
Identify one (1) actual and one (1) potential healthcare problems that the nurse is accountable and responsible to treat.

Nursing Diagnosis
This is where you present your actual and potential diagnosis. Remember these are based on the data that you have gathered. In this section you need to structure both actual and potential nursing diagnosis using the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association’s Taxonomy of Nursing Diagnosis (NANDA). We discussed and developed these within each lecture throughout the semester (first year). There is a link to the Nursing Diagnosis textbook available on the LMS in the online resources tab. Remember an actual diagnosis reflects immediate and currently present signs and symptoms, while the potential diagnosis is based on risk factors that might develop into an actual problem for the patient.
Diagnosis One (there is two Nursing Diagnosis):

Identify one (1) actual and one (1) potential healthcare problems that the nurse is accountable and responsible to treat.

The problems identified in this discussion are to directly link to the patient’s abnormal assessment findings outlined in the assessment data. In addition, the problem must be linked to the defining characteristics of the patient’s disease process.

The actual and/or potential healthcare problem MUST be written using NANDA taxonomy.

What do these students need to know about the world of work? Students have become accustom to the school setting and the policies and procedures of their current environment?

Careers of future

What is the best career choice for the future? Should you choose something you think you’ll like or would it be better to do an analysis of the job market and see where the most growth is expected to be for certain career choices in the future?

What about the work environment. Some students will be working part-time jobs and some students will have the opportunity to do internships in their fields of interest.

What do these students need to know about the world of work? Students have become accustom to the school setting and the policies and procedures of their current environment?

How do we prepare student for the work environment? look at the research that has addressed these concerns and share your insights.

Identify areas of challenge for each principle and share your “next steps “for refining your practice across the 3 principles

UDL Guideline Activity

Refer to the the UDL Guidelines with hyperlinks (below) as a reference as you complete your self-assessment.

To what extend are you embedding the principles of UDL into your lesson/unit planning to meet diverse needs?

For this assignment you will engage in self-assessment to assess your capacity to embed each of the principles of UDL into your practice.

This activity supports you to build on your previous reflection by identifying your areas of strength pertaining to each principle using the UDL guidelines.

Identify areas of challenge for each principle and share your “next steps “for refining your practice across the 3 principles


How could you incorporate listening for needs, purpose, or concern to create value in the conversation (including describing what that would look like)?

The conversation could have been a long time ago or recently.

A. Explain what happened during the disagreement by answering the following questions:

• Describe the situation that led to the conversation.

• When did you realize that there was a disagreement during the conversation?

• Describe a bio-reaction(s) that was experienced during the disagreement.

• How did the conversation end?

B. Analyze the conversation by answering the following questions:

• Using the four levels of the conversation meter, what level were you listening at, and what level was the other person listening at?

• Give examples of two factors that describe how you and they were listening in at these levels in the conversation meter: feelings, behaviors, language, or tone.

• What were your points of alignment or disagreement?

C. Reflect on how the conversation encouraged you to listen differently by answering the following questions:

• How could you have listened differently moving up the conversation meter, and what effect would that have had on the disagreement?

• How could you incorporate listening for needs, purpose, or concern to create value in the conversation (including describing what that would look like)?

• What have you learned about accuracy and authenticity that could be used to improve the conversation?

D. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

Do you think that your article is a fair representation of the topic and the world of work today?

Find an article that discusses one of the following topics in relation to the topics of careers: racism, discrimination, sexism, power, privilege, or oppression.

This article does not have to be from a scholarly resource. Review and critique the article.Do you think that your article is a fair representation of the topic and the world of work today?

Describe the relevant background to the question. What is the situation today, how did it get that way, etc?

I. Introduction

Attention Getter this one it could be a personal story that is metaphorically related to the issue if your topic is about conflict you could start with a story about fighting with your siblings. Or, if you are the more serious type, start with a quotation about the topic.

II. Body

Background-here describe the relevant background to the question. What is the situation today, how did it get that way, etc?

Your Second Reason for Your Answer-unpack the second reason why you answered the question the way you did in the thesis.


Explain the nature of selected sources and their relevance of sources to the research paper

Annotated bibliography

The annotated bibliography contributes to the research project by helping you collect and analyze your sources.

Identify valid and reliable sources that can be used in the composition of a research paper

Explain the nature of selected sources and their relevance of sources to the research paper

Set up an annotated bibliography in APA format

Demonstrate accurate grammar and mechanics in writing

Elaborate on the skills you possess that will help you be successful in our nursing program and the nursing profession.

• Maximum of one page typed double-spaced with one inch margins

• Top left of essay in single space will include the following: o Date (Month, Day, Year
Nursing is a rewarding and demanding career; some even describe it as a noble calling.

• Describe what factors led you to choose nursing as your career.

• Elaborate on the skills you possess that will help you be successful in our nursing program and the nursing profession.

This essay will help to provide evidence of your ability to communicate effectively through written words. Language, grammar and expression of id will be reviewed for clarity. Attention will be placed on formatting requirement as being indicative of the ability to follow directions.

Identify and explain the speaker’s primary argument related to teens joining gangs.

The New American Hustle by Shadeed Wallace Stepter Ted Talk

Watch the video and address the following:

Identify and explain the speaker’s primary argument related to teens joining gangs.

Identify and explore two arguments the speaker made that you agreed with or not.

How did the invention/use of the printing press impact the Protestant Reformation?

For this discussion, watch the four parts of the film Luther below. This movie details the life of the reformer Luther. After watching the movie, answer the questions below.

Luther Movie Part 1 (Links to an external site.)

Luther Movie Part 2 (Links to an external site.)

Luther Movie Part 3 (Links to an external site.)

Luther Movie Part 4 (Links to an external site.)

1. What was the purpose of selling indulgences?

2. Which groups were impacted the most by the selling of indulgences?

3. What were the practices of the church that were considered corrupt?

4. How did the invention/use of the printing press impact the Protestant Reformation?

5. What were the political and social ramifications of the Reformation?

6. What was Luther's "new" theology? How did explain the relationship between humans and God in a way that was different than Catholicism?