G.R.E.A.T. seem like a successful program? Why or why not?

Read the results from a multi-site intervention of G.R.E.A.T. How does G.R.E.A.T. work? Does G.R.E.A.T. seem like a successful program? Why or why not? Use specific details from the study to support your answer but do not quote the article directly. (This may be annoying, but the point is to have you practice writing in your own voice.)

How does the logic of gang intervention, as described by Pyrooz, hurt the effectiveness of G.R.E.A.T.?

What specific factors, people, and events make your career development different from any other person?

Analyze your career association

The purpose of this assignment is for you to personally analyze your own career socialization. What factors, influences, and events have shaped your own career development? This paper should capture a personal and career analysis of your life form the values, attitudes, and behaviors that you have developed up to this point in your life.

What specific factors, people, and events make your career development different from any other person? For example, how has your career development been differentially affected by

1) your early childhood experiences,

2) your parent of family values,

3) societal influences in school, the media, and overall values of the American culture,

4) your personality,

5) socioeconomic, race, class, ethnic, and religious factors,

7) specific events or transitions in your life,

8) psychosocial, emotional, and psychological barriers/problems.

What are the positives and negatives concerning your students using both MAPP and Onet?

Career Counseling Assessment

Take the ONet and MAPP online. What are the positives and negatives concerning your students using both MAPP and Onet?

What’s Your Career Type? RIASEC Free online self directed search
Naviance (password given by instructor)

After completing the various assessments listed above, provide a concept map that provides a visual understanding of both the experience and your results. The map will need to begin with an overview of your total experience working with the assessments.

Then it must provide a breakdown of the each of assessment as to what type it is, how accurate/applicable it was, and how that assessment could be used in a school setting.