
What is described as the principal threat to biodiversity as the global economy and human population grows?

A Closer Look at the Evidence

For the first part of this assignment, answer these questions using the NASA website:

Describe the graph on the NASA website. What does it show us about the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere?

According to the following site (the United Kingdom’s National Meteorological Service), what recent event contributed to the rising carbon dioxide levels? Met Office

The supporting data on climate change are grouped into different categories on the NASA website.

How are these groups labeled? Is there agreement on these categories between the NASA website and the UK website (Met Office). If not, how do they differ?

Summarize the effects of climate change listed here in one paragraph. Be sure to address the effect of climate change on our weather and water resources.

How Can Economic Growth Become Part of the Solution?

Read the following article then answer the questions below:

Now answer the following questions regarding economic growth and climate change discussed in this article in paragraph format.

How does economic growth negatively impact other species?

What is described as the principal threat to biodiversity as the global economy and human population grows?

Is economic growth necessarily bad for our planet? What points suggest that economic growth can benefit biodiversity?

Conclude your summary by drawing connections between economic growth, climate change, habitat loss, and biodiversity.

Explain when each species became extinct and the suspected reason(s) that led to the extinction.

The first part of this assignment requires that you consider the history of extinction on our planet.

From the Sam Noble Museum, answer the following questions:

How many major mass extinction periods are listed here?

What caused each, and which major groups of species disappeared from each period?

Conduct a library or web search and find two examples of an extinct species (can be plant, animal, insect).

Explain when each species became extinct and the suspected reason(s) that led to the extinction.

 Global Climate Change

Scientists have concerns that human activities are changing our environment at rapid rates that could result in a sixth mass extinction. Let’s examine the evidence:

Define greenhouse effect. Describe which gases are important to the greenhouse effect.

What were listed as human activities related to greenhouse gas production from each link?

How do humans contribute to both climate change and major extinction events?

What specific evidence do they site for this possible event? (you may need to conduct additional research to support your findings).

How does the environment of care impact prioritizing care delivery? What is the effect on the patient outcomes?

See the attached article to help you write this one-page essay and answer the following questions.

How does the environment of care impact prioritizing care delivery?

What is the effect on the patient outcomes?

When thinking about prioritizing care, what other influences beyond the scope of the article assigned can you see as being priority considerations?


Discuss both similarities and dissimilarities. How has this impacted your personal view of the mate selection process?

Compare Mate Selection from Christian and Sociological Views

How does the sociological view of mate selection compare to the Biblical view?

Discuss both similarities and dissimilarities. How has this impacted your personal view of the mate selection process?

Clearly and without error compares mate selection from Christian and Sociological world views.

Provides numerous examples from readings and scripture to support arguments.

Clearly demonstrates how readings have impacted your view of mate selection. Uses numerous well thought out examples to support arguments.

Are there any ethical concerns identified in their report, or do you have any concerns after reading the report?”

Research Methods in Public Administration

“The mission of The Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission (JLARC) is “to conduct policy analysis, program evaluation, and oversight of state agencies on behalf of the Virginia General Assembly.”

Visit their website and select one of their recent studies to review for this assignment. Write a summary of their evaluation, and how it matches up with the various components mentioned in Chapter 12. Be specific, incorporating specific references to the evaluation, as well as to your text and the additional article on Evaluation Research in this week’s module.

Are there any ethical concerns identified in their report, or do you have any concerns after reading the report?”

What strategies should be considered to address this problem? The MORAL strategy is an example of dilemma.

Addressing a Moral Dilemma

In some instances, this may be because they lack virtues – such as moral courage, wisdom, and integrity – which are required to speak up and bring about change. In other instances, however, when organizational cultures are defensive, unsupportive, and potentially punishing, the virtue of courage may not be adequate to change a situation.
Emily is your co-worker for 5 years at the facility you are working. You noticed several times the smell of alcohol on her breath. There are also rumors among staff that she comes to work under the influence of alcohol. No one has the courage to confront this problem in the past.
After arriving at work today, you noticed that Emily was covertly drinking from a dark-colored flask in her locker at the nurse’s lounge. What would you do?

Discussion Questions:
Share your thoughts on this dilemma.

Which ethical principles are involved? Justice, beneficence, non-maleficence, accountability, fidelity, autonomy, and veracity. Choose two to discuss.

What strategies should be considered to address this problem? The MORAL strategy is an example of dilemma

Discuss any potential challenges you may face along the way and discuss how you may overcome them in terms of time management, health & wellness, and any other way(s) to help ensure academic and career success.

College Major & Career Goals

• What is your current major and career pathway?
• Generally describe your five-year academic and career plan (e.g., college, internships / work).
• Using at least two examples, describe how having a plan will help prepare you for academic success? Career success?

• Describe your interests, value

• When considering potential careers, what level of responsibility are you seeking?

• Describe your desired work environment.

• What are two occupations of interest found in O*Net?

• After reviewing the two occupations summaries in O*Net, do they match your desired level of responsibility and work environment?

• Describe your learning style and personality.

• How will understanding your learning style and personality characteristics benefit your academic and professional goals?

• Discuss any potential challenges you may face along the way and discuss how you may overcome them in terms of time management, health & wellness, and any other way(s) to help ensure academic and career success.

• Describe how having a financial plan will help you earn and save money while moving forward with academic and career goals.

How do current economic conditions affect the demand for your product? What government policies might affect the demand for this product?

Plan for Impact of Economy

you should develop a proposal for the client to plan for the impact of the economy. Make sure to include how outside forces (government policies, monetary system, etc.) might impact the client and the best ways for them to prepare for these changes in the economy (positive or negative changes).

How do current economic conditions affect the demand for your product? What government policies might affect the demand for this product? Remember to not only include what it is, but also your recommendations.

What are your career goals and how will your advanced business degree help achieve these goals?

What are your career goals and how will your advanced business degree help achieve these goals?

Discuss and react to those issues in class that interest or excite you or with which you have some experience.

Reflection Paper

• Critical analysis of assigned readings. Do not summarize the readings. Instead discuss your intellectual and emotional reactions.

• Critical reaction to class lectures, discussions, presentations, exercises and videos.  Discuss and react to those issues in class that interest or excite you or with which you have some experience.

• Implications you draw from readings and class discussion for social work practice and policy. Discuss what difference you think the readings and class material make in social work

• Examples from your field placement and life experience (yours or those of your friends or relatives).  Illustrate how the reading or class discussion increases your understanding of a particular practice situation and /or connects to a life experience or raises further questions.