
What are the missions of the organizations in the case study? How are the missions compatible or not?

Human Resource Case Study

Select one of these case studies and respond to the below instructions/questions (5 pages):

• What background information on the organizations is important to know?

• What are the missions of the organizations in the case study? How are the missions compatible or not?

• How were employees affected by the merger?

• What successful strategies were used with employees to achieve a successful transition?

• What other successful strategies were employed?

• What does the case study tell us about organizations adapting to changes

Additional Resources:

Describe the process (step by step) the HRM implements in developing these standards


1a. Locate five working individuals and ask them the following questions:

What motivates them in their job to performance in accordance with line with standards in their organization?  Why?

What demotivates them in their job performance? Why?

List each person separately.  For example:
Person A        Motivators                 Why
De-motivators             Why

1 b.   Now analyze the results.  What patterns, if any, have you discovered?


2.a    In this discussion, you will be using the information you discovered about motivators and demotivators. In the role of the professional HRM, it is your job is to equip managers with the information they need to do their job.  Now that you discovered information on motivators and demotivators you need to be sure they know what they can do to be sure they have a motivated and engaged workforce.  You will begin to develop a training program for them

Identify three opportunities they have for understanding motivators of their team members
Describe the impact of demotivated employees on the team and the organization

2.b. How would you measure the results of the manager/supervisor training program?


The HRM needs to complete a thorough analysis of the standards expected for each employee.

1a. Describe the process (step by step) the HRM implements in developing these standards.

1b. Why is it important to develop standards?
In your discussion, relate your answer to overall organization effectiveness.


Setting expectations and standards is an essential role for the HRM. After the HRM develops standards, it is up to the manager to describe the standards and expectations to the employees in a consistent fashion across the organization.

1.a.    What can the HRM do to ensure these job standards are relayed to individual contributors in a consistent manner?

1.b.     List 4 expectations the HRM would expect of managers to ensure the standards and expectations are delivered consistently.


How will you launch the product? Will you do a one city, one region or larger area? Will you sell it retail, online or something else?

This week’s assignment you will write about the the research you will do to launch the product. How will you launch the product? Will you do a one city, one region or larger area? Will you sell it retail, online or something else? Take a look and refer to the content provided in the folder to give you ideas. Also take a look at and watch Shark Tank shows – they give great ideas. This section will be included in your final submission. This should be at least 2 to 3 pages and should include details like dates, milestones, locations.

Feedback from my professor last week “This is looking really good here Note on target audience try to add more details in terms of age brackets, income levels, etc.”

Discuss a few strategies an HRM can use and/or advise leadership to reduce the impact of change fatigue for an organization’s employees. 


1a. Utilize the background readings and external research to briefly define and discuss change fatigue on employees in an organization.

1b. Discuss a few strategies an HRM can use and/or advise leadership to reduce the impact of change fatigue for an organization’s employees.


What role do you see the HRM playing in assuring their leadership they are capable of organizational change?


Based on the background reading and external sources (as applicable), name at least two major challenges and two major opportunities an HRM will face regarding team development during organizational change. Make sure you explain why you believe the stated challenges and opportunities.


Based on your responses in QUESTION 1, what strategies would you as the organization’s HRM apply to:

(a) overcome the challenges associated with team development during organizational change.

(b) achieve the opportunities associated with team development during organizational change.


Create a 3 min video using Monroe’s Motivated Sequence on a CSR, Diversity or Inclusion topic of your choice and submit the script you use.

Successful Sales Techniques And Management Strategies

As a conclusion from this course, you will reflect upon your learnings and takeaways from the course and create a 2 part assignment:

1. Create a development plan on how you could apply these principles in your career.

2. Create a 3 min video using Monroe’s Motivated Sequence on a CSR, Diversity or Inclusion topic of your choice and submit the script you use.

The development material should be based on learning modules from the course

The PDP should be on an airline pilot who works in management and looking to expand his knowledge and capabilities to reach C level.

Identify and evaluate historical and contemporary issues and their impact on todays life

Events/Tourism/Sport Management

Identify and evaluate historical and contemporary issues and their impact on todays life

Explain why you found it interesting, and explain why it is useful to know about this concept/a piece of information.

“Assessment in Early Childhood Education” by Worthamand Hardin”
In your initial post address both of the questions below:

Description of a concept or a piece of information from the reading you found interesting.

Explain why you found it interesting, and explain why it is useful to know about this concept/a piece of information.

Description of a concept or a piece of information from the video you found interesting.

Explain why you found it interesting, and explain why it is useful to know about this concept/a piece of information.

What type of design was used? Describe this design and why it was appropriate for this research.

Peer Review
What type of design was used? Describe this design and why it was appropriate for this research .

Describe the groups in the sample.

Was a power analysis performed after the research design was chosen? Was the actual sample size large enough based on the power analysis?

Detailed description of the treatment/intervention.

Identify the common threats to internal and external validity to findings using this design.

Explain the extent to which the findings of the study are generalization.

What are the limitations of this study?

What statistical tests should be run based on this research design?

Is this a strong research design, why or why not? What can be done to improve that?

What activities and experiences you and your child have engaged in might be promoting healthy behavioral practices and an interest in physical activity?

Address the following question and select 2 supporting examples in the description of my child’s behavior.

Also relate the description and explanations of the child’s behavior to the concepts, theories, and research that are covered in the book. Responses are to be based on theories or research, not opinion.

Question. What activities and experiences you and your child have engaged in might be promoting healthy behavioral practices and an interest in physical activity?


Demonstrate a critical understanding of the application to social work of research, theory, evidence and knowledge from social work and other relevant fields (eg sociology, social policy, psychology, technological and digital spheres, and health and human development and from the experience of people who use services)

Case Analysis

• Demonstrate a critical understanding of the application to social work of research, theory, evidence and knowledge from social work and other relevant fields (eg sociology, social policy, psychology, technological and digital spheres, and health and human development and from the experience of people who use services)

• Demonstrate a critical understanding of the legal and policy frameworks and guidance that inform and mandate social work practice, recognizing the scope for professional judgement and its importance to ethical practice. This may include Knowledge and Skills statements in adults and children’s social work.

• Demonstrate and apply to practice a working knowledge of human growth and development throughout the life course

• Recognize the short and long-term impact of psychological, socioeconomic, environmental and physiological factors on people’s lives, taking into account age and development, and how this informs practice

• Understand the value of systemic approaches and how they can be used to understand and work with the person in their environment, social context and relationships, and inform social work practice

• Acknowledge the centrality of relationships for people and the key concepts of attachment, separation, loss, change and resilience

• Understand forms of harm and their impact on people, and the implications for practice, drawing on concepts of strength, resilience, vulnerability, risk and resistance, and apply to practice

• Demonstrate a critical knowledge of the range of theories and models for social work intervention with individuals, families, groups and communities, and the methods derived from them

• Demonstrate a critical understanding of social welfare policy, its evolution, implementation and impact on people, social work, other professions, and inter-agency working

• Recognize the contribution, and begin to make use, of research and evidence to inform practice

• Demonstrate a critical understanding of research methods

• Value and take account of the knowledge and expertise of service users and carers and other professionals.

• Develop knowledge and understanding of the opportunities and risks of online communications, virtual environments and social media in social work