
What are recommendations to avoid ethical issues when engaging in research? In the academic world, who regulates research and ensures that it is ethically sound?

Research Methods in Criminal Justice/ Ethical Issues

Identify an ethical issue that is inherent with research. How does this issue impact research?

What are recommendations to avoid ethical issues when engaging in research? In the academic world, who regulates research and ensures that it is ethically sound?

Critically discuss two recent developments in the international financial environment which appear to have impacted on your chosen company’s recent performance and development.

International Finance.

Choose a Multinational Enterprise (MNE) listed on an internationally recognized Stock Exchange (including for example, London, Dublin, New York or Paris) and avoid Banks and Insurance companies.

With selected company you are required to:

a. Critically discuss two recent developments in the international financial environment which appear to have impacted on your chosen company’s recent performance and development.

Analyze how these two developments are likely to impact on the company in the near future.

b. Discuss the following key elements of the MNE’s international financial and/or risk management strategy (and how they appear to have affected the financial performance of your chosen company):

• Sources of finance

• Dividend policy

c. With reference to your chosen Multinational Enterprise (and using the most recent annual report published), analyze the financial performance (in terms of profitability, liquidity, efficiency and investment) of the company in the two most recent consecutive financial periods using 8 different accounting ratios (prior year comparative figures will be available in the annual report).


Describe some of the changes that have taken place in healthcare delivery over the years?

Describe some of the changes that have taken place in healthcare delivery over the years?

what kinds of structural transformation might diminish the problem of white collar crime, and why are you optimistic or pessimistic about our chances of addressing this problem successfully in the future?

What, if anything, can be done about state crime and political white collar crime? Overall, what kinds of structural transformation might diminish the problem of white collar crime, and why are you optimistic or pessimistic about our chances of addressing this problem successfully in the future?

Discuss the importance of the international monetary system and the balance of payments for international trading.

Foreign markets

Why do companies enter foreign markets? Name and describe three theories of why nations trade in goods and services.

Explain the role each play in the purchase, sale, and exchange of goods and services across national borders.

Discuss the importance of the international monetary system and the balance of payments for international trading.

Discuss the impact (negative and positive) that regulation/deregulation has had on the growth and/or continued growth of inter-modal transportation in both countries.

European inter-modal rail-road freight transport (EIT)

We have discussed the expansion of the European inter-modal rail-road freight transport (EIT) under the European Union. explores the development of inter-modal transportation in the United States.

Discuss the impact (negative and positive) that regulation/deregulation has had on the growth and/or continued growth of inter-modal transportation in both countries.

Ensure you site specific examples in your paper. You are encouraged to use the internet and other sources to support your discussion.

Can meditation have a positive effect on the perception of pain in the chronic pain sufferer?

The Effects of Meditation on Chronic Pain

These 4 questions have to be addressed in the literature review. APA format for the entire paper please.

Q1.Can meditation minimize suffering for the chronic pain sufferer?

Q2.Can meditation have a positive effect on the perception of pain in the chronic pain sufferer?

Q3.Is there a particular type of meditation that has the most positive impact on minimizing the sensations of pain?

Q4.Can meditation decrease the use of medication in chronic pain sufferers?

Describe the role of federal, state and local government in preventing and controlling drug abuse.

Describe the role of federal, state and local government in preventing and controlling drug abuse.

 Describe the history, development, and significance of one religious doctrine, era of a religion’s history, or important religious figure (other than Jesus).

Describe the history, development, and significance of one religious doctrine, era of a religion’s history, or important religious figure (other than Jesus).

Describe the key demographics of the population sampled and identify the inclusion and exclusion criteria for participants.

It is important that you are able to identify, describe, and discuss the data collection and data analysis methodology used by researchers. For this milestone, dive deep into the research methods used by the authors of the study that you have selected to analyze for your final project.

For this milestone assignment, address the following in regard to the article you have selected for the final project:

Identify whether the study design is experimental or observational. Support your identification with examples from the study.

Identify the methods used to collect the data and explain why the methods are appropriate based on the research question.

Identify the data collected as quantitative or categorical. Support your identification with examples from the study.

Discuss the potential weaknesses of the data collection method used. Support your discussion with specific details.

Identify the data analysis methods used and explain why the methods are appropriate based on the research question.

Discuss the potential weaknesses of the data analysis methods used. Support your discussion with specific details from the study.

Describe the key demographics of the population sampled and identify the inclusion and exclusion criteria for participants.