
What is the practicum site problem (practice problem for case-study option students) you have identified?


The purpose of this session is to help you clearly define your practice question, and to ensure you have identified an appropriate evidence-based intervention to support the rigor of your project.

Answer the following questions using diabetes

My practicum will be on diabetics, either newly diagnosed or prediabetics. I will be doing the case study version so for those questions that do not need to be answered I put NOT APPLICABLE.

1. What is the practicum site problem (practice problem for case-study option students) you have identified?

2. How was this problem brought to your attention?

3. What is your goal for your DNP project; that is, what do you hope to accomplish?

4. How many participants do you anticipate being involved (or would be involved) in your project? (clearly identify if participants are patients, nursing staff, or others)

5. Has the practicum site provided you a letter of support on letterhead, stating that you can implement this project at the facility? (Not required for case-study option students) NOT APPLICABLE

6. Have you identified if there is an IRB process that needs to be done at the site? If, no, please make sure you get a letter from the site stating there is no IRB. If there is IRB needed from the site, please make sure to identify what is needed for the process so you may begin the necessary steps as soon as possible. (Not required for case-study option students) NOT APPLICABLE

7. In your search of the literature, what evidence-based intervention and tool (if necessary) have you identified for your project?

8. Has this tool been previously utilized with the same population of participants you plan to use?

9. Have you requested permission from the original author to use the tool?

10. Have you considered the implementation timeframe of eight – ten weeks, and do you feel you can successfully implement this project within the established timeframe?

11. What type of statistical analysis will you use to evaluate your project outcomes?

12. Have you identified a statistician to assist with your data analysis?

(Not required for case-study option students) NOT APPLICABLE

12. So, with this in mind, what is your practice question in the PICOT format? What are the elements of your PICOT question?

13. Population

14. Intervention

15. Comparison

16. Outcome

17.Time frame

what are the political and social issues that influence the theory and practice of global criminal justice?

Critical Terms and Their Implications

For this discussion, you are tasked with identifying, differentiating between, and discussing the following terms:

International and comparative criminal justice.

Transnational and international crimes.

Politicized justice.

As you examine these new terms that are specific to the course, what are the political and social issues that influence the theory and practice of global criminal justice?comparative criminal justice

What advice would you give him about how to conduct an interview? Use recommendations from your reading to support your answer.

Thinking about Industrial/Organizational Psychology

STEP 1: Respond to the following questions in a post of at least 275 words:

1. After reading this module, what topic or topics in I/O psychology seemed most interesting to you? Why? What other things would you like to know about this topic?

2. One of your friends started a window washing business a few years ago, and his business has slowly grown. He’s now at the point where he needs to hire employees.

What advice would you give him about how to conduct an interview? Use recommendations from your reading to support your answer.

Discuss how you understand Grief and Loss as part of trauma therapy and mention case examples and relate it to the articles.

Grief Loss and Trauma

Discuss how you understand Grief and Loss as part of trauma therapy. mention case examples and relate it to the articles. Make sure your posting is reflective of your reviewing your readings.

Describe anything you noticed about the way the performers played/sang the music.

The numbers and types of instruments or voices used

Audience etiquette –When did people clap? Did they scream or cheer on the performers or were they quiet?

Performance style: Describe anything you noticed about the way the performers played/sang the music.

Use musical terminology to describe the music such as: melody, harmony, dynamics, texture, and rhythm.

Did the composer use motives or short, melodic ideas? How were they developed?

Were they expanded, shortened, or moved around to different keys?

Describe how the music made you feel or what it made you think of.

Did it make you think of a scene or story?

Which piece did you enjoy the most? Why? ( use musical terminology in your answers)

Which piece did you enjoy the least? Why?

Did you have a favorite group or soloist?

Describe some of the unorthodox strategies covered by Terri’s during this era that made Lockheed become “a byword for the shady practices of American multi-national corporations, and a major impetus for new legislation”.

Lockheed has an interesting history that seemed innocent enough up until around the 1950s.

Describe some of the unorthodox strategies covered by Terri’s during this era that made Lockheed become “a byword for the shady practices of American multi-national corporations, and a major impetus for new legislation”.

On the issue of overseas bribes, Terr’s asks the questions, “Who was hurt by the [overseas bribes to secure sales of aircraft]? The competitors, of course, but what was unethical about beating out the competition that was playing by the same rules?”.

What do you think about a situation where underhanded and back door deals are the way the game is played if everybody is on the same playing field? That is to say, if everybody is playing by the same shady rules, is it unethical to compete?

Why was the DII so important to the eventual success of Lockheed Martin’s ethics program?

Discuss Norman Augustine’s and Dilbert’s contribution in helping Lockheed Martin turn the corner with its ethics program.

Create a resume explaining why you would be best for this position attacking the effective bullet points in the statement above.

Create a Resume

Are you young hungry and ready for that role?
You have to be local, Drive your own car, be on brand, self/starter, hungry, organized have common sense, think 3 steps ahead, and be able to move around a rapper”

Create a resume explaining why you would be best for this position attacking the effective bullet points in the statement above

State how you also have a great personality, smart, funny , quick wit, family members in entertainment, book smart, street smart, punctual with talent, no gang affiliation.

would you recommend as an appropriate interview? How would you assess for the KSAs?

Industrial- Organizational Psychology

In this assignment, you will write an essay of 600 words about a profession you might enter.

Step 1: Consider what kind of job you would like to have when you “grow up,” then do a search on ONet (Links to an external site.) for at least three jobs that fit the designation of something you would be interested in doing.

Read about the jobs paying close attention to the KSAs, then pick one to focus on for this assignment.

STEP 2: In your own words, write a summary about what KSAs are needed for your preferred future profession. Were there any KSAs that were surprising, or were others missing? What else did you learn about the job at this website?

STEP 3: Imagine you were going to hire someone to work in the profession you selected. Based on what you learned in this module about selecting employees, what would you recommend as an appropriate interview? How would you assess for the KSAs? Be sure to also consider how you might avoid bias during the interview process.

Discuss how you understand the differences between single catastrophic events and chronic trauma e.g. sexual abuse.

Understanding Psychological Trauma & the example of Refugees as discussed by Dr. Essam Naod

Watch this video or refer to our lecture in class.

Discuss how you understand the differences between single catastrophic events and chronic trauma e.g. sexual abuse. As a vivid example of trauma and loss.

Video Link Below:

Discuss in detail the association between the five-factor model of personality and mental toughness.

Personality traits

Question: discuss in detail the association between the five-factor model of personality and mental toughness.