
Throughout the past few years, we have witnessed an increase in the occurrence, range, and severity of California wildfires. Using Smith’s reasoning regarding the classification of ”natural” disasters as human-made occurrences, analyze the wildfires that have burned in California in recent years and determine the ways in which human (in)action has contributed to the severity of these disasters.


This Written Assignment entails two parts. First, you must do some research on the wildfires in California in recent years.  Second, you must  write  a clear, well-organized paper which answers the questions in Part II  of this assignment, while demonstrating that you have read the material in the modules.

First and foremost, we are grading your comprehension of the course material. If you do not demonstrate that you have read and understood the content from the modules, you will not receive a good grade. To get a good grade, you must show me that you have read and understood the content in the modules we have looked at so far.

Second, we are grading for critical thinking and analysis. How well do you form and support your arguments with evidence from the course material or external sources?

Third, we are grading for the mechanics – proper grammar, well-written paragraphs, answering all the questions, correct formatting of sources (if you use external sources, please use APA or Chicago Style(link is external) (link is external)to cite).

Written Assignment Instructions
In this assignment  you will build upon  concepts learned in Modules 8 and 9 by applying them to studying the "natural disaster" of wildfires in California. You may draw from relevant materials from the assigned readings, other modules, and additional outside sources.  The objective of this assignment is to increase your understanding of the relationship between vulnerability, natural hazards, and disasters, and to help you develop a more complex framework for understanding how natural disasters unfold.

Part I: Do some research
Read the following article on the nature of "natural disasters" and the complexity of Hurricane Katrina's aftermath:  Smith, Neil. “There’s No Such Thing as a Natural Disaster.” Blog. Understanding Katrina: Perspectives from the Social Sciences, June 11, 2006.(link is external)
Do some research on the factors causing the increased frequency and intensity of wildfires in California.
You will need to cite at least 3 reputable outside sources that do not include the course modules for your essay.

Part II: Write a paper
Write a 500-750 word paper that answers the following questions:

What does Smith mean when he states that there is "no such thing as a natural disaster"?
Throughout the past few years, we have witnessed an increase in the occurrence, range, and severity of California wildfires. Using Smith’s reasoning regarding the classification of  ”natural” disasters as human-made occurrences, analyze the wildfires that have burned in California in recent years and determine the ways in which human (in)action has contributed to the severity of these disasters.
How credible do you find Smith’s arguments? Is there really no such thing as a natural disaster?

You  must engage at least three course concepts  in your paper. Remember, engaging a course concept means defining that concept and explaining how it helps you think about the theme of your paper.  Please bold the concepts you engage in your paper.

Explore the sources of evidence necessary for your identified practice problem.


For this Discussion, you will explore the sources of evidence necessary for your identified practice problem. These sources of evidence may be derived from library databases related to nursing, or you may find sources necessary for your practice problem in the form of interviews or library databases related to other fields. Consider where you might explore sources of evidence for your practice problem. Where might you find these sources outside of your typical evidence locations? Consider why this exploration is important and meaningful for your proposed change.
Post a response detailing your exploration of sources of evidence for your practice problem. Consider multiple sources of evidence, rather than simply resources from the library: formal and informal interviews, national organizations, internal/external to your organization and/or practice. Consider library sources of information outside of nursing literature (e.g., business journals). Consider the impact of not including resources from specific sources. How might this create a flaw in your ability to support a proposed practice change? Be specific and provide examples.

Why did you choose this particular reading? what interested you about it? Did you find the reading beautiful? or disturbing? What did you learn about Hinduism from this reading?


This week you read two short passages by two very famous Hindus – Mahatma Gandhi and Sri Ramakrishna. For your discussion board, choose one of  these readings and discuss your thoughts and reaction to it.

