
Discuss how 4Ocean uses merchandise created from ocean pollution plastic to support different ocean conservation causes

Support of government agency ocean conservation efforts by private organizations


-List limitations of government agencies in ocean conservation efforts including limited funding

-Example of 4Ocean as a private organization with the specific goal of ocean conservation

-Discuss how 4Ocean uses merchandise created from ocean pollution plastic to support different ocean conservation causes

-Describe ways 4Ocean uses media to raise awareness of ocean conservation including online presence and endorsement of public figures and influential business and government persons

-List ways 4Ocean and other private organizations have made a direct or indirect impact on ocean conservation laws and policies

(Note this essay will describe 4Ocean as an example organization but will also have a general overview of government agencies’ interactions with private organizations)
This an Oceanography course.

Identify the common threats to internal and external validity to findings using this design.

Peer Reviewer:
What type of design was used? Describe this design and why it was appropriate for this research hypothesis.

Describe the groups in the sample.

Was a power analysis performed after the research design was chosen? Was the actual sample size large enough based on the power analysis?

Detailed description of the treatment/intervention.

Identify the common threats to internal and external validity to findings using this design.

Explain the extent to which the findings of the study are generalizable.

What are the limitations of this study?

What statistical tests should be run based on this research design?

Is this a strong research design, why or why not? What can be done to improve that?

What messages can an infant/toddler environment send to the family members who come in and out on a regular basis? Is there a message that you think is particularly important for families of infants and toddlers?

Include responses to the following guiding questions in your reflection.
• What did you learn about high quality indoor and outdoor environments for infants and toddlers? Be specific. Be sure you share what you learned from there sources in this Module.

• What messages can an infant/toddler environment send to the infants and
toddlers who spend time there? What do you think is the most important message
for infants and toddlers?

• What messages can an infant/toddler environment send to the family members who come in and out on a regular basis? Is there a message that you think is particularly important for families of infants and toddlers?

• Can an environment send a message to the people who work in the environment?
Why or why not?
Check your document for correct grammar, spelling, and formatting.

Which of the three issues Dr. Davis is taking to the Management Committee are procedural decisions and which are policy decisions? Be sure to explain your answer.

Read the Midwest Hospital case available in this week’s LibGuide. Answer these questions about the case:

Which of the three issues Dr. Davis is taking to the Management Committee are procedural decisions and which are policy decisions? Be sure to explain your answer.

Write policy statements for those of Dr. Davis’ issues that pertain to policies and write procedures for those issues that pertain to decisions that are procedural.

What is the value of having an ethics program (and related programs like safety programs) and what are the responsibilities of front line leaders/supervisors and the workers when they face dilemmas such as the one described?

Jerry knows he right. He used to do it himself before the rule was put in place. Also, the soil is clearly a cohesive soil and it highly unlikely that it will collapse.

And although there is an organizational policy to use a trench box for trenches deeper than 5 feet, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) does not have jurisdiction over municipalities in Nebraska because municipalities are political subdivisions of the State. The only entity regulating safety policies is the Citys Safety Director and he took the day off.

In this scenario, to what extent do you think allowing the crew into the trench without a trench box would be pushing (or exceeding) the limit?

Discuss any ethical grey areas in this scenario?

What in your mind is the right thing to do?

What is the value of having an ethics program (and related programs like safety programs) and what are the responsibilities of front line leaders/supervisors and the workers when they face dilemmas such as the one described?

What would you stress to your staff in a debriefing meeting to address this incident?

Implicit Bias in Nursing

The son of a patient you have been taking care of for many years in your nurse practitioner clinic arrives with his mother. He is a 56-year-old white man from a rural community in upstate New York. Your nurse who is African American, is bringing patients back to be seen. Your patient’s son tells the front desk staff that he does not want “That black girl touching my mother.” As a nursing leader, how should you proceed?

As a leader you must address the needs of the patient, the family member and your staff. What would you stress to your staff in a debriefing meeting to address this incident?

Which factors influence teacher perceptions and attitudes regarding standards implementation?

Leadership and finance for effective service delivery

Standards offer a foundation for helping teachers decide what students should know and be able to do. The implementation of standards is difficult for some teachers while others embrace implementation without concern.

After developing a comparative table, justify why some teachers have a positive attitude towards standards while other teachers struggle. Utilize research studies to compare and contrast variables impacting perceptions and interventions which promote implementation.

Research P-12 national, state, and district standards which have served as a guide for teacher instruction and formative and summative assessments for student learning.

In a comparative table, use research studies to compare and contrast the perception of teachers based on variables including (but not limited to) the number of years teaching, demographic served, and location in the U.S.

Justify why some teachers have a positive approach to implementation of the standards while other teachers struggle or resist.

Which factors influence teacher perceptions and attitudes regarding standards implementation?

What data support standards implementation reform?

How can leaders promote buy-in, compliance, and application fidelity?

Discuss your views and examine at least three things that you find most motivating, based on the theories presented in the module.

Motivation and Emotion

STEP 1: Respond to the following prompt in a post of at least 300 words:

What motivates you to do your schoolwork for this course or for other classes?

Discuss your views and examine at least three things that you find most motivating, based on the theories presented in the module.

Why did you choose the pop culture hero  to write about a positive or negative hero for us today? How so?

Humanities: Myths and Stories

Write a detailed essay comparing the superhero Thor’s characteristics to the description of the “world myth” in Chapter 3 of Janaro and Altshuler: . In your essay, explore the following: Why did you choose the pop culture hero  to write about a positive or negative hero for us today? How so?

Why does Socrates refuse to pay a fine and accept the death penalty? Does this indicate that Socrates is crazy or a man of immense integrity?

Here Socrates is charged of impiety. In your view, do you agree with the Jury’s decision? Is Socrates guilty of corrupting the youth of Athens with his anti-democratic message? Is philosophy a dangerous discipline?

Why does Socrates refuse to pay a fine and accept the death penalty? Does this indicate that Socrates is crazy or a man of immense integrity?