  1. In your response you can respond to any of the following questions:
  • Why did you choose this particular reading? what interested you about it?
  • Did you find the reading beautiful? or disturbing?
  • What did you learn about Hinduism from this reading?
  • Is there something about the reading that confused you or that you would like to know more about?
  • Was there an idea or opinion in the reading that you strongly agreed or disagreed with? Why do you agree/disagree with it?
  1. You must also provide at least one similarity or difference between the way Hinduism is presented by both authors (this is where you can include your second quote from the other reading).



Discuss the benefits and risks associated with this strategy. What alternative international business strategy will you suggest for Tesco in Japan and why?

Business Question

Tesco relies heavily on ‘localization’ in Japan. Based on the international business strategies, multi-domestic, global, and transnational, clearly state the international business strategy which TESCO is utilizing in Japan. Discuss the benefits and risks associated with this strategy. What alternative international business strategy will you suggest for Tesco in Japan and why? You are to discuss all other international business strategies before indicating your suggestion.

What is the 1965 Hart-Celler Act and how did it affect immigration to the United States? Explain the preference system and the importance of the family reunification component of this legislation.

1965 Hart-Celler Act

What is the 1965 Hart-Celler Act and how did it affect immigration to the United States?

Explain the preference system and the importance of the family reunification component of this legislation.


Explain why you agree or disagree. Give examples

Humanities Question

The three learning theories discussed during this week are only useful to a psychologist doing research

(Classical, Operant, and Cognitive-Social learning)

Explain why you agree or disagree. Give examples


What are the short term effects and lasting impacts of crises, disasters, and traumas on culturally diverse adolescents? Consider the CDC-Kaiser Permanente adverse childhood experiences (ACE) study in your response. How could one’s spiritual beliefs serve as protective factors? Provide at least two examples considering the GCU Statement on the Integration of Faith and Work in your response.

Disasters Discussion

What are the short term effects and lasting impacts of crises, disasters, and traumas on culturally diverse adolescents? Consider the CDC-Kaiser Permanente adverse childhood experiences (ACE) study in your response. How could one’s spiritual beliefs serve as protective factors? Provide at least two examples considering the GCU Statement on the Integration of Faith and Work in your response.

This discussion question is informed by the following CACREP Standard:

2.F.3.g. Effects of crisis, disasters, and trauma on diverse individuals across the lifespan.


Write a journal response on what you take from the whole piece? What are your thoughts about Civil Disobedience By Thoreau.

Humanities Question

Write a journal response on what you take from the whole piece? What are your thoughts about Civil Disobedience By Thoreau.



Perform industry analysis: How attractive is the industry? In terms of strategy, what has the company done (or could have done) to compensate for structural disadvantages? What has it done (or could have done) to benefit from structural advantages?


Some relevant frameworks are mentioned below, but you may apply any analytical tool we investigated in this course. Consider the present and project the future of industry structure, the company’s resources and activity systems, competitive dynamics (game theory).

Prepare, alone or with one other participant, an answer the two questions . Use the frameworks below and add insights from your analysis. Be ready to stand up in class and present it for about three minutes, sans slides but with the whiteboard, if desired. Your peers will offer critique.

1. Perform industry analysis: How attractive is the industry? In terms of strategy, what has the company done (or could have done) to compensate for structural disadvantages? What has it done (or could have done) to benefit from structural advantages?

2. Assess resources and activity systems: What are some existing (or potential) internal sources of competitive advantage? What can the company do to strengthen (or realize) them?

What is the dumb elevator energy requirement of Manhattan?

Math problem rooted in Solar Energy

March 1, 2023
We hinted that even if we covered every rooftop with a solar panel in Manhattan it would be difficult to meet the energy needs to elevators alone. Estimate how much of Staten Island (% of total area of the island) would have to be covered with Solar Panels to

1. Meet the dumb elevator energy requirements of Manhattan

2. Meet the total energy needs of Manhattan

3. Meet the total energy needs of Manhattan and Staten Island

And estimate costs of land and panels. Cite your work.
1. What is the dumb elevator energy requirement of Manhattan?

  • Mass x Height
  • Elevator=1200g
  • HeightEach Floor is 4ft, Each Elevator Car aprx 12ft Height